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To the ICMG - Printable Version

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To the ICMG - xavier - 04-05-2010

>>> Incoming Transmission <<<

Source: [color=#FFFFFF]Unknown, Relayed from Reunion Station
From: Xavier Richelieu
To: Roger Sterling, ICMG
Encryption: Standard

Director Sterling,

Bonjour and Hello. Let me introduce myself, my name is Xavier Richelieu and I am a special diplomatic envoy of The Council.

I have been notified by Cmd. Lecuyer that you wished to meet with a member of The Council with power over foriegn affairs. I myself have a great deal of power in that respect. I regret to inform you, however, that currently I am tied up in dealings with some of the local Gallic factions. If there is anything in particular you wanted to discuss I can be reached via this channel.

Xavier Richelieu

[font=Courier New][color=#FF6600]>>> End Transmission <<<

To the ICMG - Petitioner - 04-05-2010

.:incoming transmission:.
Comm ID: David Grigori
Subject: Communications with Le Conseil
To: Xavier Richelieu

"Greetings sir, your message has been forwarded to the appropriate location and you should receive a proper response in all due time. The ICMG thanks you for your patience in this matter."

[color=#FF0000][font=Fixedsys].:end transmission:.

To the ICMG - Lobster - 04-06-2010

....::::Incoming Transmission::::.....
From: ICMG Director of Foreign Affairs, Roger Sterling
Location: Dounby Station, Orkney
....::::Message Begins::::.....

[Image: ICNG_logo.PNG]

Dear Neighbors,

Fist of all, I wish to apologize for the late response. Fist there was that landing ticket on New Berlin, then the lengthy trip back to the TAUs, after that another day spent digging rocks... Ah, do pardon me, I tend to ramble. But I have come here to talk to you, not make excuses.

The ICMG makes its home in the Orkney system and we have indeed taken note of the station Reunion orbiting E-day but the sad truth is we are hardly ever in that sector of the system and have little interaction with the station and its inhabitants. I look at this and I see many things: a lack of interaction, wasted opportunities, an ignorance of the men and women we share our system with. I would dare to say that this makes the ICMG a rather bad neighbor, quite sloth-like. It is today that I would like to end this ignorance and stale relationship by saying hello to Le Council and finding out what you chaps are about, if I do say so.

We at the ICMG we like to ask a few questions:
What is Le Council?
What do you do?
How can we help improve our relations?
Is there any possibility for business between the ICMG and Le Council?

In the same vain, I have here a link to the ICMG's neural net entry. This entry is not yet complete, but I hope it may help to give a very basic understanding of the ICMG.

Also, I have a rather unorthodox request.

Where I came from, when a person moves in next door it is considered a nice gesture to bake him or her a pie of other form of pastry for them to enjoy. While we don't necessarily have that large a pie for as many people who live on your station, we would like to convey the same spirit of welcome in the form of a food shipment to Reunion. It is thus that I would like to request docking permission for one Atlas class transport to dock on your station and offload a cargo-bay of food rations. These rations would be given free of charge.

I look foreword to hearing from you Mr. Richelieu and I hope that we may foster good relations between our two groups.


Roger Sterling, Director of Foreign Affairs, ICMG

....::::Message Ends::::.....
....::::End of Transmission::::.....

To the ICMG - xavier - 04-06-2010

>>> Incoming Transmission <<<

Source: [color=#FFFFFF]Unknown, Relayed from Reunion Station
From: Xavier Richelieu
To: Roger Sterling, ICMG
Encryption: Standard

Director Sterling,

No explanations are required for the delay.

In response to your inquiries about our purpose, we are an organization devoted to protecting the rights of the Gallic people. It has become apparent that the monarchy that currently holds power in our homeland is not interested in this and so our purpose has become to end their rule. This is why we first breached the minefield and built Reunion, to show the people of Gallia there are other options.

Good relations with the people of Sirius is something we wish to achieve and help earn for all of Gallia. As for your part in this, I believe this would be better discussed in person in addition to any possible business between our people.

I will contact you on a private channel regarding this matter.

Until the time a meeting can be arranged The Council will humbly accept your offering at Reunion and we invite you to visit and explore Languedoc, the system through the Jumphole past Reunion. We are firmly in control of the entirety of the system spare a small area surrounding the jumpgate to the north. We advise you do not travel there and avoid contact with the GRN, as they are hostile to outsiders. You may be especially interested in Planet Quillan which has extensive records detailing recent Gallic history. We do ask that any visitors do not bring any ships of war into Gallic space, though, so please refrain from traveling to Gallia in any gunboats, cruisers, destroyers or battleships.

Until we speak again.

Best Regards,
Xavier Richelieu

[font=Courier New][color=#FF6600]>>> End Transmission <<<