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The Line - Nine - 04-05-2010

Division 9 Action Reports---Division 9 Dossiers

[color=#FF9966]Agathon's liberator moved gracefully towards the LPI impound yard in Illinois. He passed many ships, many transports which had been captured by pirates (and then retaken by the police), many captured pirate fighters and a few captured gunboats. Most were not in working condition as their former owners resisted capture but a few still could fly.

He approached a dry dock where the LPI's latest project sat.

Originally the plans were to gut the ship and figure out some weaknesses to use against its former owners in the future but things had changed... With the war moving along strongly resources were dwindling. More and more ships and equipment were being diverted to the Navy.

Unfortunately the pirates also took note of this and police patrols were being tested more and more. Orders had come through to get every ship that could fly in space, something that kept the LPI engineering crews extremely busy... a new LPI exclusive bomber would soon enter service... designed purely from parts of wrecked Liberators and Guardians.

Agathon had another thought...why not use some of these impounded ships to determine where the influx of pirates was coming from...perhaps even used for surprise assaults or raids on pirate bases or on supply lines. A line must be drawn, to stop further incursions.

Unfortunately, while mechanically the ship seemed quite capable of flight, the LPI pilots didn't quite seem to understand how it flew.

Deputy Chief Agathon, we've been expecting you came a voice over the communication array

Requesting priority permission to land Agathon spoke into his headset with authority

Request approved, landing bay 1 is clear

His ship slipped into the open bay, the large doors closing behind him. As he waited for the bay to pressurise, he began his shut down routine. The support crew moved in, dragging a large ladder over to the Liberator and raised it to allow Karl to descend to the deck before they secured the ship and prepared it for its later flight out.

Without so much as a word he left the docking bay and headed for the main hangar. Through view portals strategically placed along the corridor, he could see where the ship sat. It was surrounded by numerous engineers all seemingly scratching their heads. Once he reached the end of the corridor he was confronted by a large door, sealed for security..

He stepped into the arch and keyed his access code into a pad. The arch then came to life emitting a blue light as its bio sensors scanned him, confirming who he was. The door hissed open and Karl stepped into the cavernous hangar.

He walked up to where a lone Rogue Gunboat was docked and climbed up into a docking hatch. A few engineers took notice and scurried about, pretending to be hard at work.

So, how about we get this pile of junk running? he spoke up as he reached the ship's bridge.

Well... we think we can have her up and running soon but..a nervous engineer began to speak we needed to hobble together a lot of parts from various ships to get this one working.. we'll need to do do some tests

Then run the tests, are the computers up and running?

Yes, well not the original, we had to replace it with one of our own, it was far too damaged

This was troublesome, while a working ship would be an excellent asset for undercover field work, they still had no idea where the smuggling routes were exactly or where any pirate bases were. Though, he had an idea as to how he could get such information.
Ensure this ship is in running order as soon as possible and have someone prepare one of the captured bombers he ordered as he left and headed back to the docking bay where his ship waited.

Once clear of the station he turned his Liberator towards the dangerous minefield which surrounded Attica Supermax. There was someone there he needed to talk to, someone he'd specifically had transferred from Sugarland just the week before.

Attica Supermax was the most secure prison in all of Sirius. Hell.. ask any LPI officer and they would tell you its the most secure station in all of Sirius. Nobody escapes this station, nor has anyone successfully attacked it from the outside. To reach it, hostile ships must run the gauntlet of weapons platforms, Liberators, a Battleship and numerous stations. Even if they manage to reach it, they are confronted with a wall of impenetrable mines, with a labyrinth of passage ways, many of which are dead ends. Only a few select officers truly know the correct path in.

Karl landed his Liberator on the deck of the station and as per procedure another officer immediately flew it out of the mine field. Procedure stated that no ship was to be docked on the station at any time, another ship would come pick up Karl later.

He moved his way down the cell blocks, all was quiet. Most prisoners here were in permanent isolation, sealed behind massive steel doors. He approached the cell he was interested in and signalled for some officers to open the door.

He stepped into the cell and looked down at a lone outcast sprawled out on the floor.

What is his condition? Karl questioned the guards

Not good Sir, the doc says he's dying from his cardamine addiction One of the guards spoke up as he kept his rifle aimed at the Outcast, ready to fire at a moments notice.

Clear the room

Sir? the guard was puzzled, this was completely against procedure.

You heard me he waved off the guard but don't go too far

Karl just wanted the guards out of listening distance. Not that he needed them, this pathetic outcast would be of little trouble. It was doubtful he could even stand.

After the guards moved out, Karl walked up to the outcast.

They say you are still alive... you must be strong, how long has it been since you last had some of your Cardamine?

The outcast made no noise

Come on surely you have something to say, tell me, what system do your smuggler ships pass through?

You... you actually think I would tell you? spat out the Outcast between laboured breaths.

I think if I give you proper incentive you will, tell me.. does it hurt? You must be in agony right now.. craving for just a little bit of Cardamine before you die. Your whole body screaming at you for it... if you tell me what I want to know.. perhaps I can help you with that pain?

The outcast was quiet, obviously thinking... it was true he was in agony, nobody could understand the pain of Cardamine withdrawal, except someone who had gone through it themselves.. only for an Outcast it was fatal.

Come on, tell me what I want to know, make it easier for yourself, you know you will come crawling to us soon if you don't die He reached into his pocket and pulled out a Cardamine inhaler. He tossed it on the floor just out of reach of the Outcast.

The Outcast seeing this reached out, trying to get a hold of the inhaler. His fingers clawed at it, nearly getting a grip when Karl's boot came down on the Outcast's hand. His scream of pain attracted the attention of the guards who made their way into the cell, worried.

Stand your ground! he yelled at the guards, who cautiously backed off.

Now.. tell me where do your ships come from? he whispered to the Outcast.

Cor...Coronado the Outcast struggled to say.

Karl smiled and lifted his boot off the Outcast's hand but before the Oucast got a hold of the inhaler, picked it up and put it in his pocket.

Thanks, I'll come back to visit after we check that out He walked out of the cell.

You promised! the Outcast yelled furiously before he gathered the strength to fling himself at Karl. Recklessly with no regard for his own safety or condition he threw himself forward. His lust for the Cardamine clouding his judgement. Before he reached Karl he felt a sharp pain as a stunner hit him in the neck. He fell to the ground and lost consciousness.

Haha... the dog still had it in him, he just needed a little bit of encouragement.. Karl looked down in pity at the man. Lock up the cell, make sure nobody enters

Karl left the guards to their duties, he had what he had come here for. At least a start anyways. They would start their search for the Outcast smuggling routes in Coronado, near Cortez.

He waited a bit as a ship was dispatched to pick him up and take him back to One Police Plaza, where he would brief the crew selected for the mission.

The Line - Nine - 04-05-2010

A folder crossed Chief Myers' desk on Police Plaza, the LPI's fortified stronghold deep within the Illinois system. It appeared to be a regular file, except it had a large 9 printed on its outside in red ink. Anyone on the station knew that was the signal to pretend the file didn't exist. Division 9 was merely a rumor; only the Illinois ground-crews that worked on the ships and the top of the command chain knew anything about it. The rest of the LPI knew only that certain pirate ships were not to be fired upon.

To Chief Myers, however, Division 9 was a tangible entity. It was comprised of some of the best of the best; not just combat-wise, but nerves-wise. Nothing rattles a man's nerves like prolonged under-cover activity, and that was the entirety of Division 9's existence. Deep-cover amongst the pirates, pretending to be them whilst all along on the payroll of Liberty Police Inc. Deputy Chief Karl Agathon was the man heading up the Division, and had been so since his escapade to Outcast space.

Myers read through the report and nodded. He was a pragmatist to the bone, and knew which measures were necessary to keep the LPI not only as profitable, but as clean as possible. He sent out a call for Agathon to make a face-to-face report.

The Line - Nine - 04-05-2010

Deputy Chief Agathon's Liberator approached One Police Plaza and landed immediately. As soon as he exited his ship a young woman approached him. By the way she walked it was apparent she had a purpose in mind.

"Sir! welcome back. The Chief would like to see you immediately!" she reported

"Alright, thank you"

Great, often seeing the Chief never went well, though he had a thought as to what this was about. He left her in the docking bay and headed up to the Chief's office. Before arriving however he ducked into his seldom used office. There wasn't much to find here, but he had some documents in his locked filing cabinet that he would probably need.

The initial meeting with the Chief went better then could be expected... he mostly just wanted to speak about Division 9.

"Well Sir our grand plans are to eventually utilize the Outcast Cruiser which was captured about a year ago by our SWAT team, but our engineers have hit a few major snags" he handed a file to the Chief "As you can see, the Outcast sabotaged a few of its key systems before surrendering and sadly we can't get replacement parts very easily. "

That was an understatement, many of the parts could not be rebuilt or replicated and needed to be brought directly from outcast shipyards... not something that will happen any time soon. That and the engineers on the project still had no idea what most of the systems did.

"Now a little bit closer to being ready, is this" He passed a folder with the name Pontiac on its cover "Pontiac is what we've named a Rogue Gunboat which was captured recently. Unfortunately it was damaged but our engineers have mostly patched it back together using parts scavenged from ships all over our scrapyards"

The Chief looked unimpressed..

"Well Sir, the reason it isn't ready right now, is that a few needed parts are missing, and will require time to procure or recreate..."

That was the truth, in the grand scheme of things it wouldn't take that long to get the parts, but Karl knew the selected crew would need to practice and learn to control the ship, and he did not wish to rush that part of the operation.

"Now, finally we have this " He passed a third folder over "These ships are ready to go immediately. We have a Barghest Bomber, various Rogue fighters, and an assortment of other ships. These small ships proved ultimately easier to repair."

"The first Bomber to be ready has been given the code name "Razor" and I plan to send a team out in it immediately to the likely location of a smuggling route in the Coronado system"

"I've hand picked a team to go undercover. Completely reliable, completely loyal. Razors"

The bomber was infact parked in a dark hanger few Officers knew of and was being prepared.

"Do you have any specific questions or orders Sir?"

He turned to the Chief.

The Chief sighed. All well and good, and he believed Karl had the best intentions, but he wanted a more hands-on role.

"I'd like to have someone on your team that reports directly to me, if you don't mind."

Karl looked something taken aback (the Chief didn't trust him?), but nodded. "Have anyone specific in mind?"

"I do. I'm gonna have him transferred to Division 9 as soon as he gets to Illinois; he's on his way now."

The Chief obviously wasn't trusting of communications in this matter. Anything could be intercepted and decrypted; face-to-face meetings were much more secure, especially if in private rooms which were swept for bugs every day.

"Who?" Karl asked, curious.

"Jack Sawyer. Boy's been itching for some action, and he's been on SWAT for some time now. Led the team on Toronto that took out those idiots who tried to blow the station up. He's got a cool head and steady nerves."

The Chief had other reasons, both for choosing Jack Sawyer specifically and for wanting a man that reported directly to him. He chose, however, to keep them to himself.

The Line - Nine - 04-05-2010

It had been approximately 4 hours since the meeting with the Chief and in that team, the Chief's man... Jack Sawyer had arrived. Of course this was a curve ball nobody expected, so work crews were now scrambling to prepare a ship for the man.

Karl wasn't too sure what the Chief's intentions were, but he did know that ever since the Toronto station incident, where Karl made a political blunder and messed up some plans, that the chief did not trust him quite as much as previously.

Regardless, it didn't matter. The team could use more man power, and this saved him the trouble of requesting such man power from the Chief in the future. As long as this Sawyer fellow did his job, there would be no problems.

For now, the initial team selected included 3 officers hand picked by Karl himself. While they weren't exactly the shining picture of the perfect officers, they did have some redeeming qualities. Each have showed the initiative and sometimes recklessness needed to be successful in this operation.

The three selected would be tasked with the piloting of a Barghest bomber and gathering intelligence. Karl casually flipped through the three folders that sat on his desk.

Daniel Hunter

The commander of this crew, Hunter has shown leadership skills in the past. He was born on planet Houston and to many is a very "rough" individual. He served for many years on Huntsville before being transferred to the SWAT division and being given command of his own team.

Jennifer Carter

A first class pilot, she is more then capable of handling nearly any ship she gets into. During training she was reprimanded after losing a Patriot, when she pushed it too far. She was born on Planet Colorado and grew up wanting to be a pilot and leave the planet. She achieved this by joining the LPI.

John Nelson

A weapons expert, John can be aggressive, which has caused trouble in the past. He started a brawl in Sunbucks once when a visiting bounty hunter made fun of his sidearm. Apparently the hunter boasted "his" was bigger.... he left the bar with a broken nose and arm. John grew up in space on a Synth Foods Transport, and was often forced to fight at an early age when pirates attempted to take over the ship.

Karl was confident these three could get the job done.. but the Chief had just thrown him a major curveball.. His guy provided an unknown. Karl had no way to tell how this man would react under pressure, or what his true purpose was.

Regardless, it would soon be time to launch the Barghest and perhaps whatever ship they bolted together for this new guy....

The Line - Nine - 04-05-2010


Jack Sawyer stepped into the Chief's office on Police Plaza with no little trepidation. It was not often that people were summoned such. A quick survey of the room showed a simple desk with several file cabinets to Sawyer's right. The Chief was in a large swivel chair, his back turned to the door. There was a simple metal chair directly between Sawyer and the desk.

"Have a seat, Lieutenant Sawyer."

He moved to the chair a bit faster than he might have liked, but he ran through a mental checklist: breathing normal, pulse rate normal, not sweating, not fidgety. He was in good shape so far.

"I have your file here." The Chief extended his right arm out to show a simple manila folder. Sawyer's name, rank, and other pertinent info was on the cover.

"If you don't mind me asking sir, what's this about?"

The Chief swiveled in the chair to face him. He had his best poker face, and regarded Sawyer as if he was going through the same mental checklist he had gone through just moments ago. He laid the file on the desk and leaned back.

"You are no longer on the official payroll of the LPI."

Sawyer looked taken aback.

"You are no longer a Lieutenant. You will no longer need that badge or that sidearm."

There was silence for a moment, then he managed to stammer out, "S-sir?"

The Chief took out a stamp and pressed down on the file. There was a big, red '9' now on top of it. "You've just become a pawn, Operative Sawyer. My pawn. And you're gonna be the best damn pawn you can be, got that?"

"Yes sir," he said, eyes wide. He had only heard rumors about Division 9, but apparently his clearance level had just jumped through the roof.

"Report to Deputy Chief Agathon for an official debriefing. However, I want all of your reports to come to me as well. And I'll also have some... special missions for you. Dismissed."

Hull O'Brian Started to read the File with the red 9 on it.

He stopped, started again, and finally put it down.

"This might work... It just might work."

Hull dialed up fellow Deputy Chief Karl Agathon.

"Karl, It's Hull. I have been reading a file on my desk, the one with your idea in it. I see you need another fighter pilot, I have someone I am going to send over to see ya."

Hull Hung up. He requested that Officer Mark Hammond come to his office.

Hull opened Hammond's service jacket and read it.

Parents were Transport owner/operators, and he grew up on the ship. It was named the Marie Celeste. Phantoms hit it outside of the Cali gate one day, didn't think they left anyone alive on board. When the LPI found it derelict in California 2 days later, Hammond was the only living soul on board.

He was put into the orphanage system, no other relatives could be found. When he was old enough, he joined the LPI. His Piloting skills were top notch, but he attacked trouble to himself.

Twice promoted to Sargent, twice busted for "Over use" of force. Second time he killed the rogue pilot, took his werewolf, and strafed and damaged a bunch of Slaver/Cardi haulers on his own.

At least he knows how to fly one of those ships.

There was a knock on Hull's door. "Come in"

"Officer Hammond reporting"

"Hammond, have a seat."

"Yes sir.'

"Hammond, I have something in mind that I think you are cut out for. Something that you have some experience at. Take this envelope. DO NOT open it. Hand it to Deputy Chief Agathon when you see him. Get to One Police Plaza Double quick"

"Yes sir"

Hammond left the office. "Another crap job I will bet. Bet O'Brian is still P.O'd at me for that little straffing run stunt."

Hammond arrived at One Police Plaza and was issued into Deputy Chief Agathon's office. He handed over the envelope as instructed. It had one piece of paper in it, with a red 9 on it.

The Line - Nine - 04-05-2010

"Well Mr. Sawyer and Hammond I've looked into your folders, and I can see why you both would do well here"

Karl walked along side the two officers.

"What do you know of Division 9?" Karl queried the officer

"Not much Sir" Jack Sawyer replied, while Hammond shrugged

"Well.. you'll get a full report on it later, but the quick answer is that Division 9 is our dirty tricks division.

Where we do anything and everything to stop piracy and drug trade in Liberty. And turn a small profit at the same time..."

They approached a docking bay

"So, what we have planned for you and a select few other individuals will be to go deep undercover, to jump into the criminal underground. You are going to become a pirate."


"You'll work for us, fly out to pirate infested systems and disrupt their movement at every turn. You will stop and destroy smuggler ships moving illegal goods, and most importantly.. you will be the Police's eyes and ears out in the lawless border worlds."

Karl punched in an access code and entered the docking bay.

"Ugly aren't they? Karl waved his hand in the direction of two docked Werewolves. We've patched them back together, good as new... well... sorta... don't push them too hard ok? hate it if they were to breaks apart on you"

"Yes Sir, and where are we to operate?"

"We received a tip, that smuggler ships pass through the Coronado system, so that seems a good place to start. Get your gear and head out when you are ready. You will rendezvous with a bomber with the name of "Razor" in the Coronado system. Goodluck. Now go rip some criminals a new one."

The Line - Nine - 04-05-2010

The lone bomber made its way slowly out of Illinois. Slowly and roughly.

"Come on, try not to shake us apart before we even leave Illinois..." Hunter yelled to his pilot over the whine of the engines

"I'm trying, I've never flown anything so crude before!" Jen forced out while fighting the controls

"Haha we are all going to die" John was obviously amused.

Eventually Jen got the ship under control and they were well on the way. Knowing the patrol routes helped greatly in avoiding police patrols and they would arrive in the Coronado system to begin searching shortly, however problems arose in the California system.

They were cruising behind Mojave cautiously avoiding scanner range of any near by satellites or stations, when the ship suddenly rocked as its cruise engines lost power. Weapons fire erupted from all around as Navy fighters closed in.

"What the Hell, why are they here?" Hunter counted 3 fighters on scanners "Get us out of here"

"I'm trying, but there is no way we can shake them, call them tell them who we are!"

"We can't, that would blow our cover... dammit.. power up the weapons"

"You sure? those are friendlies out there" John questioned nervously

"Try to just disable them, but we can't do anything to destroy our cover" Hunter ordered

"Wait! look there are more ships coming! " Jen yelled back to Hunter

The Navy fighters broke off and engaged what was apparently a Rogue pirating party, 4 fighters.

"Get us out of here, NOW!" Hunter ordered.

The Bomber slipped away and managed to engage its cruise engines without being noticed. The fate of the Navy patrol unknown.

They made it to the Coronado with no further problems, and encounters and unknown ship near the jumphole. It was simply a freelancer however, he could prove useful.

[Image: helloek.jpg]

They followed him to the station known as Barrier Gate station. A den of filth and crime, the perfect place to start investigating this area.
[Image: barrier.jpg]