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To: 101st Ghosts of Razgriz - Printable Version

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To: 101st Ghosts of Razgriz - aerelm - 04-05-2010

Setting up Transmission; Opening Channel
Neural-Net Comm ID: 'aerelm'
Transmission Source: 'Barrier Gate Station'
Sending Transmission; Subject: 'Unfinished Business'

Greetings Gentlemen,
I believe we have some undone business with each other. If you remember, a few days ago, Liberty Navy
Capitals were giving you a bit of a hard time in New York, and I offered additional Bomber Support, which I
believe was useful enough to get rid of all those Navy and Bounty Hunter Capitals, but, in return, didn't
receive any payments afterwards. Now, I don't care much about Credits, as I already have enough Cash in
my Neural-Net Account to support even Two Generations after me, But, it would be more polite of you if you
fulfill your Part of the deal as well. We had a clear enough deal, I would help you to clear off the Capitals,
and you would pay me a reasonable amount just to cover all my repairs and such.
I believe I -Did- fulfill my part of the Deal with helping you blast Two Navy Battlecruisers, One Siege Cruiser,
Two Navy Gunboats and a Bounty Hunter Orca. Nice list you see!
Now it's your turn to make your move, I am not asking for a huge cash, I am just asking for a small 'Bonus' for
my work so I can see you've appreciated my Service and join your side willingly in case any similar incidents happen.

Callsign "aerelm"

Transmitting Message
Transmission Complete
Comm Link Terminated

To: 101st Ghosts of Razgriz - notequinoxe - 04-05-2010

***Incoming Transmission***
Comm ID: Rear Admiral Felix Rommer, 101st Ghosts of Razgriz

Hola, senor,

I am not a man who forgets such things, nor fails to appreciate help in...delicate situations. Unfortunately our database was lacking information about you. So if you provide me with your account information, I'd be more than happy to pay you from my very own account.
We always repay the ones who lend a hand.

Rommer out!

***Transmission Terminated***

To: 101st Ghosts of Razgriz - aerelm - 04-05-2010

Setting up Transmission; Opening Channel
Neural-Net Comm ID: 'aerelm'

Transmission Source: 'Barrier Gate Station'
Sending Transmission; Subject: 'Re: Unfinished Business'

Thank you for the quick reply 'Senor',
The little Bonus can be sent to the Neutral-Net Account, registered as " aerelm ".

Callsign "aerelm"

Transmitting Message
Transmission Complete
Comm Link Terminated

To: 101st Ghosts of Razgriz - notequinoxe - 04-05-2010

***Incoming Transmission***
Comm ID: Rear Admiral Felix Rommer, 101st Ghosts of Razgriz

It has been done. I hope you find that satisfactory. Other good deeds may earn you cookies in the form of...ummm, let's say destructive equipment, should you ever need it, as well as docking rights.

That would be all. Rommer out!

***Transmission Terminated***

To: 101st Ghosts of Razgriz - aerelm - 04-05-2010

Setting up Transmission; Opening Channel
Neural-Net Comm ID: 'aerelm'

Transmission Source: 'Barrier Gate Station'
Sending Transmission; Subject: 'Re: Unfinished Business'

Well, Thank you for your Generous Payment!
Feel free to contact me in case you needed an extra hand in future.

Callsign "aerelm"

Transmitting Message
Transmission Complete
Comm Link Terminated