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LPI Challenge is still in effect. - Printable Version

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LPI Challenge is still in effect. - hack - 04-06-2010

This obviously needs a bump.

LPI Challenge

First entry says it all.

Updated conditions:

1. You are NOT allowed to let anyone know outside of LPI HC that you are playing. No one. You are to play as a new character on this server.

2. A Liberator can be used instead of a Patriot.

3. Ships will be turned back into the LPI when finished.

It's painfully obvious that some players on this server are taking their dislike for this faction to a new level. Personal even. Don't like us, come see how it is before you go talking smack.

I fully expect that the major smack talkers won't take it.

I think I may have to start a list and call them out by name...


Consider yourselves called out.

Heck, I may pitch this idea to the other Lib services for them to try it, they catch a heck of a lot of garbage too [Doffs hat to LN and LSF brethern].

And don't give me this garbage about trying to be a pirate for a week, many of us DO have a pirate or unlawful character......

LPI Challenge is still in effect. - Nitram - 04-06-2010

I'd like to annonce that anyone who goes for the Libby is a wuss in my eyes. I do regular patrols in a Patriot.



LPI Challenge is still in effect. - Dashiell - 04-07-2010

all I can say is: libby swarm ftw.

- the LPI are hilarious

- Their ships are hilarious

- their rp is hilarious

I miss the LPI when I'm on my Rogue.:(

so: stop complaining about the LPI you whiners. they iz awesome.

can I sign up? I'm a LF whore to the bone...

but I already have a LN Liberator and a Sea Serpent in Liberty...

maybe I can make the LN Liberator a lpi...

LPI Challenge is still in effect. - Zapp - 04-07-2010

You'd be more than welcome to do so.

LPI Challenge is still in effect. - john kimble - 04-07-2010

Hello everybody.

You think you're bad? You think you know better? Go on. Do it NOW. There are a lot of things we can do together.

LPI Challenge is still in effect. - Nerox - 04-07-2010

I'm not following this thread.

How is LPI talked-trash about? When I play Police I trash talk Pirates and vise-versa; as Role-Play kind of dictates. I suppose i'm not quite understanding the extra extent for which has caused such offence. Examples please?

LPI Challenge is still in effect. - McNeo - 04-07-2010

All Liberty lawful factions get it.

A sample for you good sir.

Replace LNs with LPIs and that's what they get.

It'd be okay if it was only a few people.
But it's not.
Its a daily occurence, assuming that you count every time you log on a official faction lib lawful for more than an hour as 'a day'. Add to that the accusations of corruption, which are often far better worded and longer, yet just as annoying.

Pics or it didn't happen, folks.

EDIT: The PM was a joke from Mark (I think thats him) to Casero (pilot of the ship in the screen) so yeah. Its just what BRUMMBAR said.

LPI Challenge is still in effect. - Zapp - 04-07-2010

Also, since the LPI tends to fly smaller ships in smaller groups than the LN, we take more of a beating than they do. But yeah, LN, LPI, and LSF are all pretty much in the same boat. We're the lawful factions of the most active House, and the pirates... are both very active and very brutal. Then people knock us for not doing our jobs when we're doing the best we can.

LPI Challenge is still in effect. - Vogel - 04-07-2010

I can't blame you for the crap I've seen happen in there. At all.

LPI Challenge is still in effect. - Nerox - 04-08-2010

Right, I get it now.

I suppose what people have to understand is this being a role-playing (underlined) server the LPI are the Police and they are never meant to be overpowered.

I suppose what i'm trying to say is I think in Liberty you see entirely too many Navy ships, it's the equivilant of tanks patrolling city streets; don't get me wrong I understand why. There's equally over-powered pirates more than happy to blow liberators out of the sky one at a time all day.

As for me... I'll continue to fly my LPI Liberator and enjoy sometimes insummountable odds, it's taught me more about flying than my Rouge Gunboat and Talon ever could.