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Frost Stone - Daerune - 04-08-2010

//STOP Legend time
[color=#c0c0c0]Gold - What Christopher says
[color=#000000][color=#c0c0c0]Black - environment
[color=#000000][color=#c0c0c0]Green - Jim
[color=#000000][color=#c0c0c0]White - Cerebral visions
[color=#000000][color=#c0c0c0]Purple - thoughts//
[font=Palatino][color=#ffffff]'A single event can awaken within us a stranger totally unknown to us. To live is to be slowly born."
Christopher sat back in his seat as he looked towards Jim, his AI who recorded all the see-able events that he was involved with, he moved a piece of metal to a exposed part of the back of his skull his skin seeming to form around it as a small needle taps into his cerebral cortex. "Jim, start a new folder label it..... I don't know.... Frost stone."

The holographic image of Jim looks out to the windows of the ship being changed and replaced with monitors and strips. "Command acknowledged." its digital eyes glow as it maintains a its stare.

He takes a moment inhaling the air of the cold fortress of a ship, which lays on a dense forested planet having barely any human influence having taken months to prepare such a task.
"it is best to start at what I remember... when I woke up." Images start to flash to the screen as he starts to remember the time he first awoke his eyes opening and closing the image blurred all that was being heard was the blizzard out side the ice cave having rock pillars as his vision came back to him.

He was laying on a rock slab that was surrounded by pure white and untainted water which has snow flakes on the surface of it, the air would be unnaturally hot for a ice planet as water drips from the roof. Christopher snaps up as he inhales the cold air passing into his nose and into his body giving him what feels like a surge of energy.

He takes a look around at the cave he had just awoken in every thing seeming unfamiliar to him seeing nothing but rock, ice, water and the blizzard just beyond the done like cave he was in, he takes a look down at his body studying what he had on being able to be so hot in this room, he would only have a torn orangery red vest and thin long pants which matched his top having the insignia torn off and only a dog tag and ring on his left ring finger.

He quickly grabbed at the tag his head feeling like it was being split in half as he looked down and saw a name. 'Christopher Dangen, Identification number #17' a dozen thoughts raced through his mind as he looked at the tag, he couldn't remember anything at all, not his birth place or even something as simple as his name.

[color=#000000][color=#ffcc00]"Alright... Jim that's enough for now."
He would open his eyes again just to see the dark room around him as the AI's eyes became illuminated for a second before the device that had tapped into his cortex removed its spike it had used to do so. "We will continue... this later, I have things to dwell on." He sighs slightly as the AI nods and the slightly blurred visual data is saved into the device on his forearm.

Frost Stone - Daerune - 04-08-2010

Christopher made his way back to the main control hub of his home where everything was controlled and monitored having early detection nets for any ships that have approach vectors, also controlling the twelve deploy-able battleship turrets that lay scattered around the area.

as he reached the doors they slid open having been controlled by the Artificial intelligence Jim, he moved to the command seat and move to set it into a comfortable position.
"Alright Jim.... we will begain phase two now after having gone thoroughly over the last recording of 'memories'." Jim was still have been standing where he was before as he hooked his PDA up to the mainframe again. "Acknowledged, I will prepare the cortex device ET three minutes."

Sitting in the seat patiently he went over the light scars that ran across the entire course of his body, being from the times he had been wounded in battle and had to 'heal'. although he could heal his body and leave no trace of scaring due to a little 'trite,' he like to keep them as a reminder, he often had used the 'traits' he possessed in battle to heal his self, such a thing being possible from the Order of Cincinnatus' `little' experimentation's near the time of his 'creation'.

Jim interrupted his day dream announcing it was time to began the process.
"The cerebral cortex device has be prepared..... safety precautions have been implemented and are ready to be activated as always." giving no acknowledgment to what Jim said as he leaned back into the chair and grabbing the insertion end and inserting it into the back of his skull where he had done so before.

The device burned him slightly as it fused with his skin moving past the shift tissue passing up to where his brain was as it tapped into his cortex.
"Connection verified." he looked sidewards slightly as Jim moved through the many data files and setting it up to locate all the data into the one folder named Frost stone. "Start diagnostics, make sure to monitor heart rate and motor neuron functions for any scene of physical discomfort or damage to primary brain functions." some screens continue to light up around him showing many status senors each one reading at a normal thresh hold. "Begin cortex interface and continue from the last insight." The lights darkened in his mind before his vision came back to him being in the same manor as they were before disrupting the link

As he had finished checking the dog tag which at the time gave him the impression that this was his name as it stated 'Christopher Dangen'. he began to try and move his limbs which at first seem immobile at first like and unbend-able metal having very little feeling in these regions, but as he tried more and more he began to feel the sensation of pins and needles as hot boiling blood moved out into his stiff limbs. It took all of fifteen minutes until he was able to move them even the slightest, he did risk rushing everything it was obvious he had been laying there for quite a while.

The next half an hour was spend flexing and stretching his limbs to what his body would allow trying to get them back into physical and working order which would take a while to do with the pins and needles feeling vexing him but that was nothing he could do about it. it would have been around the full thirty minutes until his limbs responded and moved at a speed he approved at and much to his relief they did so with out push protest but were still partly stiff, thinking this would be as good time as easy he managed to roll his self onto his stomach, slowly moving his hands up to a press up position which felt fairly natural to him, bringing his knees forward, then pushing his body wait onto his knees so he was resting on them.

Crawling over to the nearest rock pillar he starts placing his hands on it to help steady his rise, the rock at first would feel cold but as his hands stayed there for a extended period of time it wold warm up as he wondered what could this rock could be made of, as to when you touch it, it would gain heat such a thing was unheard of to his knowledge, what little he still had for he didn't know a single thing about his self. He world to steady his jelly like legs as the snow roared out side the entrance. the exit. to the cave and no doubt out there it would be cold and freezing only predicting in his current situation he would only last at least three minutes out side if he was lucky before hypothermia stuck him like a brick over the head. Feeling his legs strengthen as he starched them using the pillar and hand placement to keep him from crumbing to his knees, soon daring to take the first test step.

Christopher closes his eyes then opened them again blinking twice as his eyes shifted to Jim who was standing there looking at the time which had passed, being at least an hour and a half. "Safety protocols prompted me to disengaging the Cerebral cortex." Jim's eyes faded back to the dim light that matched his body while Chris took the small device from the back of his skull as the wound healed its self over. "Very well.... we will continue each section in periods of one and a half hours to an hour to keep every measure of this as safe as possible.... I will move to the Preservation room where you will monitor brain waves and any damage that may have occurred whilst in such a sate while I go over the..... 'footage'." With out either two having to say another word the lights dimmed further in the rooms as the visual monitoring screens shut off and Chris made his way to the second stage of the tasks he was preforming.

Frost Stone - Daerune - 04-19-2010

Chris had been laying on he ground of his room having been thinking about what he saw so far and what he knew or thought he knew had happened, he never remembered the feelings being that bad, but then again his scenes were dulled at the time and it wasn't like he was able to feel most of his body then. Jim's faint glow established on the wall having his eyes focused on his 'weapons of war' mounted on the wall being right under his family symbol. "What is it Jim." at times like this he could even catch a machine off guard. "It is time again sir.... I can shift it to later encase you would like to rest." Christopher just moved getting up and started to leave his weapons mounted. on the wall along with armor. "Prepare the device Jim." with that Jim would disappear into nothing.

Upon entering the room he would see everything was ready for him as he felt his wrist PDA shift slightly as it took the data it needed connecting up with every thing else, moving to the seat which was still in its original position and put the device to the back of the skull again as he had done before.
"I expect to not have to tell you every time Jim, I know you know when I am ready." He would make his self comfortable as he waited soon the visions coming back to him.

He was back in the body of weak and distressed, helpless, boy. wind went right past his face as his head went straight to the ground connecting with a heavy thud and it was no doubt in his mind this is why he couldn't remember past this bit because he had never made it past it but he could still listen, light were on but no one home as he just lay there for what seemed like ages but he knew that only seconds had past as Jim had pass onto the next bit and most important because he never did remember changing into different cloths just waking in them.

There was a slight change in the tone of the wind or the way it sounded, having now heard foot steps on rock several of them and he knew there was more then just two of them. "Heat signature suggests, we have reached the location of the so called hidden base." it would sound female a little odd to him something wanted him to say Libertarian, soft gentle and above all dangerous. "Oh look they stuffed up and shafted us on training again, I hate those arrogant butt licki-" she was cut off by a forceful voice, domiance in his probably the strongest or most 'charming' "Nice stating the obouis but there does seem to be a dead one down here." he would head a gasp a girls. again, two girls one guy so far. "He looks so young... to have
froze-." this voice sounded a bit Kusarian mixed in with Rheinland. As it was cut off by the Liberty ladies voice. "The heat.... source is the body." The footsteps came closer and closer and he could only hear not see as the woman's voice sounded again of the Kusarian. "That can't be right, it.... he's just in those rags.... and nobody ca-." it was broke by the libertionan accent again. "We'll take him back to Victor h-." The man's voice sounds again and he picked up the hints of Bretonian. "I don't like the way he looks and since when have 'kids' other than us have been allowed to train or even leave the lower levels, the safe areas?" there was a awkward silence for a while before a third one was heard and this one was the quiet one, the fourth. "None... and there wasn't any alarms tripped and to get out you need clearance, so he's not one of us, leave him to die." Immediately there was the protest of someone who couldn't just do that. "He's human just like us, we found him he's our responceablity! We can't just leave some one here to die, he's just a kid." The Liberty woman again, strange to him it was that she was the chattiest and seemed to be the leader maybe or the one with just all the opinions. "We are 'kids' too if you remember Clary, I won't fail my training nor have some idiot weigh me down!." This time Clary voice was cold and final. "Jayce, we are 'not' going to leave a person in need, it is our job as Order agents even trainees at that to save the lives of people, from nomads or not, now we are taking him back and that is Fi-

[color=#000000]As the sounds faded from his ears, the light would come back into his eyes although dimed it was unmistakeable he was taken out of the cortex state and he leaned over and threw up over the side, feeling his gut hurting like hell. "One hour and a half has been passed, Interface with the Cortex simulation has been terminated." This so far was the worst he had felt, his arms felt weak and almost immobile his legs were like lead which he could not feel his body was exhausted to a point he was finding it hard to breathe despite the training he had.<span style="font-size:10pt;line-height:100%][color=#ffcc00] "Very well." He got up from the seat slowly his body aching and giving protest as he moved, quickly moving out the door and back to his room just to lay down on the ground and rest his body and sleep.

Frost Stone - Daerune - 11-19-2011

The equipment laid unused and untouched, the programs had since been shut down and the equipment fully powered down, there was no dust as there was nothing alive up here being it was sealed it had anything supporting the room canceled meaning the air its self even pulled out. The room was pressurized now and everything running again, the equipment cleaned and sterile how ever, he no longer needed it he remebered everything and if he concentrated enough he could 'relive' anything from his memory, but this was a danger as it was mostly impossible to tell reality from the memory.

Everything was as if some one had plucked the sun out of the sky and only had left the faint glow of the stars, things started to clear and so did the world around him, brighter and familiar. four walls, nothing on them, the air was chilled as it entered Via a vent you'd not be able to stick your head through and one hand span observation windowed door. His head was weak just as his body was and his head lofted off to one side his head shifting to look at the door. A dark shape cross over the window for a brief moment before disappearing again. Compelled to sit up he attempted to do so but each movement to and upwards position was a struggle and so he had to settle for his back to be leaning against the wall. His arms felt like lead and the burning feeling tore through them. And that's when the flashes of memory he experienced then also took over, even in the dream he lost the reality of that as his mind was dragged.

brief and blurred images of a cockpit, dead bodies and blood, then only blackness with the seance of weightlessness, the scene of falling, the sensation of the wind as he rushed past it towards the ground his back to the ground, he rolled in the air and then there was the sound of a zip and a quick sound of fabric being dragged across each other before a hard yank cause his memory come back into focus on the intended memory state.

He focused on the moment and remembered where he last stood before entering this alternate world stored in his head. Back into his preasent body he'd shift his head to look around, lightly tapping his thumb aganst his leg in though. He exited the room and took a brief walk through the Anubis.
"Frost Stone, that's our new call sign." A pulse from the surveillance strip would be the only acknowledgment.