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Faction shiplines and balance - DarthBindo - 04-08-2010

Tthe problem with your proposal is two fold, neither really of which is fixable,
First, modeling all those new ships, would take a lot of work, and we don't have the manpower.
Second, balancing those ships would take a lot of work, and, well, yeah.
It could be done, and I personally think it should be, but it is just too much. If you really want this, I suggest learning how to model, hitbox and all that other devvy ppl stuff. (Which I am trying to do)

Faction shiplines and balance - Zukeenee - 04-08-2010

No. No no no no no.

It makes sense that some factions have to use "generic" ships. I don't want to see a full shipline for everyone. Partially because it just doesn't make sense (Most of the smaller groups couldn't afford to make their own ships), but mainly because... well, I guess just because it doesn't make sense.

Eh, I'm no good at explaining my reasoning on things. I'm just against it.

Faction shiplines and balance - Eppy - 04-08-2010

' Wrote:Tthe problem with your proposal is two fold, neither really of which is fixable,
First, modeling all those new ships, would take a lot of work, and we don't have the manpower.
Second, balancing those ships would take a lot of work, and, well, yeah.
It could be done, and I personally think it should be, but it is just too much. If you really want this, I suggest learning how to model, hitbox and all that other devvy ppl stuff. (Which I am trying to do)

It's not that we don't have the manpower (trust me, we do), it's that we don't have the motivation.:laugh:

Also, I think some factions (Xenos, for instance) using generic ships is an integral part of their RP. I mean, they're not poor, desperate sods if they have their own bloody shipline, are they?

Faction shiplines and balance - rhodes - 04-08-2010

I would like to see more interceptors out there but thats just me

Faction shiplines and balance - House0430 - 04-08-2010

' Wrote:Xeno shipline: Eagle with ripped off armor plating, ripped off wings, 3 guns on one wing, ducttape on the welding spots.

That sort of stuff.
Well, in reality the Xenos need to either merge with another faction or just disband. You can't be that small with no allies for this long, I barely consider them a faction.

Faction shiplines and balance - mjolnir - 04-08-2010

I don't think every faction should have absolutely everything for 2 reasons.

1. Some classes of ships just don't fit to some factions.
examples would be:
Rogue Interceptor
Junker LF (which you mentioned, but I'm told Gitano actually is just that)
Kusari SHF/Superbomber

The name of these ships itself sounds like an oxymoron to me. Giving factions with own character a ship that steps in a different direction kinda makes all factions feel the same in the end. For this reason Corsairs didn't get a fast VHF as an alternative to Titan in 4.85.

Though yes we do have some bad examples of how this was broken in the past - like Dragon Battleship, but this one is now pretty much SRP one ship only limited.

2. Some classes of ships just don't fit into some shiplines
some quick and random examples:

Bretonian BC - the Bretonian destroyer has larger front size than the Battleship, so very hard to make a BC that would fit in between, the destroyer is also very good anti-cap ship, so hard to make another anti-cap bc

RM HF - Wrath handles a bit like HF in turning (not in dodging though) and has 5 guns, a HF that would fit between Phantom and Wrath with 5 guns would not offer real difference from any of those.


' Wrote:Order using corsair and civvy LFs, for example, or, the navy using arrows and griffins.

Order is getting own LF for 4.86, model and hitbox is perfectly working, has been flying for a few weeks now.

On the other hand:
Corsair already have a great 5 gun LF
Navy has the hardest to hit LF in the mod.


' Wrote:It's not that we don't have the manpower (trust me, we do), it's that we don't have the motivation.:laugh:

*wonders what happened to the Outcast Dreadnought replace*

Faction shiplines and balance - Tanker - 04-09-2010

' Wrote:Well, in reality the Xenos need to either merge with another faction or just disband. You can't be that small with no allies for this long, I barely consider them a faction.

Well, for one, If you have read the history alittle bit. Universal does help the Xenos politically .here is a small excerpt from the faction status.

As generations came and went the radical enclaves of dissident citizens caught in an endless cycle of hard time and hopelessness formed the early core of what was to become the modern face of the Xenos. Focused on settling blame upon the import of cheap foreign goods as being the root cause of the hardship of the Libertonian working class, those that could secure vessels began to prey upon transports moving goods through the California and Colorado systems, taking advantage of bases carved from the asteroids from which that their ancestors had once gleaned a living.

Subtle sponsorship was gained from Universal shipping, to exchange for security of passage and to further their own ends of sabotaging the markets of their competitors, in addition to millions of grassroot supporters.

As you can see, there is a place for the Xenos in Discovery. And just so you know, I deleted my snappy comment.

Xeno Alliance

Faction shiplines and balance - Blaze - 04-09-2010

' Wrote:Navy has the hardest to hit LF in the mod.

You are wrong there. The Rhineland Tiger Shark is the smallest and hardest to hit.