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Two concept designs - Printable Version

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Two concept designs - mohr - 09-11-2007

Okay so I got two concept designs that are mainly obtained from other members ideas. Please post what you think; if they are practical, imbalanced, exploitable, or just stupid.

1) Concept is a combination of an alternative to bombers and the idea of a "space tank" or flying gun. It would be a VHF or Super Heavy Fighter. More manuverable than a bomber. For armaments it would just have a Gunboats forward cannon (fixed to face straight forward) and 2-3 other guns; 8-9 if standard, 4 if turrets. The main issue that may pose a problem to this concept is the power supply, which would need to be very large to support the forward gun; about 1/2 of a gunships. What do you think?

2) This concept is for a gunship or small cruiser sized ship that would have a weaker than average armament except for the fact that it has a number of more powerfull guns that are stuck faceing directly right or left of the ship. This idea is derived from some suggestions for side launching torpedoes I believe. Anyways, the main issue here; is this even practical? Will aiming by getting sideways to your target going to be too frustrating to even try to implement? What do you think?

Thanks for your time and your posts are apreciated.


Two concept designs - Gamazson - 09-11-2007

Personal experience with offering concepts; offer some conceptual images. It helps the ship developers.

Two concept designs - Spacewolf - 09-11-2007

Broadsides just arnt practical in this game thats why there arnt any BFG ships. the space tank sounds interesting it would be better than bombers though wouldnt it?

Two concept designs - pipsqueak - 09-11-2007

Mohr, did you see the BH Lochness I submitted for your viewing pleasure, earlier in another post started by you?
can you make that man ? The maneuverablility could be nerfed to make it a transport support ship. I have already posted it twice earlier so I really dont want to bug you guys with the image again.

I think it fits very well in the first catagory you described.

Two concept designs - Qunitinius~Verginix - 09-11-2007

I actually think that both of those ideas are very good! I would LOVE to have big cap ships that can fight only by broad-siding the enemy. It would make battles more complex and intriguing. It would hold of PvP whores, as they wont enjoy more complex fighting.


Two concept designs - me_b_kevin - 09-11-2007

Mohr, i had come up with the space tank idea about a month ago and i may not have explained it well enough;hl=space+tank

here's the link.

the space tank in my opinion would be really fun to have.

and broadsiding ships would be very interesting

Two concept designs - frozen - 09-11-2007

i was thinking. if we could have a few ships (bigger than fighters about the size of destroyers/gbs) which had only braodside attack and maybe a few turrets against fighters, it would be cool to have rival teams to have some of these ships having broad side combat. but, to make sure the combat is equal, no other ship is allowed to attack themn, and they are not allowed to attack any other ship who doesnt have braodside attack. it would be cool to have ships in space fighting like the old pirate ship battles...

Two concept designs - Eppy - 09-11-2007

Igiss sent out a memo somewhere that said no more forward guns, period. Sorry, mate.

Two concept designs - frozen - 09-11-2007

but what about the broadside guns only ships?/ seriously that would be fun...

like torp slots on ships, only braod side and they can shoot forward only. a bit of up and down strafing, and no onther ships to engage them... and only 1v1 in broadside battles...

Two concept designs - RingoW - 09-11-2007

Nice Ideas Mohr. I had some similar. A torpedoboat like gunboats but with four torpedo mounts and only two gunboat turrets. Just to use against battleships with a small defense against fighters. It will definitly need a fighter escort in combat.

For this it is necessary to build an extra PvP mod, cause the firepower of more than two torp launchers or one forward gun will need the rebalance of the whole armament in discovery. I tried two gunboat forward guns on the Huntress with increasing the powerusage of the guns. Killed a Nomad BS very fast despite the increasing of the powerusage.