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Questions about the Bottlenose and Bullhead. - Printable Version

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Questions about the Bottlenose and Bullhead. - Nitram - 04-09-2010

What can people who own a Bottlenose or Bullhead tell me how the ships handle? Are they worth the coin? Any tips or tricks to flying them beasts?


Questions about the Bottlenose and Bullhead. - DartStriker - 04-09-2010

' Wrote:What can people who own a Bottlenose or Bullhead tell me how the ships handle? Are they worth the coin? Any tips or tricks to flying them beasts?

I owned two bottlenose. A very nice ship, and in the hands of a skilled pilot very destructive to fighters or bombers.

For a gunboat the bottlenose dances fairly well.

Questions about the Bottlenose and Bullhead. - Nitram - 04-09-2010

Would you reccomend Solaris, or Razors and Pulses as a loadout?

Questions about the Bottlenose and Bullhead. - mjolnir - 04-09-2010

Bullhead is weak vs GBs and bombers (intentionally)
very strong vs Cruisers
strong vs BS (flown right)

So rather specific use.

Thresher (Destroyer) is on the other hand:
ok vs fighters/bombers
very strong vs GBs
weak vs Cruisers
strong vs BS

Questions about the Bottlenose and Bullhead. - Nitram - 04-09-2010

I want the Bottlenose for combat, the Bullhead will be used mostly for RP purposes, basically a HQ for me to operate out of. And I'll use the Bullhead when the threat is too big for the Bottlenose to handle. Or, that is my plan.

EDIT - Thanks for all the advice guys!:D


Questions about the Bottlenose and Bullhead. - schlurbi - 04-09-2010

Bottlenose is the Gunship isnt it? It dies to Bombers, so careful.

Questions about the Bottlenose and Bullhead. - Nitram - 04-09-2010

' Wrote:Bottlenose is the Gunship isnt it? It dies to Bombers, so careful.

So I heard, but I think with enough practice I could handle them.

EDIT - As the post below says, a good enough setup, and enough skill.


Questions about the Bottlenose and Bullhead. - horvat - 04-09-2010

Bottlenose is actually agile little gunship yeah more like a gunship then gunboat. It can handle one to two bombers with no problem with a appropriate setup. I know i fought it its extremely hard to hit it if it is piloted by skillful pilot and bullhead well weak vs gbs, bombers, can kill a cruiser and you can snipe the bs for sure if you know how but that's same for all cruisers (bs part).

Questions about the Bottlenose and Bullhead. - Tenacity - 04-09-2010

The bottlenose is, I believe, the most agile gunboat-class ship in the mod, the only other that can really stand up to it in terms of agility is the kusari gunboat.

Problem is, with only 4 forward firing turrets, it lacks firepower, and a half decent bomber pilot can kill on his own - though it takes a long time to do so =P
The only way to really pvp effectively with the bottlenose, IMO, is to go with a pulse + 3 razor loadout, and maybe put missiles on the back. You have to instakill the fighter or bomber you're engaging, because with 4 standard turrets you'll never put out enough damage to win the fight.

The bullhead I havent flown, but I can say from my experience fighting it, and from it's stats/equipment, that it's the best standard battlecruiser available right now. It has a thruster, and that alone puts it ahead of the IMG or Liberty battlecruisers. The Order Geb Carrier can mop the floor with it, just through sheer weapons power and shielding/hull, but a pair of good bullheads can take out a geb if they work together.

Questions about the Bottlenose and Bullhead. - mjolnir - 04-09-2010

' Wrote:The bottlenose is, I believe, the most agile gunboat-class ship in the mod, the only other that can really stand up to it in terms of agility is the kusari gunboat.

Problem is, with only 4 forward firing turrets, it lacks firepower, and a half decent bomber pilot can kill on his own - though it takes a long time to do so =P

Kindly point me to that half decent bomber pilot so that we can put this claim to the test.