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Stryker Fighter - Korolia - 04-13-2010

LSF Stealth Stryker Fighter
Role: Espionage recon craft

LMC Stryker Fighter
Role: Close range heavy assault craft

I think we -could- replace the redundant Defender and Executioner fighters with those, but that's just me. I have no plans so far to put it in Discovery mod.

[Image: Stryker2.png]

edit: I'd like to specify that this is an editing of a model made by someone else but that has never been put in the mod.

Stryker Fighter - Vape - 04-13-2010

It's beautiful!

Dude, awesome model, MUST HAVE

Stryker Fighter - Durandal - 04-13-2010

My god. Epic job there mate. Seriously, that thing is amazing.

I think we should replace the Avenger with this, leaving the Exec as is.

Stryker Fighter - Dusty Lens - 04-13-2010

To be honest I think it'd be a good candidate for consideration, depending on how practical the model actually is, for a replacement for the Cupholder.

The aesthetic is very similar but arguably superior.

Stryker Fighter - Korolia - 04-13-2010


Stryker Fighter - Osilon - 04-13-2010

This would be an awesome replacement. I see the defender, i go...nub ship....
But this i would fly for ever.

Stryker Fighter - kuth - 04-13-2010

Kudos man. I'd ask that you do submit these as either new ships or replacements for something. Very good job.

Stryker Fighter - sean24 - 04-13-2010

This ship is the embodiment of epicness. Please consider submitting it. Its very nice.

Stryker Fighter - Magoo! - 04-13-2010

*shrug* Something about it doesn't sit right with me.

Maybe it's the textures, maybe it's the fact that it looks like it's made out of clay with its slightly irregular shape and strange bumps to and fro, but it's just meh for me.

Stryker Fighter - Denelo - 04-13-2010


Just... wow.

I'm normally fairly critical of these things, but this... for starters, it captures the essence of Freelancer, and of Liberty, very well. I could easily see myself killing this.

Small bit of critique: back is too smooth, and the cockpit too narrow. Give it a cockpit more along the lines of traditional Freelancer ships, and maybe take a lot of those polys out of the back (I can see that causing lag). That'd help a lot if you can pull it off without losing the overall "feel" of the ship: that of a sleek, advanced fighter.