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FLHook F1 Timer Bug - Printable Version

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FLHook F1 Timer Bug - DBoy1612 - 09-12-2007

Well, so I'm flying around my Angels character. And I have a couple of people coming to be for help and stuff... 2 or 3 say that the F1 in space doesn't work. I get a little confused, and then had to break off conversation and switch characters.
I start flying around my RM, NPCs go red, I hit F1. I forget about the timer and waited... And well, I get this;

[Image: th_screen1005.jpg]

I'm on the screen, and I'm still able to chat to people in system. I have people asking me where I am... The only answer I have is that 'I'm on the character screen'.:P

Bug? Or does the server hate me?:P

FLHook F1 Timer Bug - Ion - 09-12-2007

not just you. happens to me too.

FLHook F1 Timer Bug - Equinox - 09-12-2007

Same thing happened to me when i got stuck in a base, 3 times i tried to F1 out and ended up getting that screen after the one minute so i couldn't switch char, i had to alt tab out and shut FL down.

FLHook F1 Timer Bug - Korrd - 09-12-2007


FLHook F1 Timer Bug - DBoy1612 - 09-12-2007

It might be because the FL Client program isn't configured to holding a connection for that long to get to the character screen? Yes? No?

FLHook F1 Timer Bug - Treewyrm - 09-12-2007

This bug has been reported earlier, and, yes, anyone gets it. The solutions are: a) log out at base; b) exit to menu; Otherwise your character will still stay logged while you're in that "chat menu".

It seems that FL does't hold that much time while connection is ok. Thing is that client doesn't get timeout because it still connected to the server while server doesn't send code to client to drop into character selection menu, so Freelancer hangs up and drops you out into menu while still connected resulting in a weird "chat menu". I suppose the waiting time is set to 60 seconds or something like that, I haven't tested it myself but it appears so.

If I may I'd suggest admins to test what "waiting time" is limited to and set flhook timer accordingly. Otherwise it's best to inform people how to deal with this "chat menu" issue.

Trying to find if this setting is available to modify in game client. Hopefully it is, then we would have flhook timer remain as it is.

FLHook F1 Timer Bug - Equinox - 09-12-2007

Could the time just be set a little lower to see if this bug will go away? even something like 50 seconds might do it and still give people who do f1 the chance to be killed by whoever?

FLHook F1 Timer Bug - Eppy - 09-12-2007

Yes, that's been nailing me too, it is almost certainly connected to the F1 timer, and...

Pleeease change it back??? (puppy eyes)

FLHook F1 Timer Bug - X-Lancer - 09-12-2007,,F1 in space almost = cloking system active.....

FLHook F1 Timer Bug - Treewyrm - 09-12-2007

',,F1 in space almost = cloking system active.....

...except that you can't move anywhere and can't see a damn thing. It's a chat mode. :-)