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My primary account has been compromised. - Printable Version

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My primary account has been compromised. - LancerZero - 04-16-2010

I'm rather frustrated at the moment. Here's the sequence of events:

1. I check out the USA server some weeks ago. I see SlimPikins and UglyMug01 on there. I figure I made them and forgot them. I do that sometimes - to try out a server, or just an area I haven't tried before: I'll make a character or two with random, often silly names. Verka, Muddy.Boot, stuff like that. I figured I'd made them and forgotten about them. After all, who else would've?

2. I decide to play on USA while GC is down. I like it there, and resolve to stay even when GC is back up, playing a bit on both (particularly during peak GC hours, when it's such a pain to switch characters or log in). So I delete UglyMug01 (a CSV under level 30), leave Slim for the time being, and make my ELF characters: a Maquis-repped Cuirassier and a Zoner Dromedary. I also make a placeholder named Verka.

3. A day or so later, my ELF characters and Verka are gone. Slim is still there, and Ugly is back. I figure it's a server error, delete Ugly and remake my ELF Dromedary. I post on the USA forums, and the admins say it wasn't server autodelete; it was deleted by the user. I find this odd; I know I didn't delete them, and nobody has access to my accounts or even knows how to log in. But I shrug, write it off, and forge ahead.

4. About a day later, my second ELF Dromedary disappears, and Ugly is back again, this time as an upgraded Clydesdale in New Tokyo. A new ship named AbaDaBaDay or something like that is also there. At this point, a few of my friends and I realize this is somebody else, somewhere else, who somehow got my account information. Since this person has already destroyed/stolen 16 million+ worth of stuff, I take the 3 mil on the Clydesdale and transfer it to my new ELF freighter on a different account. I don't delete the new Ugly or do anything else to it, though I'm tempted to fly it 600k away and log out. At this point, I realize that my GC primary account is in danger...all my TAZ ships, and a few important indies, were on the account (which I'll refer to as #1 from here on out)

5. The server is still down when I left for work this morning, so I couldn't check; but when I checked two or three days ago, all my ships were there. I resolve to transfer my ships as soon as the server is back up.

6. I return home from work to find the GC server is back. I log into my primary account to find all my ships gone, with a CSV named UglyMug01 in its place, with only 8500 credits. Either this person simply deleted everything, or transferred all the money to another account. For all I know they just made UglyMug01 there as a calling card, to make sure I knew it was deliberate. This is the point at which I become seriously annoyed.

All my other GC accounts seem to be intact, and are empty on USA (except my second account, which now houses my ELF freighter on USA)


[TAZ]Loose.Ends - a Behemoth with 19+ million credits, fully outfitted (except weak armor upgrade), Zoner IFF and ID, with between 20 and 40 hours flight time.
[TAZ]Ravenhurst-III - Conference gunboat with a few million, five Zoner GB turrets and one basic missile, CAU2 and probably about ten hours flight.
Jacques.Aguirre - Council IFF and ID'd Agama, fully armed, though with weak armor and little funds.
Void.Spectre - Outcast IFF and ID'd Gull transport, with an EXCALIBUR in the hold and about three million credits, and at least 10 hours flight time.
Nether.Geist - Outcast IFF and ID'd Spatial, poorly armed and armored and without much money.

These may not seem like much, but they're what I managed to build up since I returned to Disco about a month and a half ago. And they're the characters I've used for all the in-game and forum-based RP I've taken part in since my return, except Martin Barclay.


Also, reasons why I don't think this is the result of me being hacked:

1. Why not transfer the money made from the sale of my ships to another account, instead of continuing to use the same account?
2. Why not take useful information from my computer, instead of the access information to one of the five Disco accounts I have access to?
3. Why just that account? All my others are exactly as I left them.
4. Nothing happened until I started playing on the USA server. My guess is that, until that time, this person didn't even know they were using the same account info as somebody else. And if this were the result of some sort of attack by our favorite stacker...why not just delete every ship outright? If they could access one account, they could surely access the others.
5. Here's the real clincher: why Disco? It's not like some other online games, where you can hack somebody's account and sell/auction their stuff for either real-life money, or for in-game money which you can then sell for real-life money (looking at you, MMORPG gold-sellers). I can think of only two reasons for anybody to hack my computer to do this: they really, really don't like me; or they were so hard-up for in-game dough they hacked the guy who had, on their server, nothing bigger than a freighter instead of a level 90 miner or trader.

It just doesn't seem to add up, unless it's a freak accident. Somebody used a random ID generator, and it came up with the same numbers as me. Or when I made a new account upon my return to disco, FL generated this person's numbers (the #1 account was made by my installation of FL). Either way, Mal saw this punk in-game and tried to contact him, to no avail. Ever since I took back a portion of the money this guy took from me, I haven't touched the account. My desktop and laptop connect to the internet via the same router, and thus should be showing as the same IP.

If there's any way at all something can be done - even if it's just restore those characters as of the most recent backup (the Ravenhurst might show as [TAZ]Anargyros) to a different account, one this person has no access to. I'll provide account access stuffs - FLAM export if need be - via PM or Skype if it helps.

My primary account has been compromised. - Cannon - 04-16-2010

Hello, I've checked your accounts out. It was accessed from one of two computers on your IP addresses. Do you have a brother/sister/friend with access to your computers? Contact me via PM if you want to discuss this further.