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Remove cruise drain from LFs? - Printable Version

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Remove cruise drain from LFs? - Tomtomrawr - 04-16-2010

Good or bad idea?

Remove cruise drain from LFs? - Cawdor - 04-16-2010

Won't have an impact on anything.

Remove cruise drain from LFs? - tansytansey - 04-16-2010

I'm pretty sure I heard someone say LFs are getting a Cruise Speed buff... that plus no cruise drain?


Remove cruise drain from LFs? - evildead - 04-16-2010

its an bad idea cruise drains must be stopped

Remove cruise drain from LFs? - Gaz83 - 04-16-2010

Yes, take cruise drain of light fighters please.
I don't think it should be on anything but capships anyway.

Remove cruise drain from LFs? - Shark - 04-16-2010

Cruise speed energy drain sounds cool! Didn't notice that before...

Remove cruise drain from LFs? - Gaz83 - 04-16-2010

' Wrote:LFs are fine as they are with their plant. Now dont touch them. No need to ruin them.

How is it going to ruin light fighters, when they didn't have cruise drain on them to begin with?

Remove cruise drain from LFs? - Stygian - 04-16-2010

I don't see a problem with the cruise drain on LFs. They recharge so fast anyways, it's hardly noticeable.

Quote:I'm pretty sure I heard someone say LFs are getting a Cruise Speed buff


Remove cruise drain from LFs? - n00bl3t - 04-16-2010

' Wrote:Yes, take cruise drain of light fighters please.
I don't think it should be on anything but capships anyway.

Requesting cruise drain be taken off cruisers and BS too.

Remove cruise drain from LFs? - Gaz83 - 04-16-2010

' Wrote:I don't see a problem with the cruise drain on LFs. They recharge so fast anyways, it's hardly noticeable.

So... in other words, cruise drain isn't necessary.
Also, it really shouldn't be on transports.