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Liberty ship rgistry - ryoken - 04-17-2010

Ok i have no problem with registering a cap. So be it,mean's nothing to me really. Problem i have is this comment from the registry post-

After you ship has been officially added to the Registry you will be given a "Primary Duty". The primary duty is what is excepted out of your ship, such as (but not limited to): Guarding Zone 21, Protecting Liberty traders in the California system, protect the borders of Liberty.[color=#FFFF33]An order from a primary fleet member will override you current duty

I am sorry this is a faction telling non faction what to do,where to do it,and how to RP thier cap. Last i knew (correct me if i am wrong) but indies are just that, INDIES! not minor faction player's. Do not get me wrong, if a LN tell's my LNS ship for help, or ask's me not to engage i have no problem's with that. Telling me i have to be in say.... Cali, or Alaska, and no where else? That is just BS. Now if i am reading this wrong, and it is just worded really badly? If indies are now just Faction slave's? Well i will just wait and see what you all think.

Oppinions only please,and no flaming. Also admin oppinion's would be very welcome here.

Liberty ship rgistry - jimmy Patterson - 04-17-2010

ive noticed it from jack ive wrote it off as just formalixzeing what you alrleady wrote(makes the reply looks neat and tidy) if jacks trying to "force" perople then tell me in roleplay and il ltalk to him (as he is technically my responsablity as he is in my department)or just tip off one of his CO's

on aanother note though i originally put this idea uyp TO the LN as a way to hopefully truy yo reign in the lolcarriers we get and such and i volentered to head it up insted of a faction running it because indies relate to me more then say they might to [LN]

Liberty ship rgistry - Contaan - 04-17-2010

I talked with Jack and these 'assignments' are for RP purposes only.

Liberty ship rgistry - Ocampo - 04-17-2010

To clear this up.

The point of telling you to back down was so you would stop shooting a lone GS with a carrier.

Liberty ship rgistry - MB52 - 04-17-2010

And please don't talk down to LPI pilots. It will not be tolerated in the future.

Liberty ship rgistry - ryoken - 04-17-2010

' Wrote:To clear this up.

The point of telling you to back down was so you would stop shooting a lone GS with a carrier.

I did not really care about the backing off. Not why i made this post. Reason i was shooting the lone GS was he kept ramming me. Next time i will just post the screen's for sanction,but i figured chasing him off was nicer,but so be it. Screens it shall be,and frack being nice. Only reason i even went their was a LPi asked for lawful assist. That i will also not respond to anymore. Since you all wish to bring it into a post i myself never even mentioned it in.

Liberty ship rgistry - jimmy Patterson - 04-17-2010

relax if hes ramming you thats fine but mabye it dident look like that

as to the lpi comment theres allways gonna be a grind betwen military ofand police espically between saw SWAT and a infantry man or soembody like jimmyits not to brate them its more of a pokeing fun kinda thing

Liberty ship rgistry - casero - 04-17-2010

Double standards.

While you will not comply when you get orders to protect X area, or to guard X gate, you will comply when they say "engage" or "assist", I'm pretty sure you would cross 3 systems if that means you can fire on something with your carrier. So, this is not a matter of "Faction Slave" is it?
Not just that, you got there by the call of the LPI, are you their slave?
Yes, they called you, I hope they didn't know that your ship was a carrier, because they have enough forces (counting the LPI ships, the LN ships and the Lawful mercenaries that were there at the moment) to take down a Hacker gunship and a Scimitar. But in the end it was you who fired on the gunship, no one could have forced you to click the mouse, even less the LPI.

I don't have any authority over you, and a Vice Admiral (galen anderson) already answered you. But I'm gonna say what I think on this matter.

The assignated tasks for the LNS aren't just to show off how evil and slavers we are, no, it has a meaning, something to back up that decision, let's say... remove the carriers, dreadnoughts, Battlecruisers and cruisers from doing the smaller ships' tasks.
Don't take it as "lol your RP sucks, we are going to dictate you what to do", take it as a hint of "hey, may be carriers are not for patroling trade lanes" It's up to you.

The Liberty Navy is a military organization, as that it can't be played perfectly here due to the "indie" factor (not blaming indies for that, it's just how the game is). So, we both, indies and faction, try the best to get to an agreement to keep the military structure of it.
Remember that you don't have to follow those assignated tasks, however if the Fleet Admiral, or the Admirals give you an order, that's a different story.

Again, just my thoughs and my comments, it doesn't reflex what the faction thinks about it.

Liberty ship rgistry - ryoken - 04-17-2010

You are right. I did not have to answer the LPi call. Seeing as i was 1 TL away,AND he yelled gunboat,not gunship. I thought maybe it was a tridente,or a rogue GB. Normally i stay close to station 1 TL from texas,and near Alaska. If LPi yelled gunship, or fighter i would have stayed put,but as i said he yelled GB,and mentioned more on way.
As for following order's to stand down? i always obey the LN. The LPi how ever do not order Navy guard around. They can "ask" for assist, but do not give order's.
Also if the LN on sight would have just stated we do not need assist,and we can handle it,then NP i will back away,and/or leave. Yelling over open comm's "i order you to stand down" and nothing else? well i am sorry but RP or not i do not respond to power hungry faction member`s,who ar rude,and do not respond to simple question`s. I do not want to hear 1 of you compare that to real life stating military does not give reason`s. THIS IS A GAME. Be nice. Rudeness,and yelling order`s will not fly with me. Telling me i cannot do something(rules excepted) will not fly. I am here for fun,and not to be ordered around.(i got work,and a girlfriend for that). Now in game not all know what is happening at all time`s. So maybe the LN did not know the GS rammed me at last count 5 time`s even after i warned him not to. We all make mistakes. But yelling order`s when not even in range yet is just power gaming. Do not think you are? well we all have oppinion`s.

Liberty ship rgistry - hack - 04-17-2010

' Wrote:As for following order's to stand down? i always obey the LN. The LPi how ever do not order Navy guard around. They can "ask" for assist, but do not give order's.

By the same token, we don't answer to the LN or LSF. We don't work for you. We assist in helping keep the peace. You don't work for us, we don't work for you.

Mutual assistance is the word of the day gents.

We assist you, you assist us. Respect grows for one another.

Hang us out to dry, expect it back.

Now to the other matter, Yes, interservice rivalry is one thing.

Verbally berating them in system alongside unlawfuls? Way out of line.

Food for thought.