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Regarding Wild RP aspects - Printable Version

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Regarding Wild RP aspects - Sturmwind - 04-18-2010

Quote:The Wild ID
From Discovery Wiki

Pilot carrying this ID is a member of The Wild, who :

* Can attack any ship at will
* Can trade only between Nomad and Wild bases
* Can demand cargo from any non-Nomads
* Cannot ally with any non-Nomads
* Cannot demand credits from anyone
* Cannot fulfill bounty contracts

Allowed ships: Fighters, Freighters, Transports, Gunboats, Cruisers, Battleships

Carrying unmounted IDs in your ship, as well as not equipping an ID, is a serious crime.

The highlighted part pretty much fails to cover an aspect of RP I consider important. The Wild (and Isejin) vessels in most cases RP to be undercover military officers rather than outright engaging contacts at will. The way I realize, these infested pilots have objectives to carry out, which they cannot achieve in their fairly small numbers. Thus, they have to use either telepathic manipulation or mere cunning to render yet non-infested and sane-thinking human pilots under their temporary disposal, which they do very well in game (at least my experience with the Wild encounters point to that).

So, once a military officer is rendered under temporary telepathic control and obeys for example an order to open fire at his own wingmen alongside the ones who hold control over his mind, an ID-rule violation comes into effect. Common sense of course, point to the fact that you shouldn't mind if proper RP is present (which surely is the case), but that won't change the fact that the violation is there.

Thus, I suggest altering the highlighted point to something like "Cannot ally with any non-Nomad and non-military entities" or removing the point entirely.


Regarding Wild RP aspects - Dusty Lens - 04-18-2010

Someone doing some sort of lamesauce mindcontrol nonsense =/= Allying with.
KNF and IseraidfactionWilde grouped together = Allying with.

You're cool.


But then I don't trust people enough to assume that they wont go "oh hey we've got 8 lolcats in systems"

"Oh man, lemme grab my wild;)"


Regarding Wild RP aspects - Sturmwind - 04-18-2010

"Lamesauce mindcontrol nonsense" > "egagin rm."

That's the way I see it at least.

You missed an important aspect however, I think that's my mistake for not highlighting it sufficiently.

That would be this: Mind control is not the only way to spark assistance from human entities once you are a nomad-infested officer. Mere cunning as I said often does the trick, as unless you've been doing excessive nomad-research, you can't tell an infested ship from afar. Such as, a mere Flieger/Ensign/Shoi meeting an infested patrol ship. During such a scenario, the wild pilot might easily persuade the unsuspecting recruit to render him assistance at the given task. I personally despise people going "OMG WILDE KILL EET" as soon as they see one. My version might be a piece of stock-phrase RP, but hell... I think it's still better than the alternative.

Let me illustrate this with another stock-phrase example.

*Wild ship shooting at Zoner transport. Rheinwehr patrol composed of recruits approaching.*

Flieger Hans: This is patrol Strudel 1, unknown ship identify yourself!
Wild Karl: "This is patrol Linzer 2, we caught this vessel smuggling and are now employing punishment after a field trial."
Flieger Hans: Right... can you handle it alone?
Wild Karl: "Not really, I could use a hand."
Flieger Hans: Understood, let's take the smuggler down.

The question is: Would that still be okay? Since I can see that scenario being RP'd, as the Wild agents still act undercover.

That aside however, clarifying what the term "ally" means on ID cards in general might be a good choice. In most cases, I have seen it being employed as a temporary term when factions with generally confronting interests form a temporary unity to counter an even bigger threat than each other. For example, a bunch of Bundschuh pilots flying alongside the Rheinwehr in defense of Hamburg against a Liberty Navy incursion force. But does it involve long-term aspects of any sort or can this temporary "alliance" be used to be continued on higher grounds?

Regarding Wild RP aspects - radon - 09-03-2010

Just for the record... Did i get this right, that as a Wild you generally can attack everyone without communication just because you want to?

Regarding Wild RP aspects - Chole - 09-03-2010

' Wrote:Just for the record... Did i get this right, that as a Wild you generally can attack everyone without communication just because you want to?
No, they got to RP first, then attack you.

Regarding Wild RP aspects - Sturmwind - 09-03-2010

I have no idea what that has to do with the original aim of the thread or how you found this from the olden days.
This should be closed, imo.

Regarding Wild RP aspects - Elven - 09-03-2010

' Wrote:Just for the record... Did i get this right, that as a Wild you generally can attack everyone without communication just because you want to?
While their ID permits them to, it's not considered to be okay. I guess.

Regarding Wild RP aspects - AeternusDoleo - 09-03-2010

Kinda goes to rule 0.0 to not just blast everything in sight. I've had good RP with some nomads -and- Wilde, without being shot to pieces. Most of the times the nomads are curious.

Wilde incognito I usually just treat as standard military until proven otherwise. They stop me for an inspection, might demand captured pirate pilots or such, and you're off again. Mind control on the other hand... Considering in the original game that needs to be done at point blank range, I don't see how it works when almost a click away with a vacuum inbetween. I would OORPly simply refuse to be subjected to it: Auto-fails.

But the ID I think is more meant for overt Wilde. The covert ones should likely closely resemble the ID which they are masking as.

Regarding Wild RP aspects - Akura - 09-03-2010

That's why we hope to have an Aoi Iseijin ID for the covert ops >.>

Overt Wild are just dangerous to be around, though we are required to Roleplay before engage like everyone else.

Regarding Wild RP aspects - cmfalconer - 09-03-2010

' Wrote:Just for the record... Did i get this right, that as a Wild you generally can attack everyone without communication just because you want to?

Take note, and do your research, that the Nomads, Wilde, and Aoi Isejen (SP?) don't necessarily communicate "normally" with those they interact with. Squishies are telepathic entities for the most part, and their infected brethren can do either at times.

***blahblah*** is denoted as telepathic speech, most normally projecting emotions into a subject rather than actual words and conversation. It's much akin to talking to an SMA or Harvester, you have to be careful what you say and how you say it.

They don't have to tell you "I'm going to shoot you" which is something that a lot of people don't seem to get around here. A little common sense and extrapolation (ie reading between the lines) is all it takes sometimes for you to realize "Oh, I've just been told I'm going to get shot soon".

Granted, some players are better than others at establishing their Nomad RP, but they all have certain ways of interacting and establishing engagement.

And no, I'm not one of them...just seem to run into them often enough on characters to know a little about it.