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Buying a Small Base - me_b_kevin - 09-14-2007

this is purely hypothetical so please keep that in mind.

is it possible to buy a small base without being in a faction?

i see this as being a small asteroid base, maybe i went in and "forced" out the occupants, hidden away in a asteroid field in a kinda out of the way bit of space.

i see it this way (dream sequence music)

in an area like the badlands in New York there is a research base that was built in secret or maybe it's kinda like the isolated base built to study that anomoly in the SP campaign. this would be a base for Mon'Star of course. so the space around it would be littered with wrecked ships and junk like the base in Omega 15. maybe even have a NPC flying around it called....well....Mon'Star. OR maybe Mon'Star has set up a automated defense system that includes computer guided fighters that just stay right around the base. both would attack anything that came close.

this is a dream of mine and i know the chances of it happening are in the negative but i thought i'd share it real quick.

anywho back to my original question....LOL

can a solo player buy a base and if so how much would it cost?

Buying a Small Base - Praetyre - 09-14-2007

Well, I've noticed that in 1 field (The Omicron Gamma or Dresden lavaish one) that there seems to be a big asteroid that looks exactly like a base without ports. That would make a perfect candidate for a Corsair/Unioner base of some kind.

But it's probably, like all good things, hardcoded. The only way you could do it would be in a manner similar to the current system for buyings systems, tell Igiss where you want it, and what kind of base it is (the prices would probably go up with base type and go something like this; Gas Miner (Probably GMG only)->Border Station/Depot->Small Asteroid Base->West Pointesque base->Large Asteroid Base (Buffalo/Willard size)->Battleship->Fort->Station (Newark/Sheffield size)->Mining Station (Stokes/Pueblo size)->Freeport (Freeport 7 sized)->Tekagi's Arch type base->Dyson City (Of course, you'd have to mod ports in, and it would have to cost around 1.6 billion). Then, you could also pay on the side for mines (With a tradelane ala Kansai lowering the overall price, and Zone 21 type ubermines costing 250 million) and weapons platforms and even for patrols.

Buying a Small Base - Eppy - 09-14-2007

There are hundreds of those. Just added for flavor. I don't think they'll be added as bases anytime soon...

I think the base-purchase isn't a bad idea, but only to a certain range of people who's RO has proven its worth.

Buying a Small Base - I_m_rdy - 09-14-2007

Well that would be sweet, I always wanted to own a base, but the question is where...

Buying a Small Base - Drake - 09-14-2007

There's one mod, Flak 88 maybe I think, which has "rented" bases in various systems. The lease for the base is bought on one of the planets in the same system (for an obscene amount of money). The base is hostile to anyone without a mounted lease, and anyone with a mounted lease can land on it. This isn't the same thing as Dreygon is asking about, but is the closest I could think of. I don't think having bases that only one or two specific people can dock on is possible, unless they get a new NPC faction that only they're part of.

Buying a Small Base - Unseelie - 09-14-2007

i would love to buy some bases, in the way that factions buy systems.....

just give money to a modder...ask them to add thuss and such to an empty system, just to fill those systems up...can i do that?
or do i have to have a faction to do it?

Buying a Small Base - Treewyrm - 09-14-2007

If this made possibility then there a set of restrictions and rules covering user bases is needed. Neither money nor making a system was ever a problem. As usual the problem is ourselves, our expectaions and our wishes which may or may not be welcomed in the community, which in turn is not always right with it's opinions and judgement.

But I'd certainly love to see this... in a limited and reasonable amount. It's a sort of ideas that sound good but may become troublesome in actual implementation.

Now who is valid to have own base and who is not? It's a dangerous edge, people, if anything it may also be one of the breaches that endanger this community.

Buying a Small Base - DarkOddity - 09-15-2007

As much as I would absolutely see this, the assumption of implimentation is correct.

Not only would you have to have the bases created and added to the mod, but you would also have to deal with adding additional factions depending on base privacy. If a base is meant to be private then a faction has to made for it and edited onto each player thhat needs access. Not fun for our admin team.

Also, there isn't a "real" point to owning your own base in freelancer as you can't store extra items and ships, unfortunately.

Buying a Small Base - romer - 09-15-2007

' Wrote:Also, there isn't a "real" point to owning your own base in freelancer as you can't store extra items and ships, unfortunately.

Good point, this ain't EVEOnline :P

Buying a Small Base - Dab - 09-15-2007

Unfortunately so Romer..

Aaaanyways. All you have to do is give me incentive to mod this base for you. 'Incentive' including both money and an RP reason thats sound.. I can tell you right here, there is no point in asking either me or Igiss for a base like Rogue in Rheinland.. No matter which you ask, we won't make factions outside their current zones..

However, asking for a base (ex; Bundschuh) in a Rheinland system would be perfectly sound. BTW, these bases wouldn't cost much to pay me. 200-300 mil at most. (Maybe 400 if you want a shipyard or an otherwise elaborate base with lots of added-on objects.

*Goes back to getting Freeport XV's new biodomes to work.* "Damned things, stop pointing that way!"