Discovery Gaming Community
Hideho! - Printable Version

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Hideho! - Scrapper - 04-21-2010

Hi, I'm a refugee from other parts. Pleased to be here, and look to sell you something real soon.

The Kelleys...

Shamrock Salvage, Captain Conal Kelley, owner and master

LE//37A~C.Kelley, Sgt. Conor Kelley, Legion Etrangere de Gallia (Foreign Legion)

Hideho! - Not Espi - 04-21-2010

welcome. read the rules, have fun.

also: i like your first post, but you should have messed around a bit first, before submitting a faction.;)

edit: in case of questions, forums will answer most of them. pm's work too. and get skype. you will need it.

Hideho! - aerelm - 04-21-2010

Welcome to Discovery!
First of all, its good to see you're trying to kick up the activity in Gallia, cause that place is kinda... Dead... and needs more Love! But Even some of the Original NPC Factions up there dont have enough members. I'd suggest you join one of the already existing unofficial factions instead of making a new One (Although the main idea of yours is nice, but it's better if we help the higher priority factions first, yea?:)

Also, You seem to be familiar with rules and roleplay and all, but in case you've missed any of these links;
  • Complete Version of Server Rules
    - Reading and Understanding all these (Even though it might get a bit confusing in the beginning) is essential for Survival (!) on this Server!
  • Community & Forum Rules
    - Aside from this link, there are certain rules for each Sub-Forum as well. You can find those in pinned threads of each Sub-forum.
  • Technology Usage Chart
    - Want to make a New character with a Specific ID ? First read the ID and its restriction carefully, then check this chart to see What Ships and Guns you can use with it.
  • Discovery Wiki
    - Need Information about any Faction, Ship, or Equipment ? You'll find what you need here.
  • Server Commands
    - There are many useful Commands available on This server, which are really useful, You can find a complete list on the Wiki Page.
If you have any questions, or need help, You can always contact anyone from This List,
And when In Game, Look for those nice guys around with [The_Angel] Tag, They sure know how to help you out.
Also, you might like to spend some time reading our Role-Playing Hub And even decide to join in! Remember, Server Roleplay comes first, but then, there is Forum Roleplay, which can be really enjoyable if you are the 'Writer' type!

So, Don't be afraid to ask anything you need, and ... Enjoy Your stay!;)

Hideho! - Jansen - 04-21-2010

Welcome, if you got some questions, nobody should bite your head of if you ask. Have fun!

Hideho! - whitegh0st - 04-21-2010

Greetings... enjoy you're stay in this fine community of people who should really get more sunlight...

That about covers it...


Hideho! - Glis - 04-21-2010

Dav pretty much summed it up except for this: READ THE RULES AND UNDERSTAND THEM SO YOU DON'T GET BANNED FOR NO REASON lol sorry had to, but im serious.. see you in space (don't avoid be because of what i said earlier in this post...)

Hideho! - Dark_Predator - 04-25-2010
