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Favorite Movie/Game Space vessels. - Printable Version

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Favorite Movie/Game Space vessels. - Avalanche - 04-21-2010

[font=Book Antiqua]~~ No Freelancer Space Vessels ~~


I am wondering what your favorite space ships are in the world of entertainment. Post them here (Also mention what movie/game its from), maybe say why, maybe say if they have a good place in Freelancer.


DAEDALUS - Class Battlecruiser (Stargate Sg-1)

- I like it a lot because its a hell of a sexy ship. Its pretty weak however, always seems to get rapped in space battles. It seams to favor 'rail guns' which seem to be pretty petty weapons. All Sg-1 fans should know what I'm on about.

I also think it has a nice possibility of being a Freelancer ship, maybe a good cruiser/carrier. If of course its done right and is done well. (Just a personal though)

Favorite Movie/Game Space vessels. - jxie93 - 04-21-2010

There're simply too many to list.

A few of my personal favourites - Battlestar Pegasus (Not Galactica, Pegasus is more badass), Akira Class, Norexan Class, Borg Tactical Cube, Go'uld mothership and other assorted BSG, Star Trek, Star Wars and SG1/Atlantis fighter crafts (Vipers, Shuttlecrafts etc). Plus what I can't remember.

Those are the spacecraft that simply make you soil yourself over their sheer awesomeness.

Favorite Movie/Game Space vessels. - stardust47 - 04-21-2010

SSV Normandy SR1
ME2 doesn't do it justice.

The Starflier.

[Image: EagleFrieghterConversion.jpg]
The Eagle from Space: 1999.

[Image: main-thunderbird-3.jpg]
The classic Thunderbird 3.

The Nemesis.

And my all-time favourite movie starship:
USS Enterprise NCC-1701 Original.

Favorite Movie/Game Space vessels. - Kuze - 04-21-2010

Broadsword (Wing Commander)
[Image: Wc2broadsword.jpg]
Colonial Liner (Battlestar Galactica)
[Image: 200px-BSG-Gemon-Liner.jpg]
Imperial Trader (Elite 2: Frontier)
[Image: trader2.gif]
Eureka Maru (Andromeda)
[Image: Eureka_maru.jpg]
Swordfish II (Cowboy Bebop)
[Image: swordfish-ii_400.jpg]
CR-90 (Star Wars)
[Image: Tantive4.jpg]
Excelsior Class (Star Trek)
[Image: excel-asteroids.jpg]

Favorite Movie/Game Space vessels. - Mao - 04-21-2010

Andromeda - Andromeda
X-Wing - Star Wars
All of those fine Vipers - Battlestar Galactica
Executor - Star Wars
Naboo Fighter - Star Wars
Naboo Bomber - Star Wars
Naboo Royal Cruiser - Star Wars
Naboo Queen's Royal Starship - Naboo... I mean Star Wars... ops
Queen Amidala - Star Wa... Owait... nvm

Favorite Movie/Game Space vessels. - Strobel - 04-22-2010

Alright, here we go. This is my list, no order in it:

Thunderbolt Starfury - Babylon 5
Omega Class Destroyer - Babylon 5
Excelsior Class (refit) - Star Trek
Akira Class - Star Trek
D'deridex Class Warbird - Star Trek
Klingon Bird of Prey - Star Trek
This little beauty - Unknown xD

Favorite Movie/Game Space vessels. - whitegh0st - 04-22-2010

Difficult one...

Conestoga-class - Aliens (Looks great and is packed pull of guys sayin things like "We got nukes, knives, sharp sticks!")
Terran Odin-Class - X3:Reunion/X3:TC (May cause bowel collapse if faced alone)
Roger Young - Starship Troopers (Despite being marred by the horrific acting taking place on board it)
Orion Gunship - Wing Commander : Privateer (The words "I hate to break it to you, but we checked your account... and you don't have enough credits to buy this ship. She sure is a fine ship though, ain't she?" haunt me even today)
TIE Defender - Star Wars (Useless maybe, but does it in style)
Ebon Hawk - Star Wars (Spent alot of hours on this thing back in KOTOR days...)
YT-2400 'Outrider' - Star Wars (Good ol' Shadow of the Empire on the N64)

There are a few Trek ships also, but everyone knows what they look like so let's not bother.
And tsk tsk Sonya, the man said no Freelancer! no cake for you...


Favorite Movie/Game Space vessels. - KomPot - 04-22-2010

Sovereign-class - Star Trek (for ex. USS Enterprise NCC-1701-E)

Favorite Movie/Game Space vessels. - Mr.Fabulous - 04-22-2010

Liberty Dreadnaught, Freelancer:yahoo:

NO KIDDING!!! THAT was the very first capital ship I fell in love with... Also, FL was the first and only space sim I ever played...

Can you deny its sleek design, its massive engine, its boat-like front, and its compact form?

I know I can't... :ylove:

Favorite Movie/Game Space vessels. - Bobthemanofsteel - 04-22-2010

Star Destroyer.
'nuff said.