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Sirius Mercenary Network - Printable Version

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Sirius Mercenary Network - MercNet - 04-21-2010

[Image: MercNetLogo.png]

Sirius Mercenary Network - Zapp - 04-22-2010

(( Any Colour You Like (003))

Pilot Rating: F
Certified Kills: 2
Contracts Completed: 6.000.000
Bonus' Earned: 0
Pilot Dossier: If I must... not much to really say. My history is my own. Born on Baltimore Shipyard, learned enough about ships to get by, parents were pretty normal, struck out for my fortune early on. Figured this gig could do me some good. Really... I'll be any color it takes to make you like and pay me.

Sirius Mercenary Network - Aphil - 04-24-2010

(( Foxtrot (008))

Pilot Rating: F
Confirmed Kills: 3
Earnings: 9.000.000
Bonus' Earned: 0
Pilot Dossier: What can I say? I wouldn't mind killing for profit. I was born on Planet Manhattan. My Father was a Mercenary and my Mother took care of the accounting and financial stuff. At age 14 my Father started to train me to fly Fighters in a Combat Simulator. I turned out to be a natural at it and as soon as I turned 18 my Father took me on my first Non-Simulator flight. At age 23 my Father retired from Mercenary work and he gave me his old Sabre. He called it the "Foxtrot" a name which I now use as a Codename to identify myself.

Sirius Mercenary Network - Zarro - 04-25-2010

(( Zarro (004))
Pilot Rating: D
Confirmed Kills: 8
Earnings: 27.000.000
Bonus' Earned: 0
Pilot Dossier: zarro likes to fly ship, one day he found job from dad and got alot of money. zarro bught wepons and met ralf and bugz, now they fly togetter to find bounty and get money. zarro is very serious so people find respect at him.
Mercenary Co:
Zarro Merco!

(( Ralf (005))

Pilot Rating: F
Confirmed Kills: 2
Earnings: 6.000.000
Bonus' Earned: 0
Pilot Dossier: ralf was very fat man until day he finds woman. they marry and he get many kids, then rogue come to kill kids. ralf get very angry and kills woman but not before navy kills rogues. now ralf very angry at navy to attack rogues becuse he want revenge himself.

so now ralf engage everyone for bounties to revenge. and get mony from zarro he is friend.

ralf meet zarro this way, he come to californa he see zarro fight for bounty.
ralf very imrpessed and ask if zarro need help and he say yes. then he helpp for defense of friend now they both mercenarie.

Mercenary Co:
Zarro Merco!

(( Bugz (007))

Pilot Rating: F
Confirmed Kills: 2
Earnings: 6.000.000
Bonus' Earned: 0
Pilot Dossier: Bugz, CORRECTION BugZ was very rich man once. he would sell money for rent and get more money. his parents gave him all money and also fly training.

he bought 20% shares in IND and made very much money for that. then hackers came and steal all his money. he did not surrender. he fights! when he kills hackers he meets Ralf and Zarro and say 'hi friends'.

thats how they got to be a mercenarie company Zarro Merco from then on and for ever and ever!

Mercenary Co:
Zarro Merco!

Sirius Mercenary Network - Takeshi Morioki - 04-26-2010

(( Bloody Sunrise (021))

Pilot Rating: F
Certified Kills: 0
Contracts Completed: 0
Bonuses Earned: 0
Pilot Dossier:
My past is irrelevant. I am what I do. And what I do, is blow people up for money. It's nothing personal. I don't hate. I don't make grudges, though some may have them against me. If the contract doesn't say "shoot the pod" then I don't... after all, if they get another ship, I can collect again. I make money, nothing more, nothing less.
If you must know, I've bubbled up again shooting people for the IMG. Appreciative folks, they are. Very generous. Well, mostly... been thinking I'll hit up the Omegas for a bit, see if they miss me some more. Previous attachments up in the Taus dried up after all.
I fight. If I win, I get paid, and I enjoy my money. If I lose, whatever. Means that there's still work to be done. This is my life, purely business.

Sirius Mercenary Network - Sandero - 04-26-2010

(( Duster-One (013))

Certified Kills: 0
Contracts Completed: 0
Bonus' Earned: 0
Pilot Dossier: Hagen's biography is disputed. He claims that he was born as Max Pedersen at Freeport 2. He later adopted his mother's maiden name Hagen. At the age of 14 he joined a merchant crew as a cabin boy and worked in ship until his military service in 799. In 801, to fight in the war, the unemployed Hagen moved to New Berlin to join the military. In an interview in 805, he said, "Rheinland happened to be closer than any other house, I went to a RM recruiting office to enlist, but it wasn't as easy as I had thought. Only Rheinland citizens could serve. After six months of trying to join up, they finally accepted me on the condition that I became a naturalized Rheinlander... which I did." He didn't last long in the military. They had so a very strict program and Hagen couldn't addapt. He resigned in 804 and started to trade in his small ship. He wanted to see all the Sirius but something took him back to Bering everytime he was trying to explore further away.

With the Nomad War, a lot of data has been lost so no one can tell if what he says is right.