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How to plan the perfect getaway... - Printable Version

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How to plan the perfect getaway... - Akura - 04-22-2010

Seven days before Operation Two Birds

Zoey closed the door carefully behind her, bolting it so she wouldn't be distrubed. She cranked the heating up and slipped off her jacket, sinking into her chair.

Islay was cold, and lonely, most of the 'Natures Last Hope' bunch were so very different from her, sure, they were violent on occasion, but for a reason.
Zoey knew she was a violent criminal, she liked it. The Gaians were either, disgruntled old treehuggers, or pirates using the Corsair alliance to get their jobs done with a safety net.

She was neither, she was half Kusari, half Bretonia, she loved Kusari and all it's wonders, and she would do anything to see it prosper.
That meant supporting the Kusari front from here in Bretonia, and helping the Corsairs.

She sighed and leaned back, glancing across at the wall. In them middle of her pinboard, was a picture of a Liner she had printed out from the Neutral-net, along with lists of names and places, plans and blueprints.

[Image: AkuraKalevranerplans.png]

Zoey was planning a vacation.

Granted she wasn't planning it so she could relax, she had underlying goals, she planned to steal something, draw attention to herself.

She smiled as she admired her plan, weaving itself through her thoughts...

How to plan the perfect getaway... - Akura - 04-30-2010

Hour Zero - Operation Two Birds begins

Jeremy 'Jerry' Fischer finished off his glass, gulping the wine down with little time for taste or enjoyment. He didn't like these boring cruises, his job wasn't to sit about all day watching the upperclass squander about on the decks of the Liner, chit-chatting about anything he cared little about.

His suit was too tight, the collar rubbed against his skin. The bowtie was too tight, it restricted his heavy breathing, he felt light headed, he had weak lungs, a product of smoking most of his adult life.
The wine was weak, expensive rubbish from 'the finest corners of Sirius'. It left a bad taste in his mouth, he preferred beer.

The shoes he had to wear were too small, and too light, nothing like his usual boots. His shirt was itchy and he hated his neaty combed hair, today was not a fun day.

How to plan the perfect getaway... - Akura - 05-01-2010

He was in a large entertainment room, the floorspace spread with tables, each one with it's own group of very rich individuals.

They sipped their Champagne greedily, the six digit price tag not crossing thier minds for a second. Chatting away they discussed their jobs, their children, each time trying to one-up the last, trying to be the best.

Jerry hated it. He wished he could kill these people, wipe their greedy, pointless lives from existance. He envied the Phantoms sometimes, they were free, he was paid to kill his targets, that was his living.
This disgustingly snobby payed his wage, they payed for his bounties.

He was being employed by one kind of scum to kill off another.

The decorations were unnecessary, leading him to consider that the minimum of one million he was paid each job, barely paid for the trimmings around the tables. The total combined price of all the useless decorations could probably pay his rent and expenses for around a year.

The lights dimmed, the talking quietened down, which was a relief to Jerry, he couldn't stand the unbearable chuckling of the two fat women behind him, sharing tales of their uninteresting escapades.

How to plan the perfect getaway... - Akura - 05-01-2010

The whole room was almost in total darkness, save for a few lights on above the stage at the far end of the space. An old fashioned piano to the left, a single musician had begun to play, quietly working in a pleasant melody.

In a moment, the stage lights came on, grabbing the attention of the small crowd. A girl in a scarlet dress stood nervously at the Mic. Her shoulder length hair was a delicate golden colour, the lights giving a seemingly magical glow to her.
Her features were stunning, touched up with a little makeup, she looked familiar.

Jerry held his gaze, trying to place her face to a name. He had seen her before. The piano picked up, starting a stable tune, the girl smiled and began to sing,

"Stars shining bright above you..." her voice projecting across the room, silencing those who were still talking, "...Night breezes seem to whisper, I love you...", she continued, complimented with the gentle strokes of the piano, "Birds singing in the sycamore tree... Dream a little dream of me..."

She had Jerry's attention, he couldn't figure out where he knew her from, but her smile was so familiar,

"Say nighty-night and kiss me... Just hold me tight and tell me you'll miss me" her voice had the full attention of the room, "While I'm alone and blue as can be, Dream a little dream of me..."

It was killing him now... he knew this, it was tearing him apart,

"Stars fading, but I linger on, dear, Still craving your kiss..." her voice balanced so perfectly, "I'm longing to linger 'till dawn, dear, Just saying this..."

She briefly caught eye contact with him, he could see it in her sparkling hazel eyes... she recognised him.

"Sweet dreams 'till sunbeams find you, Sweet dreams that leave all worries behind you..." she continued, moving her gaze elsewhere, "But in your dreams, whatever they be... Dream a little dream of me"

The magic broke for a second as she coughed lightly,

"E-excuse me, who here is Richard Baker, son of Sir George Baker of the Bretonian Armed Forces?" she asked, the pianist had stopped playing, annoyed at the interruption,

A small man in his mid twenties raised his hand, glancing around with the same confused look as everyone else,

"Okay, thank you..." she spoke gently, the pianist hissed at her, trying to get her attention, "One moment please"

The room began to whisper quietly, frustrated with her unprofessional actions. It was then Jerry had worked out her name... Zoey Sakura. He had met her in a bar in Kusari, that was a good day for him but the mood just dropped.

How to plan the perfect getaway... - Akura - 05-01-2010

She snapped her body back towards the crowd, a small neutron pistol in hand. Zoey didn't give anyone a chance to even think, firing a shot directly at the chest of Richard Baker.
A few women screamed as Richard's chest was torn open, and he was thrown backwards out of his chair. His girlfriend was in shock, her face and covered in a large amount of his blood.

Almost exactly a second after his body hit the floor, hysteria and panic filled the room. The masses of upperclass Gentlemen and Ladies all rushing to the exits, trying desperately to flee the scene before they met the same fate.

Jerry kicked his chair back, standing immediately, reaching for his holster. His stomach cramped up slightly, the cold dread filling him. He wasn't wearing his shooter, his hand simply hovered where his gun should be, at the hip of his dress slacks.

How could it be that the most dangerous girl he had met, bar hopping on Freeports, could be here? Assassinating semi-important Bretonian figures... and she was blond!

He cursed, shoving a couple of people aside to make his way to the stage. She was nowhere to be seen, disappearing before any of the armed guards could even enter the room, moving swiftly through the hysteria.

With one more glance over the crowd, he swore bluntly and made his way over to the closest exit, packed with people trying to flee. This was a Luxury Liner, in space, she can't be far. And she might fetch a nice fat bounty...

How to plan the perfect getaway... - Akura - 06-01-2010

Six days before Operation Two Birds

Zoey tapped her boot against a small crate of Food Rations, lightly flipping a small bottlecap with her thumb.

A small pack of Outcasts were arguing over the prices of some food with a local commodities vendor on the hanger floor, drawing the attention of a large group of Junkers were playing a game of cards over a makeshift table, composed of boxes of Silver and Hydrocarbons.

Soon enough a large, round man in a well trimmed suit made himself known, waving excitedly at Zoey and waddling his way over. He was probably the only person Zoey had ever met who wore a tophat, or as monacle for that matter, a peculiar man, with a matching peculiar wardrobe.

"Zoey! Zoey my dear, what brings you to Freeport 6?" he beamed, resting his hands on his hips as he squeezed himself through the various crates of goods,

"I'm good Kingston, although the mood dropped as I saw you, like it always does..." Zoey hissed, her hand resting lightly on her pistol,

"Well, no need to be brusque, Miss Sakura" he frowned, "You always were so very charientismus"

"I'm not sure I even know what that means" Zoey raised an eyebrow, a little confused,

"So inaniloquent of you... simpler words, yes-" He began, patronising Zoey much to her dismay,

The Outcasts across the hanger had begun shouting louder, the vendor backed off, tripping over a small box of Tabacco. The senior Outcast pulled a small Particle gun, waving it around and attempting to threaten the vendor, who was coyly trying to crawl away.

"Excuse me a second" Zoey said, drawing her own gun and pushing Kingston lightly to one side,

The senior Outcast growled and lined up his shot, ignoring the Junkers as one ran off to fetch security. He screamed in shock as his Particle Pistol exploded in his hands, the cause of which was a well placed shot from Zoey.

Cursing, he unholstered his friend's own pistol and turned to Zoey, recieving another shot, this time to the chest. The other Outcasts were on the edge of becoming violent when they noticed the Junkers had all pulled out weapons, and a small Zoner security team arrived at the scene.

"I'll see you in space boys" Zoey smiled, her gun still drawn,

They raised their hands and backed away, returning to their Sabres as the largest of the group dragged away the senior Outcast, avoiding a real gunfight.

"Sorry, where were we?" She holstered her gun, her attention returning to Kingston,

"Before that rather unexpected impediment of our conversation, you called me here because you stand in need for my services" Kingston rambled,

"Uhh, yeah, I need your help with something rather obscure"

"Ambiguous and Enigmatic are the kinds of things my business strives on!" he beamed, proudly removing his monacle to polish it with a small cloth,

"Right... I need tickets to a Liner, flying less than a week from now" Zoey expained, handing him a leaflet, "This one to be precise"

Kingston inspected the small leaflet, detailing the voyage of an Orbital Spa and Cruise Liner.

"Planning a holiday, a vacation Miss Sakura?"

"A robbery and a murder actually" She responded bluntly,

"You certainly said that a little too candidly for my liking, keep such details to yourself, my business is-"

"Now, now, you pompus bastard, can you get me on board or not?" Zoey cut him off,

"You maledicent little girl... Yes, I can" he handed her back the leaflet, pulling a small handkerchief to clean his hands, "Give me a day or two and I'll pull some strings"

"Thank you Kingston, you know how to contact me, our arrangement is the same as always, I pay when you get it done"

"Toodle-oo, Miss" he bowed slightly, eying her flight boots with distaste,

"Bye Kingston..." Zoey sighed as he turned his back, disappearing off in the direction of the bar, "I hate that guy..." Zoey whispered to herself, grabbing her crate of Food Rations, ready to return to space.

How to plan the perfect getaway... - Akura - 06-26-2010

Zero Hour - Operation Two Birds continues

Zoey shoved her way past an arguing couple, keeping an eye out for the Liner Security team. There were several in-flight announcements warning people to return to their rooms, but the upper class was very easy to panic, so most of them were still practically terrified.

There was a large open area, a sort of plaza with floors stretching up with balconies to look down. Zoey crossed the plaza and disappeared behind a large potted plant, just in time to miss a passing patrol of Liner Security.
They patrolled in pairs, which meant there must be enough of them to cover pretty much all of the liner.

Zoey pulled a small slip of paper from her left shoe, it was a small picture of the Liner's floor schematics, the area that looked most had a small red arrow drawn on in pen. She looked up at where the arrow was pointing in relation to her location, seeing a small, well hidden pair of silver sliding doors.

This was the service elevator, and according to her plans, it should lead several floors down into some deeper, more complicated service tunnels. There was a small, simple panel to the right of the door, requiring an eight digit code

[Image: buttonpanel.jpg]

Zoey turned her small slip of paper over, on it was a list of complicated numbers and codes she would be needing at some point. She found the code for the door and punched it it,

"5...4...5...6...6...7...2...2" she whispered, pushing each button in turn,

The keypad returned an error and reset. Zoey cursed and tried the one under it,


Again it returned an error, refusing to unlock the doors. Zoey glanced around again, pulling a small knife and prising the front plate off the panel.

[Image: Circuit.jpg]

"Oh great..." she exclaimed, pressing the front of her knife on a small circular pad and poking one of the transistors. Within a minute she heard a click, and an alarm began to sound, "Whoops..."

Zoey clipped the panel front back on and worked her knife inbetween the two elevator doors. Her re-wiring had unlocked the doors, but unfortunately set off an alarm too. The plaza would be flooded with armed Liner Security officers soon enough and her time was running out.

She prised the doors open slowly, glancing up and down the elevator shaft. The elevator was a few floors up, and there was a service ladder she could easily use. Zoey positioned herself on a small ledge and began to slide the doors closed behind her. She could hear the Liner Security team arriving in the plaza, which meant that was way too close for comfort...