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History - Igiss - 12-08-2005

This is a proposition of a history for our mod. The events described here happened after the Freelancer original story...

History - Part I

Nomad threat for Sirius is no more, and Order is on watch in Omicrons. However, as alien threat was eliminated, new threats await.

Those who read news know that Corsairs had plans of invading Rheinland. However, Red Hessians got to know about those plans and warned Rheinalnd military command, resulting in massive military buildup in Frankfurt. To avoid casualties, Corsair elders decided to withdraw their forces and concentrate on defensive actions agains Red Hessians, like before. New target for growing Corsair fleets was Bretonia.

Corsairs raided Bretonian space for a long time by. Their primary target was Dublin system with rich gold deposits. Corsairs preferred to avoid Bretonia military and police patrols, but they couldn't avoid Mollys - a dangerous terrorist group from Dublin. By placing their base inside a mine field, Mollys made it nearly invulnerable to assault attempts from both military and Corsairs. But in an open space combate, clumsy Molly bloodhounds were no match for agile Corsair fighters.

Situation changed with the recent discovery of a new remote gold field in Dublin. Nearby, a previously unknown jump hole into Edinburgh was found. This meant that if Corsairs could take Dublin under their control, they would gain access to Tau systems through Edinburgh, threatening important Cardamine routes of Outcasts. Outcasts and their allies could not tolerate with threat of losing cardamine market of Bretonia and Liberty (80% of cardamine was supplied to Liberty through Bretonia). To help Mollys against Corsairs, Liberty Rogues provided them with several dozens of Huegenot cruisers.

Soon after Outcasts found out about the new jump hole, Corsairs knew about it too. Elders considered attacks agains Outcasts in Tau border worlds a risky and expensive affair, but worth the price. Outcasts were serious threat, unlike Mollys, but Outcasts had fewer numbers. If Corsairs could attack concurrently in Tau and Omega, they would eventually succeed in pushing Outcasts back into Edge Worlds and cut off all their cardamine routes. Isolated and lacking resources, Outcasts of Malta and Ruiz would finally surrender - or face inevitable death. Former allies of Outcasts will gladly continue working with Corsairs if they could supply them with cardamine, like Outcasts in the past. Even if Corsairs won't be able to conquer Malta, they still have a backdoor plan: Cryer scientists nearly completed research on synthetic drug that could replace cardamine.

If only Corsairs could accomplish their ambitious plans...

History - Igiss - 12-09-2005

History - Part II

Bretonian military and police patrols were no match for Corsairs, but even the most experienced of the Corsair pilots were unable to deal with powerful Bretonian capital ships. Small scouting groups could easily penetrate into Bretonian territory, hiding inside asteroid fields and nebulas, avioding planets and bases. Trafalgar base run by Junkers supplied Corsairs with repairs and most-needed equipment on their way into Dublin. It was also a good place to hire mercenaries that helped to transfer gold back to Cadiz, and bring back artifacts that were later sold on New London by Junkers and freelancers alike.

However, fleets that consisted of hundreds of ships could not pass through Cambridge and New London without engaging the core forces of Bretonian military - battleships and destroyers. Corsairs had a small, but steadily growing fleet of capital ships of their own. Those ships were built on Tripoly shipyard with the help of Order engineers. Order urgently needed money to reconstruct their defences against growing Nomad threat. Based on Osiris original design, Corsair version was cheaper to build and much weaker. Used primarily to defend Yaren, the new base of Corsairs in Omicron Delta, from Nomads and occasional Bounty Hunter patrols, Osiris was a perfect ship to support further exploration of systems inside The Hollow, a huge tunnel inside Edge Nebula.

Corsair version of Osiris, while being very effective in certain combat situations, was no match both for original Osiris and for battleships of other Houses. Corsair elders made a strategic decision not to use this ship for battles in Bretonia. Even if Corsairs finally win, casualties will be too high to continue their way into Outcast systems. Another way to lead large fleets through the heart of Bretonia meeting minimal resistance was found. To fulfil their plans, Corsairs addressed their old allies in Kusari: Hogosha.

Hogosha had strong ties within the new militaristic Kusari government that replaced the old shogunate after fall of Governor Tekagi. Successful strikes against Blood Dragons were only the beginning for new rulers of Kusari; they wanted something more - a victorious war. Preferable target was, of course, Rheinland. Chancellor Niemann was dead, and Rheinland was weaker than ever, losing almost all its ships during Nomad Wars. Piracy was on the rise, and economical situation not much better than after 80-year war with IMG. Overtaking of Sigmas and Frankfurt could make Kusari the largest and strongest empire in Sirius without much effort.

Corsairs convinced Hogosha to use their influence and prevent bloodthirsty Kusari generals from starting a full-scale war with Rheinland. Instead, Corsairs needed a war between Kusari and Bretonia. The war would solve three problems at once: leaved Rheinland alone as an easy target if Corsairs would need to get rid of Red Hessian presence in future; weakening two strongest nations in Sirius - Bretonia and Kusari; and, most important, drawing all Bretonia forces into Leeds and Tau systems, leaving Cambridge and New London unprotected.

It took four years for Hogosha to prepare solid ground for the war. On one hand, Hogosha with the help of Samura plotted provocations agains Bretonia and its corporations, BMM in particular, in Tau systems and even in Leeds. Hogosha even concluded a secret treaty with Gaians who attacked Planetform and BMM transports in Tau-31, leaving occasional evidence of their relations with Kusari government. Growing concern of Queen Karina about Gaian issue resulted in several anti-Kusari declarations that were considered hostile both by Kusari officials and public. Of course, no actual ties between Kusari government and Gaians ever existed.

On the other hand, Hogosha successfully convinced Kusari generals and corporation leaders that Bretonia is weak and a war will benefit the state both economically and politically. BMM had ambitious plans of exploring Tau-23 that concerned both Samura and Kishiro. Even IMG (Independent Miners Guild) was against BMM expansion and would support Kusari efforts. Harris terraforming must have been stopped, or Bretonia could claim whole Tau-31 part of its territory. It was also an important opportunity to draw Outcasts further from Kusari borders. On the other side, BMM lobbied decisions that would increase military presence of Bretonia in Tau that even peaceful Queen Karina could not oppose. Growing tension in diplomatic and economical relations between Kusari and Bretonia made the war almost inevitable.

However, outcasts' intelligence did not rest during those four years. Soon enough they knew enough about plans of Hogosha, and although no evidence existed that Hogosha was backed up by Corsairs, old bonds between those two organisations lead Outcasts to a correct guess: the war would benefit Corsairs much more than Kusari. Outcasts and their allies could no longer wait - they needed to act, and actions followed soon enough...

To be continued.

Now you can post here. Basically, this is a history that *might* be included into future releases of Discovery mod (4.79). I need your feedback and suggestions.

History - Wolfpack98 - 12-09-2005

I like it.. looks good.

Almost like a reader's digest to the actual story.

History - Angel - 12-11-2005

Was wondering is this a history of the Discovery Mod or the Discovery Server?

History - Igiss - 12-11-2005


It's an opportunity to make the world more interesting. Battles between House capital ships, for example. Why not?

History - Korrd - 12-13-2005

I like the idea. It will make the sever more interesting...

History - Quantum - 12-15-2005

I think it is a great Idea. Me being in the IG I've actually been debating how to go with this house faction. Right now we are weak with only 2 very active members. I'v been trying to find more but its been hard. With so few memebers I've been leaning towards internal issues in Kusari and having the IG forced to go rouge (as stated when I was first enstated as acting Shogun of IG). Similer to what happen in Rheinland. Mostly this is because I knew we had few active memebers and I was unsure how quick this could change. I'm very much for going with the Kusari vs Bretonia war. Especially with all the background. I'm pretty sure AW would back us and that would definetly even numbers out. Their position in Corsair space would allow for a lot of play in the storyline as far as their actual role in the grand scheme.
Since Ripper (dare devil) is gone we can use that as a chance for a more war thirsting Shogun(me) to seize the oppertunity to invade the Tau and Leeds systems. Under indirect advice from the Hogosha. ALthough this whole thing with Rheinland and the AW invading I'm not sure how this is gonna go. I'm assuming RM is exiled and won't be resisting possibly helping AW to retake their govenment. This in turn weakens Rheinland and a war between Bretonia and Kusari would be even more desired after or even during this crisis. So then we would see Dublin (gold) more open to corsairs hands, Bretonia space (cardamine trade) occupied and getting destroyed, and Kusari possibly being weakened.(got to have faith in my faction). We could also throw in like you said a desired system conquest to destroy plans to make a cardamine replacement or capture them.

History - Igiss - 12-16-2005

Problem is that no revisions of Discovery v4.78 are available on TLR, so no one can download it. As soon as bakedpotato will upload the mod, I guess we'll have some more members. And IG might get new recruits.

History - Constantine - 12-16-2005

I think this would be cool... is it as new updates are released the war progresses. If so would be there anything factions could do to help one side of the war?

History - Igiss - 12-16-2005

Yes, but I don't think that I will somehow insert our server factions into this history.

However, I had some thoughts about including our server factions as normal factions into the mod. Having rare, but powerful encounters. This would allow everyone to have tags, like normal. Clans would also be able to own bases, and actually participate in 'history' conflicts.

But that's for further discussion.