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New Beginnings - Dane Summers - 04-24-2010

Hello, i figured its best to put your best foot forward and post in the Welcome board -

My friends have been raving to me start playing this game, and since i loved the original StarLancer, there not wrong -

so, a little about me (IC)

Not much to say really, was born on Los Angeles, and my dad's got enough son's to carry on his proud legacy, guess i kinda fell through the cracks. the only thing of note i can say is that i was a mechanic for the Liberty Navy for a time, and i enjoyed it. somethin' about space really.
'dunno why, but i cant sleep a wink dirt-down - toss 'n turn for hours, and in the end its a waste of time - but in space, with the sound of engines in my ears, or the gentle rumble of a powerplant, i dunno, i just sleep like a baby - never could explain it.

I got me a ship of my own, and open black ahead of me - figured i'd make a life for myself, get a chance to steer my own life for a change.

*deep breath* guess thats all really, hehe, was never much of a talker, *chuckle*

(BTW, it should be known that i did run something of a starter character, a Kusari named "Saburo Konda" - and while i loved the concept of being one of the proud few who have chosen to follow their rightful lord, even after his death in a coup - it seems no one likes terrorists - its no fun if i cant interact with players without getting chased off...*shrug*)

New Beginnings - William Frederick Cody - 04-24-2010

Welcome. Have fun here.

New Beginnings - Mr.Fabulous - 04-24-2010

you RP'd your introduction?

epic, dude.

Hope you put the same spirit in the game, and to others as well... Welcome to Discovery Freelancer. It's always great to see a new face.

New Beginnings - Not Espi - 04-24-2010

ohai ... read the rules, have fun in the madhouse;)

*looks around*

Sooooooo ...

*looks again*

What'cha wearin'?

New Beginnings - Shamus - 04-24-2010

Regrets fer yer bad experience in Kusari, lass.

With all the daily threats, it's sometimes hard to take a breath 'n find out the why's and wherefore's.

Good luck on yer new venture.

"Daii Boke Nazonazo"

New Beginnings - Cond0r - 04-24-2010



always fight FOR THE EMPRAH


New Beginnings - Death.RunningVerminator - 04-24-2010

' Wrote:ohai ... read the rules, have fun in the madhouse;)
*looks around*
Sooooooo ...
*looks again*
What'cha wearin'?
Whatever you do ignore this comment. Never. Ever. Say what you're wearing.

Anywho, welcome, read the rules, and have fun!

New Beginnings - RonG777 - 04-24-2010

' Wrote:you RP'd your introduction?

epic, dude.

Hope you put the same spirit in the game, and to others as well... Welcome to Discovery Freelancer. It's always great to see a new face.

Ditto on that . . :yahoo:

If there is any help my little pea-brain can do to help, just give me a shout . .

New Beginnings - Glis - 04-24-2010

Hi there, welcome to Discovery, make sure you read and understand the rules, see you in space.

New Beginnings - Geromix - 04-24-2010

Hello there

Welcome to Discovery and have fun!