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War or AoC? - schlurbi - 04-26-2010

Well with the slightly better PC I now have I thought of trying out Age of Conan again. I already have the whole Game, bought it Ages ago, played the Month and then stopped, because my PC was too bad and I was lagging all over the Place.

Now I checked our if Age of Conan has a Trial, and it has one. Then I thought of Warhammer Online, checked the Page and saw that it also has a Trial now. Now I can't really decide what I should go for. I liked AoC, but I love the Warhammer Universe. Would be epic running around as an Ork or having some odd Power as Chaos Character.

So, I am clueless. Have any Tips? Played one, both or have any other Suggestion than those two?

PS: Please don't suggest me to play Eve or WoW. Tried both, were meh.

War or AoC? - ivr56 - 04-27-2010

WAR is quite fun.
Been playing the trial off and on for the past few months.
Downloaded it when I was bored back in December me and my friend both downloaded the trial. Great fun, played it for 2 weeks. WAR and Freelancer were the only two games I played. Lots to do, great fun.
Gotta love the unlimited free trial too.

Unlimited Free Trial meaning,
No Time Limit
Only Level Cap Level 10 and Renown Rank 10 (PvP Level) and area restriction. Thankfully, in that one area their is usually 100+ people mingling about.
Get to try out every character class and side.
You can make 8 characters on each of the four servers available to you. So 32 Trial characters. Pretty neat.

WAR is well worth a try.

War or AoC? - Gaz83 - 04-27-2010

I haven't played Age of Conan, but I've been wanting to.
I did however download the Warhammer online trail a few months ago, but I didn't really get into it.