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A few Questions about Discovery and the 31st century - Lotherius - 04-30-2010

1. I've been playing on discovery for a month now and I suddenly started to wonder something. How does the time work in Dsicovery? Is 1 real life minute a discovery minute or is 1real life minute more like 10 minutes or something in Discovery? I think this is important to know for chaarcter development, aging of characters, perception of time and space and integral important for your character development.

2. Cloning had been invented at the end of the 20th century, but with huge flaws. Where did cloning evolve to in the 31st century? Is it still illigale or is it generaly practised in medicines?

3. The key to internal life (when not dying from diseases or killed by something else) was also found at the end of the 20th century, only their technologie was to inferieur to make it possible. (The liquids around the core of the cells of your brains containe a fluid that can endlesly recreate itself, so braincells 'never' age [unless damaged by diseases like Altzeimer, etc]. If you could change Human DNA so that every cell in our body would have these fluids wich makes it possible for all the cells in your body to endlesly replicate itself without having the error of a copy, from a copy, from a copy, is worse the the first copy, you could make it possible for people to stay at their prime [21-22] forever) Since in the 31st century humankind arrived in the Nanoage, this kind of technologie and the idea of internal life might already have been something that was achieved like 500 years ago and it might be a generaly practised thing. So what are the moral ideas about this, is it done or isn't it done?

4. When you land on border stations you'll see robots as bartenders (and very primitive robots at that, knowing that we're in the 31st century), but why use these kind of primitive robots, when we're in the Nanoage? You could build a whole new human from scratch. All you need to do is give Nanobots the materiale to build you your new Human. Or are people after 1000 years still as concervative and robotphobic as they are in the 20th century?!

5. We've all seen it happen in Stargate, take yourself a jumpgate, throw it into a sun, blow it up with your lasers and tadaaa you've got yourself a homemade super nova that'll destroy a whole Goa'uld fleet. So what's preventing and criminal or terrorist organisation from Freelancer to do the same thing to show the lawfulls that they mean business? (except for the hundreds of Navi and Police officers that'll try to prevent this ofcourse)

I'll ask more questions later, but lets first answere these 5 ( and I have to go eat anyway heheh:P)

A few Questions about Discovery and the 31st century - Kupo - 04-30-2010

1. As we play time is slowed down a considerable amount until the next update where a few years will zoom by.

2. Humans are still human, who said these things wouldn't take a thousand years to invent/discover?

3. Were at war, and before that we were at war, and before that we were at war.

A few Questions about Discovery and the 31st century - Agmen of Eladesor - 04-30-2010

Okay, I'll take a stab at it. (We're VERY slow at work this morning.)

1. Einstein was right - time is relative. Which means that there's not much relationship to in-game time and real-life time, other than we advance the calendar on a day by day basis to match reality. Or at least until the next mod comes out. When you play in game, consider it like when you're reading a book. Several hours, days, weeks, or months should pass while you're doing your actions. So even though you can do a trade run from New London to New Berlin in about 12 minutes of real time - that actually should be more like a 12 day thing. Basically just make up your own set of conversions for your RP - that's what a lot of us have had to do.

2. We're using organ banks now to deal with replacement parts. (See Freeport 15 for a convenient place to drop off your Corsair pilots to be repatriated to the Corsair nation - one organ at a time.) Specific cloning - probably being done, but the technology isn't the forefront. Why clone someone when you have nano-tech to simply repair things?

3. Remember that we got out here to Sirius about 800 years ago. While we have a great technological base - we're still very much a frontier society. Getting our population up to something where experts and the specialists needed to do the research, development, and engineering can be supported took a while. Throw in that we've had wars between ourselves, and we've also recently had a war for survival of the species as a whole, I think we're doing pretty good to have what we have now. If you noticed, people in game regardless of age tended to be pretty spry and fit. I'm quite certain that between organlegging and nano-tech, the physical age you appear is simply almost a choice now. And you're still going to have groups of those who have - and those who have-not.

4.Just because the face of the robo-bartender looks like the speaker from from a drive-in theatre doesn't mean that he's primitive internally. It simply means that robots are designed to be functional first. There are robot mining ships operating in Sirius, after all.

5. Stargate was just a TV show. We don't KNOW that it would really do that. And this is just a video game. What would prevent someone from just accelerating a spaceship full of rocks up to .8c and whacking it into a planet, or sticking a big thruster onto a rock and whacking it into a planet? Robert Heinlein and Larry Niven have certainly showed up the results of that in their writings today. Well, David Weber has a bit of the reason behind why these things don't happen in HIS writings, the Eridanii Edict. If a group or nation did something like that - then EVERYONE else bands up and wipes that group or nation from the face of the galaxy.

A few Questions about Discovery and the 31st century - Sprolf - 04-30-2010

Bottom line:

It is actually unknown which century is is - the journey from Sirius took an indeterminate amount of time. It could have been days, or it could have been centuries. All we know is when they left, and how long they've been here. It is far in the future, yes, but most of mankind's previously were left in the dust of Sol. Freelancer is a sort of "dark age" per se - look at the early history and the struggles that were faced.

I would also posit that Freelancer is NOT in the nano age.
Yes, we have "nanobots," but I seriously doubt that the title is more than a romantic one - there is no reference of nanotechnology anywhere in the game itself, save in very rare, mission-specific commodities. The "nanbots" we know are probably called that, but are likely not the miracle-nanobot everyone is obsessed with. (And let's face it - every time something like this comes out that can solve "every problem," it never does. There's always complications, always. I wonder how our immune systems might tolerate nanobots.)

A few Questions about Discovery and the 31st century - jxie93 - 04-30-2010

1. Time passage in game is always out of proportion with real time, game time is always faster than real.

2. Cloning happens, but still not refined and therefore not popularised to use on humans.

3. Medical science has advanced and life has been prolonged but immortality is still impossible.

4. Nanobots are still in their primative stages, only for industrial use. Just because robotics has advanced to a point where intelligent humanoid robots are a reality it doesn't mean nanobots are capable of miraculous human body repairs.

5. Jumpgates are only constructed to stabillise or augment a naturally occuring or artificial jumphole, they don't create jumpholes themselves like Stargates.