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How do - Hybrid - 04-30-2010

Hello all,
I'd just like to say hi to everyone and just make a small introduction as to whom i am.

Okay I've recently re-downloaded FL after about a year of not playing, I started playing back in 2007-8 cant remeber exactly anyway, I started on HA5 which became VG1(Vanguard) where i was a memeber of several clans but mainly a high ranking memeber of the {RaVeN} clan which was the largest pirate clan on the server I then moved to the Jolt server and played as a Templar and a UCSF for sometime. Then I started up on FLU server (FREELANCER UNIVERSE) where i became a memeber of the IMMORTAL clan and became a co leader for them. I have also been on HHC, J4F, LV and BSG. I had to stop playing due to work and other issuses and began to lose all spare time, however Im now back and ready for some more!
I have read all your rules and understand them and cant wait to get up and running, see u in there!

How do - Glis - 04-30-2010

Hey there, welcome, beware of mercs there are a lot of bounties up on people and factions nowadays and see you in space.

P.S I don't own a merc character...

How do - Birdtalon - 04-30-2010

Welcome friend.

How do - Bear - 05-01-2010

Welcome to Disco. If you need any help just call me.

How do - Cosmos - 05-01-2010

at least this guy read the rules.

Unlike the other {Raven} guys.

ah yeah.. Welcome!

Lulwut talk is for the most renowned players of DiscoGC, Using the /l chat then typing LOLOLOLOLNAOUDAI is the way forward, Please do so in front of an [Admin] Tagged ship.

Thank you.

How do - casero - 05-01-2010


Oh my, can't believe you got back to FL D:

Nice to see you back!

And they are talking about your good friend Ravenhunter, so you can understand why they are like that:P

How do - Kazinsal - 05-01-2010

Hey. Welcome (back).

Should I be carrying around a flamethrower from now on or are these guys just being idiots... >.>

How do - Dark_Predator - 05-04-2010


How do - Blaze - 05-04-2010

Welcome back to disco