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Deep Trading Consortium: Communications. - Printable Version

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Deep Trading Consortium: Communications. - darkgod - 05-01-2010

Galactic Communication Array Transmission
From: Deep_blue: Jules
.:Incoming Video Transmission:.
[Image: deepbluecloak4.jpg]

Friends, supporters or allies of the Deep Trading Consortium can open a communication to the Deep Trading Consortium or to specific members on this frequency.

Members of the Deep Trading Consortium

I would require of you all to submit your logs here.
Everything that happens to you.
Trading runs, communications anything of importance to the Deep Trading Consortium.
These logs will be used to track progress and as educational logs.

To improve your rank Echelon Member you will need to be more active on this Communication Channel
:Transmission ended:

Deep Trading Consortium: Communications. - darkgod - 05-01-2010

##Incomining Transmission##
##Encryption: Medium##
##Decoding: 0% ##
##Decoding: 50%##
##Decoding: 100%##
##From: Lyndi - Deep Boidae##
##To: DTC Communications.##

##Incoming Video##
[Image: deepboidae.jpg]

We went to Omicron Lost to explore, it seemed like a interesthing place .
After a short time Order ships came into Omicron Lost.
[Image: marley01152010.jpg]

It seems the Order are protecting something in Omicron Lost.
They also claim to protecting us and they wish to keep the danger a secret.
They sure limit the freedom of others, I can't stand that, if I wish to risk myself I will do so.
[Image: marley02152010.jpg]

They sure like to Order me around I can't stand it!
Calm down, calm down.

[Image: marley03152010.jpg]
They told us there is no KoS on us, I hope they don't plan to raise one.

##Transmission ended.##

Deep Trading Consortium: Communications. - Kagekunai - 05-01-2010

.::Incomming Transmission::.
Encryption: Public Viewing only
Decryption Complete.
Subject:Greeting from Wyvern and Yuri

Hello There Jules.
I will transmit my logs as they come, I had a little issue with my transmitter.
Soo.. I'm borowing Yuri's transmitter.
Anyhow, if i manage to get my log system working again, I'll transmit some to this channel.
It seems you already got the logs in place though.

Wyvern Signing off.

<.Transmission Ended.>

Deep Trading Consortium: Communications. - darkgod - 05-01-2010

##Incomining Transmission##
##Encryption: Medium##
##Decoding: 0% ##
##Decoding: 50%##
##Decoding: 100%##
##From: Lyndi - Deep Boidae##
##To: DTC Communications.##
##Subject: Comunity Service.##

##Incoming Video##
[Image: deepboidae.jpg]

Ah so disappointing.
It seems Deep Faith and Centuar have helped a hacker, they suplied nanobots and shield baterys.
I found them fighting a LPI officer, after finding out I orderd them to stop and the LPI officer was kind enough to let it slip.

I have send them on a assignment.
Community service.

It seemed a better... Nicer punishment than sending my sister after them.

##Transmission ended.##

Deep Trading Consortium: Communications. - JOTRkid - 05-09-2010

::Incoming Message::

|Channel: Gold 1
|Encryption: Black
|Priority: Ultraviolet

::Decryption in progress. Completion time: 42 minutes::
::Safeguard Protocol: Locking out all non-allied factions::
::Decryption Complete::

From: Alex - Deep Centaur


My friend, who prefers to remain anonymous, has pulled through.
I have the early design specifications of one of the most advanced
capital ships to ever grace Sirius. Attached is a datalink to an
external server from which my friend is working. I think you will
like it.

::End Message::


Deep Trading Consortium: Communications. - darkgod - 05-09-2010

Galactic Communication Aray Transmission
Encryption: Blue High.
Decrypting: 25%
Decrypting: 50%
Decrypting: 75%
Decrypting: 90%
Decrypting: 100%
Decrypting: Complete.
Subject: Gateship.
From: *Static*: Deep_blue *Static*

.:Incoming Video Transmission:.
[Image: deepbluecloak4.jpg]

I have recieved your transmission and I have to say it is worth the wait.
42 Minutes it quite a long time, I can understand that these plans must be kept secret.
Let's see what there is to hide.
.:A large smug appears rapidly on Jules her face:.
Pleased I am indeed
.:Jules stand up and applause:.

These design are very promising

On a diffrent subject, I'm still stuck, my ship is still getting repaired, the IonStorm did wreck it badly.
Accoording to the repair man he will have it fixed in about 5 days.
Give that friend a pat on the back for me
:Transmission ended:

Deep Trading Consortium: Communications. - darkgod - 07-03-2010

##Incomining Transmission##
##Encryption: Medium##
##Decoding: 0% ##
##Decoding: 50%##
##Decoding: 100%##
##From: Lyndi - Deep Boidae##
##To: DTC Communications.##
##Subject: Probe##

##Incoming Video##
[Image: deepboidae.jpg]

We need to set some things in motion before we can continue the plan.

I will send a "Probe" shortly to see if we can continue.
It took me a while to get one, I hope it doesn't get destroyed or stuck.

We can't move to soon or reveal the details or it will fall apart.

##Transmission ended.##

Deep Trading Consortium: Communications. - Kagekunai - 07-04-2010

Galactic Communication Aray Transmission
Encryption: Deep Trading Consortium member ID tags only.
Decrypting: Complete.
Subject: "Rumors"

||: Incomming Audio File :||

Hello there, This is Scarlet speaking.

I've...Heard some rather..strange..rumors.
According to my sources... there have been people doing "bad things"...
According to my sources, they have been using our tag to... make us look bad?
Well..anyhow, i'm trying to get to the source of this

Hello there pilots of Sirius.
If you see a Ship or Pilot ID sporting the "Deep_" tag,
Could you do me, or us, a favor and make a photograph of it, or a small video.
Could you send those vids or pics to this channel using the following attachment ID: #DAC52887DTCC
We'll see if you captured anything interesting, if yes, you'll be rewarded accordingly.
Please also leave contact details so we can contact you.


So yea, Members, also please pay attention if you spot anyone who you do not recognize.

Regards, Deep Elder Scarlet
||:Closing Transmission||
||:Transmission Closed_CODE#B878DTC:||

Deep Trading Consortium: Communications. - JOTRkid - 07-04-2010

::Incoming message::
:Message from: Deep_Cyan:
Message (Text Only):

This is Alex, Coming to you from the new-and-improved DTC Flagship!
Okay, not really new - It's a few hundred year old slave liner, and it's
amazing that these systems are still in prime condition. Then again, if
you're not in an asteroid belt space can preserve pretty well. Anyway,
We're doing our shakedown cruise in Inverness. We should have all the
kinks worked out within an hour, and from there we're going to go on a
little stroll through the cosmos. I'm also really enjoying all the space in
this thing...Well, in the parts for the crew, anyway. There's a room that
has a holographic interaction system in it that I feel up to re-tasking.

Anyway, just wanted to provide a bit of a status report and let you
know how the project was going. I'll contact you again when all the
systems are "fully" operational. Fly safe.
::Message End::

Deep Trading Consortium: Communications. - darkgod - 07-05-2010

Galactic Communication Aray Transmission
Encryption: Medium.
Decrypting: 25%
Decrypting: 50%
Decrypting: 75%
Decrypting: 100%
Decrypting: Complete.
Subject: Process tracking.
From: *Static*: Deep_blue *Static*

.:Incoming Video Transmission:.
[Image: deepbluecloak4.jpg]

Alex, perfect you got the ship.
The age doesn't matter when it is able to fly.
Get the ship in top condition and get your communication up and running again.

I would require a status log of you.
Also I would like to know more about that holographic interaction system.

We also have recieved a new recruit, details will follow.
:Transmission ended: