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What do you buy games for? - Printable Version

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What do you buy games for? - Birdtalon - 05-04-2010

Just a general poll.

I tend to buy games which have good online play.

What do you buy games for? - Implosion - 05-04-2010

Mainly for the Campaigns.
But then again,last time I bought a game was three years ago.

What do you buy games for? - Mao - 05-04-2010

You forgot the option:

[*] I don't buy games

What do you buy games for? - Birdtalon - 05-04-2010

Then don't vote:P

What do you buy games for? - Mao - 05-04-2010

I didn't:)

What do you buy games for? - SeaFalcon - 05-04-2010

It has been a long time I bought a game.
But I have only bought racing games actually.
I buy to race against the computers and to play online of course.

I choose the 4th option.

What do you buy games for? - Marley - 05-04-2010

Battlefield Bad Company 2 is a must, but its not for the Q_Q more the p3w p3w :ylove:

What do you buy games for? - tazuras - 05-04-2010

It better have a good plot. If it doesnt, I probably wont pay for it. Other then that I want to see intricate and nuanced game mechanics, but not overly complicated on the surface, I want to be able to spend more time playing the game then thinking about how to best play it.

Online play isnt a big thing for me.

Has to be in a genre I enjoy, sandbox, RPG, space combat, sci-fi FPS, MMOFPS.

Uhh, needs to be shiny.

Yeah, I think that covers it.

(option 4)

What do you buy games for? - Tenacity - 05-04-2010

I like good campaigns in RPG's, but let's be honest, those types of games become boring -very- quickly. Typically you can only really do the main story so many ways, and doing the same stuff over and over again isnt really all that fun.

Playing through KOTOR 1/2, Mass Effect 1/2, dragon age: origins, things like that... the campaign is completely kick-arse awesome the first time through, but after that it loses it's edge.

Without multiplayer, these games dont keep my interest for long, and after that first playthrough I always feel like my money was wasted. 60 bucks for 20 hours of gameplay? really? that's it?

Similar games that have online capability, though, can keep someone hooked for months or even years at a time. Take all the MMORPG's on the market right now - I played World of Warcraft for just over 4 years, and though it does get boring at times, you're in a constantly changing environment and the other players tend to keep things interesting and challenging.

What do you buy games for? - Akura - 05-04-2010


I love a good story.

Waiting on Metro 2033 right now...