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Home of Sorrow - Printable Version

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Home of Sorrow - Zeltak - 05-05-2010

At the point of desperation

[color=#CCEEAA]That is what learning is.
You suddenly understand something you have understood all your life, but in a new way.

The decisive moment of my existence, the culmination of my acuity, the recognition of my spirit: The birth of a new state of mind was plotted at the walls of the universe. But before I begin my tale, let us take a journey through the past…

Samuel Ryker was my given name, born twenty-seven years ago in a Coalition encampment at planet Nova Terra or what the Alliance acknowledges as Gran Canaria. My father, Nicholas Ryker enlisted himself to the Coalition after a tragedy that is too wounding for my heart to share with you. My father believed in the teachings of the Coalition and their principles of free will, he viewed it as the ultimate goal to universal-harmony. Though many times he did disagree with the violent methods the Coalition used to reach people, his differences was only shared with me, the only person he could truly trust and I'm still grateful for receiving such a privilege. There is no denying that his opinions influenced me greatly and perhaps is the primary reason I'm exactly like my father but with only one difference, I transformed my thoughts into actions.

That day, when this transformation occurred, was the beginning of a new principle, a new person and a new life. That day, I had my final straw with the Coalition and their vicious methods. That day, I would no longer support a notion that believed in destruction to achieve reason. Their map was depicted correctly but they still walked the wrong path. It was time for my desertion, of course it almost got me executed because they thought I was going to work for the Alliance. I don’t cast blame on them, it's wise to not trust humans.

Living on my own, having to rely on nobody but myself, sounded better in my mind than what reality had to offer. Working as a Freelancer proved to be a curse rather than the immense freedom I had imagined, there were several occasions I was forced to deny my identity. The mere thought of slaying another human being for a handful of credits felt devastating, but what would have you done if the only thing you were ever taught was to take lives? My actions reflected a terrible crime against myself, because then I also denied my spirit, but what wouldn't a human do to survive?

During my escape from the hands of the Coalition I had ended up somewhere around the outer rims of Bretonia. Because of the Coalition's increased presence there I was left with no option than to make my way towards the Magellan system in order to settle myself at Liberty. It was here during my stay at Freeport 4, where I met a man by the name of Benedikt Heller that would initiate a new chapter in my life...