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Xenos and a stolen Rheinland Pirate Cruiser? - Printable Version

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Xenos and a stolen Rheinland Pirate Cruiser? - Lotherius - 05-05-2010

So me and my brother have been hiring our own crew of Xenos as of late, we talk with people and persuade them of the noble goals of the Xenos, and people are actually very interested in the Xenos and they're willing to join my (our) litle Xenos strike force (we have adleast 5 active Xenos in my team that we sometimes enrich with a freelancer or mercenary) I haven't taken the time yet to sign up for the Xenos Alliance, but I am kind of interested in it, and on the other hand I'm a bit reluctent, because I love our independent status.

But that's all besides the point. What I was actually wondering, was this. Would it be possible for my strike force to enter Rheinland via sneak roads, find ourself a heavely damaged Rheinland Pirate Cruiser, steal it and then fix it for ourself so we could use it to aid the Xenos cause? Because look what the description of this ship says

"Of all Rheinland pirate groups, only Red Hessians are capable of building cruisers of their own. Bundschuh, Unioners, and LWB don't build capital ships, but sometimes have a chance to buy - or steal - Red Hessian cruisers of older modifications, or even newer models that were crippled in battle. Having weaker hull and less firepower than new Hessian cruisers, these ships are still usable for defending pirate bases and attacking Rheinland Military convoys. "

So the other Rheinland Pirate factions can ACTUALLY steal this ship, so why wouldn't a well organised strike force of lets say the Xenos steal one of these destroyed ships and repear it for their own use, adleast if the act of stealing it was done with a good RP scene, in game or on the forum?

Ofcourse then we come to the second part. The Xenos Guard ID only allows you to use fighters, freighters and transports, so NOT capital ships like the Rheinland Pirate Cruiser. But this very problem creates even more problems, because the description of the ship is talking about for example the LWB who uses them, but if you check the LWB Guard ID, it doesn't include capital ships on their list to. So then the LWB would be allowed to use the ship based on the description of the ship, but it wouldn't be allowed to use it because of the restrictions of its ID. Isn't this conflicting?

On the last notice. Yes it would be weird for a Xenos to use something build in Rheinland, because Rheinland are huge thiefs of Libertonian Jobs (especially when it comes down to mining and ship manufacturing, although ship manufacturing has been stolen by the Kusari these days, because of the war) and if that isn't bad enough Rheinland is also attacking Liberty, wich is something the Xenos experience as even more insulting. Still Xenos can use all the help they can get and if they ca nsteal one of these ships, fix it up a bit, make some repears on the good old Libertonian way, etc they could claim that this ship was repeared by true Libertonian craftmenship and is therefor no longer a Rheinland design. But that's open for discussion.

So in short: "Would I be allowed to steal one? yes or no?":P

Xenos and a stolen Rheinland Pirate Cruiser? - xxrockstar992xx - 05-05-2010

SRP it?

Xenos and a stolen Rheinland Pirate Cruiser? - JohnSmith - 05-05-2010

you seem competent enough to write a special rp request go for it nothing to loose

Xenos and a stolen Rheinland Pirate Cruiser? - Luis - 05-05-2010

Why not a Rogue Cruiser. I mean, if you going to steeal from Rhienland space - thats a lot of traveling you have to do to sneak through Liberty. Rogues have a Cruiser or Destroyer (dont know it class) - but It will be worth to give it a try and see if you get approved:)

Xenos and a stolen Rheinland Pirate Cruiser? - ... kur nubėgo? - 05-05-2010

What about getting aware of xeno rp in the first place before posting such, sorry to say, nonsense?

Xenos and a stolen Rheinland Pirate Cruiser? - Akura - 05-05-2010

Xenos can barely support a Gunboat, let alone a cruiser.

Should read up some more, or work out how Xenos in RP can support one.

Xenos and a stolen Rheinland Pirate Cruiser? - McNeo - 05-05-2010

I'd argue that the Hackers could barely support a cruiser, let alone a battleship.
Or the Dragons.
I'd argue that both the Corsairs and Outcasts being able to support two different types of battleship, more than three of the four major houses, is also ridiculous.
I'd argue that the rogues and mollys, being thugs and the IRA respectively, wouldn't be able to support a destroyer either.

Since we're playing in a world of mostly unthinkable things somehow happening over and over again, I see no reason to deny this guy his cruiser on the basis of "X faction can't support Y ship".

Xenos and a stolen Rheinland Pirate Cruiser? - ... kur nubėgo? - 05-06-2010

It's not only about "x faction can't support y" imo

Xenos and a stolen Rheinland Pirate Cruiser? - Dusty Lens - 05-06-2010

The Xenos are too poor for theft.

Xenos and a stolen Rheinland Pirate Cruiser? - Gemel - 05-06-2010

' Wrote:I'd argue that the Hackers could barely support a cruiser, let alone a battleship.
Or the Dragons.
I'd argue that both the Corsairs and Outcasts being able to support two different types of battleship, more than three of the four major houses, is also ridiculous.
I'd argue that the rogues and mollys, being thugs and the IRA respectively, wouldn't be able to support a destroyer either.

Since we're playing in a world of mostly unthinkable things somehow happening over and over again, I see no reason to deny this guy his cruiser on the basis of "X faction can't support Y ship".

Im going to try and give in RP reasons why these factions could support such ships and the Xenos couldn't. Although im not an expert on Xenos but this is the impression i get.

Rogues, hackers and Outcasts.
Heavily involved in various parts of the cardamine trade, which offers alot of income. Also copious amounts of piracy on all parts providing yet more income. Put these together and you get enough to support capital ships. Im not talking about a fleet of them... just one or two. Admittedly the outcasts do have alot of capital ships but they are the only source of cardamine and boy oh boy, is there demand.

The corsairs have a similar racket going with artifacts. That is when they are not pirating the other half of sirius that the previous three have left alone.

Mollys... not completely sure but im sure they could grab some of the gold they sit around in to finance some hodge podge workmanship and get something going.

So not unthinkable on these counts. Kinda like a criminal economy going there! Shocking.

Xenos on the other hand.. im pretty sure they hate everything. I dont believe they trade much... considering they hate quite alot of people. Therefore having no money to support something like a capital ship.

Someone tell me did i get it right? or should i delete this to make room for others.