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Admin Notice: Player Burned With Fire - Printable Version

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Admin Notice: Player Burned With Fire - Reverend Del - 05-05-2010

Stefix has been sanctioned for:

Quote:1.2 Server administrators will impose sanctions on players for violating server rules and for any actions that harm server gameplay.

Consequences: Well... the report you filed wasn't useful enough to action. Up until the point we remembered you posted a flame thread for this incident, and something else came to our attention. A bunch of screens where you tell the player you reported that you had them on ignore. Then you submitted a report for a no RP engagement. That, sir, is malicious reporting. Obvious intent to get someone sanctioned when they have done nothing wrong. At all.

For your enjoyment we have banned you for 14 days, stripped your miner and removed the savings from your bank.

You will not attempt to file sanction reports when nothing has been done wrong, you will certainly not attempt to fake a rules violation. Learn.

Admin Link to Report



If you post in this sanction and are not directly involved or a leader of the accused person's faction be advised
that you are consenting to be subjected to the reprisal of my choice which may involve in game repercussions
up to a ban.

Admin Notice: Player Burned With Fire - Zelot - 05-05-2010

Stefix this is not not not the type of behavior I am going to put up with from people in my faction whether you were on your TBH at the time or not. You can consider yourself officially removed from the faction. Can the admins please remove the faction tag from his TBH ship.

Admin Notice: Player Burned With Fire - Reverend Del - 05-05-2010


Admin Notice: Player Burned With Fire - atlantis2112 - 05-05-2010

As faction leader of the Vagrant Raiders, I'd like to see the evidence, please.

EDIT: After reviewing the evidence, I've made a decision. I won't stand for this kind of crap, and I can't have a member that is willing to pull stuff like this in my faction.

You're out, Stefix.

Admin Notice: Player Burned With Fire - Reverend Del - 05-06-2010

Evidence Skyped to you.

Admin Notice: Player Burned With Fire - Tanker - 05-06-2010

As leader of the XA's

Del,could you please send me the info as well.

Thanks man


Admin Notice: Player Burned With Fire - Reverend Del - 05-06-2010


Admin Notice: Player Burned With Fire - Barricade - 05-06-2010

Hum, well, I am not the leader, but responsible for the Order's recruitment and Stefix just signed up as an ensign.
I f I could have the evidence aswell, I would be glad.

I will forward it to our leaders, of course.

Admin Notice: Player Burned With Fire - Cannon - 05-06-2010

Hey guys...

We will not tolerate malicious violation reports but remember that everybody makes mistakes. Stefix has a second chance in 14 days and you could consider giving him a second chance within your factions. There's no need to hold a single mistake against anybody and certainly no need to do so indefinitely.

Admin Notice: Player Burned With Fire - farmerman - 05-06-2010

As angry farmer factional leader guy, might I have the evidence sent to my desk on Darmstadt please?