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Doctor ? and the Pew Pew Pirates - Printable Version

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Doctor ? and the Pew Pew Pirates - FrankStyles - 05-07-2010


He looks up in the sky. Standing right in the front of a huge window,
starring to the stars. [color=#6600CC]It is finally done
He is thinking while drinking a glass of vodka. He has never believed
that he can raise this high.
At the college all were laughing over his thought. But now, now as he
has what he want, they all will appear and cry for forgiveness.
But nobody will get it, i smack there fists as
they are praying for help.

If you are a loser they laugh about you, but if you are the topdog
every one loves you and will be your friend. But there is no need for
friends for someone who has done what i have done. He thinks.
Nobody has thought that i will make it. My own army, i will show everyone
my force who was kidding about me. My private army will crush everyone
of them. I call my army the "Pew Pew Pirates". Actually it is one member.
But not a human, human can betray you, but my pirates don't!
They will give their life for me. Their leader will be my first subject.
Johnny Rico...
He does everything for me, he would give his life for me. Cause i am his
master! His creator! Nobody thought i can manage it! But look! look at him!
I made it!
I will search for new subjects! I need more Monkeys.
Monkeys like Johnny Rico, together with the brainwashing and their vocabulatorchip
they can talk to other pilots.
My own pirvate army of Evil Monkey. They just need Bananas. Bananas is all they want.
I bought Johnny a Sabre, he is flying with his friend Kenny.Xin, a person i can trust.
A pirate i pay, to fly with Johnny. To tell me how Johnny is growing.
New monkeys, that's what i need, new monkeys!
[Image: doctor.jpg]