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[ʗʘ-ʗΛ]Collisters Casino Lottery Information Channel - Printable Version

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[ʗʘ-ʗΛ]Collisters Casino Lottery Information Channel - Anonymous User - 05-09-2010

[font=Franklin Gothic Medium]ʗʘ-ʗΛ
[font=Impact]ʗollisters ʗasino

[color=#FFFFFF]Ladies and Gentleman!

[font=Impact]Welcome to the Lottery of ʗollisters ʗasino!

Please do not hesitate to ask us any questions you may have, here.

News about the lottery will be published here too!

Instructions and Rules:

- Each ticket will cost 1.000.000 Credits.

- There is no limit to how many tickets you may purchase.

- You must choose a number for each of your tickets.

- Each of these ticket numbers must be [color=#FF99FF]4 Digits
long and contain the numbers 0-9 (e.g. 1690) but naturally each number can be chosen more than once (e.g. you can choose 1111 if you like).

- The only number you can not choose is 0000! 0001 will be ok!

- // this one will count as 0484
-->Example: [Image: cocadraw.jpg]

- You must take a screenshot of your transfer to Collisters.Casino|Caden and post it in the lottery thread. This thread will also have to contain you chosen number(s) and the callsign (// in-game character name) we will credit when you win.
-->Example: [Image: collisterscasino.jpg]
Alternatively you can buy the tickets in space if you see one of our Employees (Collisters.Casino|Caden (Liberty); Collisters.Casino|Cesar (Rheinland); Collisters.Casino|Chizu (Kusari); Collisters.Casino|Chloe (Bretonia))

- You can buy tickets from Monday to Friday!

- The draw will be every Weekend (Saturday or Sunday).

- Every week there will be a new thread for the lottery. Only numbers in each week's respective thread will be accepted.

- The number will be "/diced" in public in front of Planet Manhattan in the New York System. Everyone is invited to watch the draw. For those who can't make it, a screenshot of the draw will be available in the week's thread.
-->Example: [Image: cocadraw.jpg]

- The customer with the winning number will receive the jackpot (in max. seven days) in the character specified in the week's thread. Please ensure that sufficient credit allowance exists so that your character doesn't break the 1.900.000.000 Credits threshold.

- If no winning numbers are drawn the jackpot will be rolled over!

- The jackpot will not exceed 1.500.000.000 Credits. Extra funds collected will be added to the next jackpot.

- Everyone except our Employees are allowed to play.

So have fun and good luck!

[ʗʘ-ʗΛ]Collisters Casino Lottery Information Channel - Anonymous User - 05-09-2010

[color=#FF0000][font=Franklin Gothic Medium]ʗʘ-ʗΛ
[font=Impact][color=#FFFFFF]ʗollisters ʗasino

Our first weekly lottery! (week19)

[ʗʘ-ʗΛ]Collisters Casino Lottery Information Channel - Anonymous User - 05-17-2010

[color=#FF0000][font=Franklin Gothic Medium]ʗʘ-ʗΛ
[font=Impact][color=#FFFFFF]ʗollisters ʗasino

No winner (week19)! New Lottery started (week20)

[ʗʘ-ʗΛ]Collisters Casino Lottery Information Channel - Anonymous User - 05-24-2010

[color=#FF0000][font=Franklin Gothic Medium]ʗʘ-ʗΛ
[font=Impact][color=#FFFFFF]ʗollisters ʗasino

New Lottery System!

Better chances to win!

//Read first Post!

[ʗʘ-ʗΛ]Collisters Casino Lottery Information Channel - Anonymous User - 05-29-2010

[color=#FF0000][font=Franklin Gothic Medium]ʗʘ-ʗΛ
[font=Impact][color=#FFFFFF]ʗollisters ʗasino

Again no winner (week 20,21) new Jackpot: 530.000.000 Credits at week 22

[ʗʘ-ʗΛ]Collisters Casino Lottery Information Channel - Anonymous User - 06-06-2010

[color=#FF0000][font=Franklin Gothic Medium]ʗʘ-ʗΛ
[font=Impact][color=#FFFFFF]ʗollisters ʗasino

Week 23 Lottery started! Buy your tickets NOW!!!

[ʗʘ-ʗΛ]Collisters Casino Lottery Information Channel - Anonymous User - 06-13-2010

[color=#FF0000][font=Franklin Gothic Medium]ʗʘ-ʗΛ
[font=Impact][color=#FFFFFF]ʗollisters ʗasino

Hello Ladies and Gentleman!

Cause of the low participation in our lottery we will close it!

To the few customers we had:
All customers, played in our Lottery have now a chance to get back theyr' credits for bought tickets.
This offer will end at 20.06.818 (//2010)

Only requests send to my private channel (//PM) will be recognized.


Caden Collister

Owner of Collisters Casino

[ʗʘ-ʗΛ]Collisters Casino Lottery Information Channel - BrotherBear - 06-15-2010

' Wrote:
[color=#FF0000][font=Franklin Gothic Medium]ʗʘ-ʗΛ
[font=Impact][color=#FFFFFF]ʗollisters ʗasino

Hello Ladies and Gentleman!

Cause of the low participation in our lottery we will close it!

To the few customers we had:
All customers, played in our Lottery have now a chance to get back theyr' credits for bought tickets.
This offer will end at 20.06.818 (//2010)

Only requests send to my private channel (//PM) will be recognized.

Caden Collister

Owner of Collisters Casino

Shame. I was just about to buy twenty tickets.