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Bounties - Baltar - 05-11-2010

Don't know if this is the right section of the forums for this discussion, but here goes.


I'm glad we've got the bounty board for posting bounties and to give some decent role play for bounty hunters and mercs to earn some cash. This is a very important section for this server to have and hope it remains legit.

My problem comes down to this ... balance.

A bounty should be placed on someone for something they've "done" ... not for something they "might do." I understand bounties like Liberty's blanket bounty on all Liberty Rogues. It makes some sense. But I find it puzzling when a bounty hunter or merc or anyone comes across a pirate or some other lawful and looks to find a bounty on them ... when they find there is NO bounty on them, they decide to place one on them just to make sure EVERYONE has a bounty and is targetable. If this is the direction this server is going with regards to the bounty system ... well ... then we may as well just completely delete the bounty section of the rule book. Here it is for reference ...

Quote:Bounty-hunting, mercenary and freelance hire

All bounties must be posted on the forum. If you attack another player to claim a bounty and the bounty is not posted on the forum, you are open to a PvP abuse sanction.

Mercenaries, freelancers and bounty hunters may be hired on the spot in game to assist with a combat without a forum post. The other parties involved in the combat must be made aware of this.

I know this rule is being revamp'd because people were posting such low bounty payments that it was getting abused. But be careful my fellow role players. Lets not completely butcher the bounty board just so you can get a kill message. Lets post bounties that actually mean something. Meaningless bounties can stifle role play. Anyone that just posts a bounty for the sake of posting a bounty so they can add someone as a target is (in my opinion) abusing PVP and not considering role play at all.

Think before you post a bounty.

Bounties - Dusty Lens - 05-11-2010

I requested, and really wish, that there was a notice on the rule stating that if a bounty was not claimed the hunter may be subjected to a peeveepee violomation.

Lots of people kill for the bounty, but fail to bother trying to collect the bounty.

This strikes me as poor.

Bounties - n00bl3t - 05-11-2010

' Wrote:I requested, and really wish, that there was a notice on the rule stating that if a bounty was not claimed the hunter may be subjected to a peeveepee violomation.

Lots of people kill for the bounty, but fail to bother trying to collect the bounty.

This strikes me as poor.


I know a few that have claimed to be collecting my bounty but have not posted in my thread. How do I know this? They were collecting on me, mining. (Yes, I too died in the irony that my own bounty killed me.)

Bounties - LynnChan - 05-11-2010

' Wrote:Bounty-hunting, mercenary and freelance hire

All bounties must be posted on the forum. If you attack another player to claim a bounty and the bounty is not posted on the forum, you are open to a PvP abuse sanction.

Mercenaries, freelancers and bounty hunters may be hired on the spot in game to assist with a combat without a forum post. The other parties involved in the combat must be made aware of this.

This one was dead even when I first arrived here. A Phenomenon as collecting bounties... no, not the actual ones. I mean... if you look hard enough in the bounty board, you can collect bounties against everyone and every faction. And because most bounty hunters are mercs (^^) with Freelancing IFF, you don?t get the red blimp on the target box, telling you to move your bottom before you get trashed.

So, to get it to short, they can kill you wherever faction you belong to and you can?t tell their hostility until they come close enough for a scan, that would be 4 Klicks... far too close to even start running.

And while those Mercs... (^^) collecting bounties from any single targets they can find, the whole Idea of the bounties, to make piracy harder, isn?t working for most time, because I never saw them attacking two targets at once and most pirate blockades are now two targets (I?ve seen the Ptrans and Bomber Duo way too often...).

I am not posting this because the Reavers trashed me a few times, (it was stupid enough to pummel me repeatedly while I was trying to roleplay...), they are just the best example. They can hunt a very good batch of targets, doesn?t have a tag easy to remember, are, of course, Mercs (I never saw them on anything else then Bounty Hunting...) and, with 1-2 exceptions, are people I?d rather meet up with A 2-3 Battleships and B next to their latest Docking Station.

Bounties - Govedo13 - 05-11-2010

Well Indeed I have 3 bounties on my hogoshian head for stealing 800 Niobim ore....
My buddy has bounty in 10 mill for taxing someone 500k.:rtfm:It is rather strange that bounites are much more then the value of my bountied ship and about 1000% more then the value of the stollen goods. But this is because in RP my hogosha can piss even the calmest player off.:lol:

Bounties - Baltar - 05-12-2010

@ LynnChan: Well considering I typically pirate all by my lonesome, I don't have someone to help me fend off the merc or hunter group that comes my way. And considering most mercs and hunters fly bombers and fighters, I typically get spanked pretty quick. But then with the bounty system as it currently stands, you don't even have to be pirating to be hunted. My Black.Pearl went an entire year without ever pirating anyone ... but as soon as a lawful saw my Pirate ID I became an automatic target. And if they checked the bounty board and there was no bounty on me ... well ... within minutes there was a new bounty posted on me (ahem ... Ocampo).

Bounties - Blaze - 05-12-2010

Yea you are right. Last year My Tridente killed so many corsairs that I cant even count them. But this time My merc only threatned a Navy Officer and has a bounty on him

Bounties - Dusty Lens - 05-12-2010

I'm starting to lose sight of what this thread is supposed to accomplish. Maybe it can avoid the same cycle of drawing out flames and aggressive conversation by just laying the cards on the table now?

Bounties - Akura - 05-12-2010

I don't get what you're trying to say.

It's 1:30am so I'm tired...

Bounties - chovynz - 05-12-2010

One thing I've always had a problem with with the bounty system, is it doesn't really allow for low levels who don't have alot of cash to place a bounty on those that have <strike>killed</strike> trashed their ships.

Expected bounties are usually about 1-2 million correct?
That's a hefty sum for a low level to carry.

Is the bounty system a rich mans game only? I don't know. I understand the abuse done, requiring stricter rules, but I've never liked the forum bounty system. I feel it kinda breaks the immersion somehow.

Then again it tends to involve more people, which can == more fun.

The only solution that I can think of is more personal responsibilty, but that comes with maturity and thoughtfulness/courtesy. It's not something that can be forced.

I've been here awhile, and I just don't see a solution to the loophole finding and non-0.0 following. I would lament that common sense is dying, but socrates said that over 2000 (?) years ago.

Sometimes I wonder about the "openness" of this "community".

Please excuse idle thoughts with no solution.