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Newcomer from France - Printable Version

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Newcomer from France - Kalayan - 05-11-2010

Hello freelancers !

I began to play Discovery two days ago, and it renewed my interest about Freelancer. Great mod !

As my subscription to the forums is validated, I just came here to introduce myself. As said in the post title, I'm french, and I'm computer engineer working for Airbus in Toulouse.

My character Kalayan intends to become a peacefull trader, and really wants to buy one of there big transport ships :ylove:

Newcomer from France - Fletcher - 05-11-2010

Welcome to Discovery mate, and you've come at a very good time. The Gallians aka The French in the mod are about to try and steamroll half the sector. So you may find it interesting and join in the fun with the Gallians.

If you need any help at all in-game or out, PM me here or hunt for the [The_Angels] players. We'd be more than happy to help.

Also, stay away from the Synth Paste, seriously, it gives you constipation.

Newcomer from France - Dejavu - 05-11-2010

Quick, someone hide the Frogs and Snails!

Anyway...Welcome to Discovery!

Basicly what Fletch here just in my unique way...

If you feel like you need a friend or just need some help, contact any [The_Angels] tagged ships ingame or anyone from this list on the forums.


Newcomer from France - Cris - 05-11-2010


Read the rules, enjoy the game, buy a big ship, and join DHC:)

Newcomer from France - aerelm - 05-11-2010

Welcome to Discovery!
You do know that you french guys have your own unique house here, that's gonna be at war with the whole Sirius soon in .86, right? D: So much for a 'peaceful trader'!:P
Nah, just joking! But try different RPs as well. Having unique RPs is good, but sticking to only One type of Roleplay is not a good idea!

Also, Check these Links, They might come in Handy;
  • Complete Version of Server Rules
    - Reading and Understanding all these (Even though it might get a bit confusing in the beginning) is essential for Survival (!) on this Server!
  • Community & Forum Rules
    - Aside from this link, there are certain rules for each Sub-Forum as well. You can find those in pinned threads of each Sub-forum.
  • Technology Usage Chart
    - Want to make a New character with a Specific ID ? First read the ID and its restriction carefully, then check this chart to see What Ships and Guns you can use with it.
  • Discovery Wiki
    - Need Information about any Faction, Ship, or Equipment ? You'll find what you need here.
  • Server Commands
    - There are many useful Commands available on This server, which are really useful, You can find a complete list on the Wiki Page.
If you have any questions, or need help, You can always contact anyone from This List,
And when In Game, Look for those nice guys around with [The_Angel] Tag, They sure know how to help you out.
Also, you might like to spend some time reading our Role-Playing Hub And even decide to join in! Remember, Server Roleplay comes first, but then, there is Forum Roleplay, which can be really enjoyable if you are the 'Writer' type!

So, Don't be afraid to ask anything you need, and ... Enjoy Your stay!;)

Newcomer from France - Alley - 05-11-2010

' Wrote:Quick, someone hide the Frogs and Snails!

You just made me want to kill you now.
I'm serious.

Kalayan, si tu as des questions vis a vis de discovery je peux te repondre par message prive (peu pratique a cause du manque d'accents sur le forum) ou par skype.

Newcomer from France - Dejavu - 05-11-2010

' Wrote:You just made me want to kill you now.
I'm serious.

I'm British, what else can I say? *Laughs In a Psychotic Way*

Newcomer from France - Kerrigan - 05-11-2010

Welcome ! Yes, I like to be the welcomer even if I just got here.

Kalayan, bienvenue. Les Fran?ais arrivent en masse, et ca fait toujours plaisir.

Hesite pas a me MP, je suis justement un trader independant/smuggler.

Newcomer from France - Not Espi - 05-11-2010

you seem better then jack french. you can stay.

read the rules, have fun, dont pirate in the omegas or i hunt you down for catching my fish;)

ps: What'cha wearin'?

Newcomer from France - Kenneth - 05-12-2010

Hey there,

J'ai vu qu'on vivait tous les deux ? Toulouse, je te salut bien bas. Je dirais, la m?me que Kerrigan, h?site pas si t'as besoin d'un peu de teammate francais. (Je travail conjointement avec Kerrigan en fait.)