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On the Bar of the ICMG[SL11A]Zircon - Printable Version

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On the Bar of the ICMG[SL11A]Zircon - Richard O'Henry - 05-13-2010

a man enters the bar of the ICMG[SL11A]Zircon, the man wears a heavy grey-ish brown (more tan-ish really) coat, he has dark hair with lines of grey running through his hair even though he is just in his late twenties, a small mustache pirches below his nose. He looks a jumpy, like he hasent washed in while and he has a shifty glare, although no look of suspision or malaciousness crosses his face. on his heavy coat he has a tag which reads: hello my mane is Richard
[Image: hellomynameis.png]
Richard walks up to a man and shakes his hand, another ICMG pilot; Rick Astly, the captain of the Zircon. After they introduce themselves another fighter pilot, Thadeas, who flies the ICMG[7th]Cobalt enters the bar. they sit down at a table, and share a joke and a drink over a plate of the zircon's bartender's famous hotwings.

Richard Opens up the conversation. "Today was quite evventful! Mack wont let me talk about some of the details but I closely escapted some crazy daumann beliegerents and their mercenary dogs, the reavers. *Richard picks up a hotwing and starts to devour it* WOW! cant belive I survived too! well anyway, as I sliped away during some confusion into the nearby omega five system. I was taking Mack's old fighter, the ICMG[7th]Cyanide for a spin around the Omega three system. just minding my own buisness really, not harming a fly (mabye a couple corsair rookies but like I said, nothing with a greater intellegents of a fly... *chuckles* rookies!) well where was I? *Richard takes a drink of some pilsner* er... well I escaped to omega five, and WOW! they've got their share of mines over there! luckly the daumann guys got left behind and had no idea where I was. well anyway I loitered and dodged mines for awlie til I finally felt the coast was clear, and I went back to Omega three and decided to make a run for it. The ol' Nyx cyanide was pretty banged up, her left engine was on fire and only one engine was even working, but she still had enough in her for-- *richard drops a hotwing on his lap* DARNIT! I just got this coat drycleaned! ah hell! where was I again, well as soon as I left omega five I gave the poor ol' engines a jolt, I was terrified at first but foutunantly whoever puts these nyxes togeather was a put togeather man if you know what I mean! *Richard chuckles as everyone else rolls their eyes* well I made It back to cambridge and was headed for cardiff mining facility for a drink an some food, I was starvin after waiting in omega five for a long time *richard finishes a glass of pilsner and Thadeas brings out a bottle of vodka from the cobalt* well as I was heading for cardiff, I saw this Idiot shoot up a transport right in frount of my own eyes! *thadeas pours everyone at the table a shot of vadka while a freelancer named Adol enters the bar* so this idiot, almost without a word shoots this guy down.. oh yeah! already said that! well this crazy guy started bablin about some sorta phantom lunacy while i turned around and slipped through the leeds jumphole. *everyone downs a shot of vodka and thadeas pours more* so I kept going to planet leeds and hoped on a tradelane to the stokes mining station, while this guy Nick Brocka-somthin who's fling this beast of a ship called a barhgiest, tells me I'd better head back so I dont anger the armed forces who i accedently bypassed who were guarding the kusari blockade. *Richard drinks a shot of vadka but accedently chokes and sprays vodka all over the area* oops! we're gonna need some napkins. well in the end the armed forces guys scaned me and let me go home! so here I am, in this bar, enjoying these hotwings!"