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mining problem - Printable Version

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mining problem - nuja - 05-13-2010

i was trying to mine cooper and i get evrything i need-mining tourents,tag,id,mining ship
i am mining in colorado
as you can see i have evrything i need but i am not geting any bonuses
can someone help me?

mining problem - Valinor - 05-17-2010

The field of Copper run out..

mining problem - agentmike - 05-17-2010

What are your drop rates? how much are you you getting out of each rock when you shoot them. average i think is around 4-8 ore per rock, maybe less.

also, you might try a different field. i think most of the fields in and around New york were nerfed.

if that doesn't work, try switching to IMG or BMM ID/IFF and move to the tau's or omega's