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To the citizens of the USA - Printable Version

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To the citizens of the USA - Cecasander - 12-11-2005


I still think they should revoke independence to the other former colonies as well. I just want a real super power to rule the world for once...

To the citizens of the USA - metamay - 12-11-2005

I love John Cleese. God save the Queen!

To the citizens of the USA - kirtar - 12-11-2005

uh huh... sure... Considering that the elections had actually finished by then.

When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation......

To the citizens of the USA - Kane - 12-11-2005

That's funny! That's really funny!

Unfortunetly, it also points out that our president is an idiot. I'm quite certain that "President Bush" couldn't find his own ass with both hands, a flashlight, and all of Congress to help him! I say we should stage a revolt, and then have one of the Harvard Law students replace him. If we don't like him, then we give him the boot and find another.

That, or we just cut out this democracy crap and start a dictatorship. It's simple, and as long as you have smart, benevolent rulers you're fine.

To the citizens of the USA - Cecasander - 12-11-2005

Quote:That, or we just cut out this democracy crap and start a dictatorship. It's simple, and as long as you have smart, benevolent rulers you're fine.

Nobody would notice anyway :)

To the citizens of the USA - Angel - 12-12-2005

I can believe im hearing, to look down on your own leaders like that, noone give him a chance and everyone see Clinton as a saviour even though hes cheated on his wife twice and violated the oath of Presidency and ya'll still Bash Bush, Hell only a few people supported him even when the WTC was Burning.

To the citizens of the USA - metamay - 12-12-2005

My leaders have nothing to do with this topic... I don't understand what you mean, Angel.

To the citizens of the USA - Constantine - 12-12-2005

God save the Queen :)

To the citizens of the USA - Makc_RU - 01-07-2012

Obama 4 eva !

To the citizens of the USA - NixOlympica - 01-07-2012

Grave dig of century