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M26 Lunchbox - Printable Version

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M26 Lunchbox - Mr.Fabulous - 05-17-2010

What this thing is

So... When I first tried out Discovery FL, I used to play it on open SP.

This ship was the farthest I got to having ma own capital ship (it was frakking hard to get the money for it)

It's a beauty to behold (in its own rusty way): it's big, it has a decent amount of turrets, and it looks like it's perfect for any would-be Vagabond out there.

What I'd like to know is its general opinion on this thing... I used to love this ship, and it made me feel safe and secure in it...

Of course, since it's big, its generally useless on PVP... but it was great on SP.

Also, this thing has JUNKER written all over it (seriously, THIS was what Junker-junk really looked like for me)... Why not make it into their new GB? Just for the lulz, even:P

What do you think?

M26 Lunchbox - Bobthemanofsteel - 05-17-2010

Star Wars Import.

M26 Lunchbox - Taneru - 05-17-2010

No offense, but Action V Transports have their own universe that they belong in.

M26 Lunchbox - Panzer - 05-17-2010

Psch shush you!

It's history - before Disco evolved into what purist self it is now we had a ragtag collection of models from wherever possible. Many good purist RPers nowdays started off in a Battlestar, Star destroyer and whatnot and pretended they weren't imports as if they were pure local things.

M26 Lunchbox - Shryke - 05-17-2010

' Wrote:... before Disco evolved ...

And before we evolved we used to fling feces at each other. A turn for the better in both cases.

Imports = bad. Especially when it comes to intellectual property.

M26 Lunchbox - Zelot - 05-17-2010

Screw all of you, Panzy is right. And I want my toolbox back. Make it into a Corsair transport.. PLEASE!

M26 Lunchbox - Reacher - 05-17-2010

:(You make me wish I was around for when the Corsairs had a decent gunboat and HAI PANZI!

M26 Lunchbox - Shryke - 05-17-2010

No! Bad Zelot!

But I was always confused why they used a transport model as a gunboat. Nothing about that ship screams aggressive to me.

M26 Lunchbox - Elven - 05-17-2010

<3 Lunchie.

M26 Lunchbox - Shush Muppet - 05-17-2010

' Wrote:Star Wars Import.

And what is wrong with Star Wars imports? If you haven't realized it yet, the Spatial is a Star Wars import. So is the Raven's Talon and the Moldy Crow. And yet they are some of the more popular models here in Discovery.

At least they are pretty, unlike the Homeworld imports...