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Capitan Carlos Demok - Printable Version

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Capitan Carlos Demok - draggor - 05-21-2010

Born of the Omicron Alpha System Captain Demok strived most of his life to be one of the best outcast pilots there was.Captain Demoks Father a Admiral Outcast Commandment and his Mother the Head of Accountant of Veldette Shipyard.After their Death in December 15 816 A.S luitent Demok forced himself to create a Great honor amongst his family name. Known only to some as his true given name Captain Demok moved on to be come one of the known commanders among the outcast people. It was the Febuary 18 817 A.S Captain Demok had become also known as a enemy of the [101st] and at this point is known more to the outcast as a outcast among the outcasts. A decision was made at a council meet which captain Demok could not and did not attend that something must be done about his insanity for the defence of Omicron Alpha.
Febuary 27th 817 A.S Captain Demok was flying about destroying bounty hunter ships and Nomads that have entered Alpha space when aproached by 3 of the [101st] and 2 Wild upon preparing to engage the enemy Captain Demok noticed that the [101st] were also in works with these enemy. Unaware of what was to comspire at such a time Captain Demok began to battle the Enemy, at which time the [101st] outcast devision returned fire upon Captain Demok's ship. Ejecting into his escape pod Capatin Demok went before the Outcast Council Demanding an explenation of why the outcast are fighting against their own. Given only the reason that Captain Demok is no longer considered part of the outcasts and forced not just at gun point from the council room but at guard ship gun point to leave Alpha and the Outcast never to return. Unknown what to do at this point and filled with hatered for the outcast and what they have done to him .[/url][/url][/url][/url][/url]

Upon May 3 817A.S. The Outcast's very Own 101st Decided the hate for Captain Demok was more then great and forcing him out of Planet Malta and Veldete Shipyard thus pushed him into the arms of the Corsair in order to seek happiness. There Captain Demok found a new familia amongst the Corsair Guard. Low and behold to Capitan Demok while out on a Mission against the Bounty Hunters Guild in Omicron Gamma he feasted his eyes on a ship, one of the likes that was not of the normal.
Amazed as to the sight of this ship and stricken by a little bit of fear he continued on to his objective waypoint. With danger ahead and the sight of this strange passing ship Capitan Demok halted his engines as to power up the weapons of his Dreadnought in order to Commense battle with the in coming enemy Hunter forces. At such time as weapons were powering up Capitan Demok heard a eerie *SCREAM* wring out from the dead space. Of course scared out of his wits Capitan Demok Turned his ship in a 360 degree turn to find half in such a turn,appearing from Omicron Kappa Cloud was a Osiris Battleship tattered and a bit roughed up "Ghost.Ship"-S.Speigel.
Shaking from terror,as fear overrides rationality Capitan Demok forgetting about the incoming Hunter Raid force finds himself in a loss for words.
As the "Ghost.Ship"-S.Speigel draws ever closer, the next actions it takes is but a devistattion upon the eyes of Capitan Demok.
With the Words"All who face me shall have their soul upon the "boatmans" bridge."
Completely unsure of what to even respond with Capitain Demok Starts his engines in lighting speed movement. Turning to make a full speed run for Tripoli Shipyard in hopes that he can only out run this Phantom like menace finds that his engines will not ignite,quickly returning back to the gun controls.
Capitan Demok breaks over the Personal Advertising System.
Announcing "All Hands on Deck we may have a Fight on our hands that we did not expect amigos." At such Time Capitan Demok announced brace for impact and prepare to fire upon the incoming Osiris Battleship.
As "Ghost.Ship"-S.Speigel draw closer Capitan Demok Hails the Ship with a open Com link.
"You will turn about amigo and Leave Gamma or I will take your ship and all it's crew from the place you were".
Link was established but the Screen was Dark and only sounds that where return was that of Torture and Dismay.
Suddenly a fast Reply from the ship came forth"I will rip yours lips from your body and take your soul to the underworld".
With out Delay Capitan Demok command his Crew to open Fire on the Osiris. But with every shot fired no Damage to the "Ghost.Ship"-S.SPeigel was taken. Ponderring as to what happened as to why no damage was taken not, even a scratch to the shields of this ship Capitan Demok Order a Loading of the Heavy Mortar on board. Preparations made in a short manner for the firing of such a weapon,Capitan Demok ordered the open fire sure that his Mortar would take this ship and her crew in a timely manner.
"Fire" as the mortar sped to the Osiris ship a swift menacing chuckle came from with in "Ghost.Ship"-S.Speigel.
In shock at what Capitan Demok just watched as his Mortar just passed right through this Osiris. In complete bafflement Capitain Demok gave one last Hail and open Com link to this Osiris.
" Osiris battlefleet commander this is the S.S. Demok Speaking you will turn about and leave Gamma or be destroyed"!
*Screams* came from with in the "Ghost.Ship" as it seem to Materialize from nothing like it had no mass. Upon the strikes from Capitan Demok a swift responce came.
It was at this point the Osiris found it's way to open fire on Capitan Demok and his crew.
Unfortunately that is the only account that I Capitan Demok can now leave for a tale of my faithful battle against this ship.Realizing thus that the "Ghost.Ship"-S.Speigel and damned a soul that was not meant to be. Found himself summoned before the "Boatman" to feast his eyes on what is to come.
Capitan Demok not known he was now amongst the dead in a place called the "Underworld" Capitan Demok found himself standing before a Lifeless figure and the captain of the "Ghost.Ship"-S.Speigel. The lifeless figure spoke in a odd toned voice.
"A deal I will strike with you,Souls I need you can give me then for your freedom".
Capitan Demok Pondering what such a riddle meant the voice spoke again.."You will be my Ghost Ships harbor souls you will for me, Free you shall be,ship you will be given,fly,fight ,destroy, Your vengence will give you to life."
Only knowing that vengence sounds great and that another chance at what Capitan Demok could have done while still able he speaks
"What must I do,where do I sign for this deal demon"!
The "Boatman" reaches out his arm and places it upon Capitan Demoks hand at which point chains form upon his neck and wrists. In a swift flash of darklight Capitan Demok found himself back upon his what seemed his old Corsair Dreadnought. But all was not as it seemed things are a bit different at this point. Only anger fills his heart and hatered for all that stand in his way for long lasting freedom to the world again. With thoughts of destruction to any that oppose his law Capitan Demok now awaits all who cross his path.
Know this when you hear the *Screams* or a *Demonic Laughter* from the skies and you see what could be a Osiris battleship or a Corsair Dreadnought speal from the bouwals of hell and creep from the masses that are not of the normal. It is the "Boatmans" ferrymen come to harbor your souls to the "Underworld" but you see that is not the worse of it all. "Ghost.Ship"-S.Speigel will lead you the way as "Ghost.Ship"-C.Demok will harbor you to the "Underverse" a much more Hellish place then what you would ever know. For "Ghost.Ship"-Carlos.Demok will not be as polite to you as the "Boatman" has ordered him to ferry more souls then he has ordered any other he released to seek vengence upon the universe.

May 19 817 A.S

It has been three weeks since "Ghost.Ship"-C.Demok's release upon the Sirius Universe and already he has claimed his first souls of 116 outcast young pilots and 1skilled pilot. Returning to the "Underwolrd" now standing before the "Boatman" prepared to hand in his first souls. Capitan Demok begins to ponder what count will the "Boatman" Tally for the release of his soul.
In sheer Amuzement as the fast collection of Souls the "Boatman" dubs capitan Demok as his newest "Ghost.Ship" for the claiming of the souls he has.

"You have done well this day my little minion, prove have you of ferryman for me, harbor you shall be from this day forward"

Spoke the boatman as he taps upon the should of Capitan Demok the dreaded oar that he uses to harbor the souls to their final resting place. With a "Demonic Grin" Capitan Demok begins to ask the "Boatman" for a complete tally of souls before freedom.

"How man more do you require before our bargin is up demon?" "How many before I can be free of this shackles you placed upon me?"

With a Slight Glance back to Capitan Demok the "Boatman" speaks.

"You are a fool to think that I would free you from my bonds, you soul is mine for eternity,my bidding you do, your freedom shall not receive!"

Bothered by these words Capitan Demok finds himself the courage to continue pressing on, knowing now that his freedom from these bonds he thought possible to well possible becomes his ever lasting guilty and belief that one day he shall see the ones that cause this disbelif and hatered. At such a time those that cause his sale of soul to the "Boatman" shall feel more then his wrath they shall feel his vengence. Let it be known Capitan Demok of the "Ghost.Ship"-C.Demok will find those that opposed him in life and bring them to his new eteral life. Capitan Demok's Last words before death to all were.

"Vengence shall be mine one day, very soon you shall see what I see through the eyes of this demon form I now hold" *Demonic Laughter* *Menacing Grin* *Hellish howl*