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Crateria: - Printable Version

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Crateria: - Ophiuchi - 09-28-2007

Ahoy, you Dock Raper.

Here's Moira, in her wee Stinger.

Gone to help a friend in Leeds, who's havin' a hard time takin' out a fire-spitting Trader. Well, I took out the bloke at the cost of all me bots and batts.. and most of me hull.

..while you sat on your fat Outcast destroyer arse and watched the show.

After my kill, i had no room in me wee hull for that nice berrylium... so you sucked it all up, and didn't offer to pay me a bloody sou or help with repairs at all, you piece of whale dung.

Then, to top if off, ye try to kill me as well! Bored were ye? Your Destroyer guzzle too much fuel?

Ye followed me into Edinburgh, distruptin' and gloatin'.. I barely got away with my life there. You are a real crapper, lad. No doubt in my mind.

I finally manage to get into Lewis, you droolin' and pantin' after me the whole time, and set my dockin' on Glendale, only to be dock-raped two seconds before I get home.

Are ye proud of yourself, ye big brave pirate? Is yer mother proud of ye?

I think you stink to high heaven. The NLH are gonna hound you to the ends of the bloody Sector mate;

or my name ain't Moira Kentigearna, your worst fookin' nightmare!

Crateria: - Ophiuchi - 09-28-2007


Ye can't stand the heat, rapist?

Show me where Moira ain't takin' the piss outta ye in just the style she should be?

Oh, and laddie, I'm offerin' all me current net worth to my mates, the Green Lads..

..for your ruddy head.

Have a nice Gaian day,


Crateria: - pipsqueak - 09-28-2007

[Incoming Transmission]

...Message received...

[Transmission END]

Crateria: - Jinx - 09-28-2007

Message Income from Freeport 11, comsatarray omicron-delta from "Jinx"

"Right after her defeat in Leeds, my little Sister Clover headed towards Freeport 11 to cry out her frustration. As that was her first attempt to pirate (and as a zoner i really do not approve that way of income at all) she only asked for a miniscule tax of 500.000, which is laughable considering she was facing a container transport full with 4500 units of beryllium.

As far as i was told, the trader said that he did not have 500.000$ when he was asked about it. and so Clover attacked. She took down the traders shields while she took heavy damage herself and finally took down the huge transport untill its hull was crackling. At that time, she made another attempt at asking for the 500k but the trader ignored her. so the fight lasted.

in the end, Clover ran out of nanos and batteries and had to retreat. just at that time a brother in mind, a fellow gaian appeared and Clover asked for assistance, since she had to retreat herself from the fight or her ship would have been destroyed.

i was not told what happened then, but the last sensor image showed her comprade rushing to aid and a major sensor image of crateria. She wasn t able to watch more of what followed, but she wants me to give you her deepest gratitude, Moira - that you headed into what she started so spontanously without question.

Right now, Clover rests in a hospital bed on freeport 11 far away from trouble."

End of transmission//:Freeport11/Omicrondelta/Cambridgesensorarray/Edinburgh.cp

Crateria: - Ophiuchi - 09-28-2007

Message to: Clover
Comm ID: Moira

Clover, Darlin,

I'm sad to hear your injuries have you laid up. The trader put up a good fight. The tosser Crateria sat there chewing his cud.. or strokin' his vulture feathers, if ye will.

His subsequent attack on me came as a complete surprise. Why would I expect him to chase me after I'd worked so hard ta avenge ye, girl?

I'll be by to visit ye as soon as my wee Stinger is put back together. Might bring along a couple of me NLH mates as well. They're not half bad lookin', if ye've a mind to be courted.

Don't give up, Clover. Just call for help next time, and Moira will be glad to answer!

Peck on the cheek,

Crateria: - Thunderhawk - 09-28-2007

.................<coming transmition>

mesage begins.......

this is ThunderHawk of the UKMG i had a train travaling through the said system at that time i request clarification on the ident of the trader as if it was one of mine this could mean ramifications for all said parties.

ThunderHawk CO of UKMG out.

..................mesage ends.........................

Crateria: - McNeo - 09-28-2007

Comm ID: Juan Montoya
To: Moira

The target "Crateria" has been marked for extermination. When we finish the campaign "Road to Rheinland", we will invade Bretonia and catch this Outcast off guard. Obviously, we will take him alive for you to do what you will with him. Time is not on his side. Even if I am the only one who engages him, he will fall. Him and his precious hunk of metal.

End Transmission.

Crateria: - crateria - 09-28-2007

--Opening Channel--
--Opening Channel: Public broadcast online--

This is Crateria, Captain of the Destroyer Rougess.
I am writing this report to clear any accusations from my name.

I was happily flying through Leeds on my way to alpha to meet some old friends. As I unlocked from the trade lane from the planet "Leeds" Long Range Scanners picked up to ships engaged in combat. Thinking there maybe work for me there I bypassed all my ships power to the engines to archive maximum impulse.

When I was in a 10k range my scanners painted a crude image of the two ships on my very outdated navigation computer. One container transport engaged with a Gain. I flew closer, not wanting to let my guard down as the trader looked weak and the Gain looked like she was ready for blood.
As soon as I reached the battle zone I found that the trader still had a good deal of Nano Bots left and a surprisingly good weapon layout. It looked at this point as though the trader would fend off this pirate.

I offered my services to both the combatants and got a response from the trader, He wanted his death avenged if he died but didn't want me to interfere with his 1 Vs 1.
The traders hull buckled under the final bast from the Gains Razer, My automated tractor beam was fast to react, delivering both the escape pod and the portion of undamaged cargo safely into my cargo bay.

The gain then turned and ran as fast as she could to the nearest trade lane. My ship being bigger and slower took a while to match here speed.
When she found I was perusing her she started yelling insults at me over public coms.

Her ship was very fast and easily avoided all the disrupters that I fired in here direction.
Cutting a long story short: (As I have already bored you to death)

I manage to track my weapons onto here hull just before she received clearance to dock at a gain base.
She then Yelled over public lines and started cursing me with words only a gain would think to use.

I did my job, and received a large sum of credits from the grateful trader.

--Signal lost--
--Waiting 5 seconds for retry..--
--Retry failed, channel shutting down--

Crateria: - Thunderhawk - 09-28-2007

transmition to: Crateria, Captain of the Destroyer Rougess.

mesage begins:

this is ThunderHawk of the UKMG would you pleaze identify the trader you asisted was he using the UKMG transponder.

mesage ends.

Crateria: - crateria - 09-28-2007

I believe the trader in question is freelance: I can not remember his exact Call sign but it was something like: Starfighter=Duetch..?
Sorry for my bad data records,
Crateria Out.