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random lagouts - Harcourt.Fenton.Mudd - 05-21-2010

Ok, I'm on the same box I've been on for ages now, just a new connection (unlike my previous wireless am now wired, much faster connection) and tend to run 136ping no lag/loss even with torrents going (tho I still disable when playing, so not an issue).

However, I randomly start to get redlag (for those that dont enable it, defualt vanilla FL lag indicator on the screen) then within 30secs of it appearing tend to disconnect.

Is it due to the server issues, or could it be something on my end ? Other wep apps do not show any effect of a temp connectivity issue on my end so I doubt it's something like my net cutting out for a moment.

random lagouts - SeaFalcon - 05-21-2010

Virus scanner updating?
Windows updating?
Any other program auto updating?

I think its could be one of those things. maybe not sure though:)

random lagouts - Harcourt.Fenton.Mudd - 05-22-2010

No, Im pretty sure its not any of that.

As a test I let my torrents go full blast, and my ping/lag/loss didnt change.

It seems to be semi random, but also seems to occur more when I'm on a cap ship (IE: my juggy usualy has it happen every 5mins it seems, rather annoying when at a RP event, while my Grizly doesnt do it that often, nor my snubcraft)

random lagouts - Harcourt.Fenton.Mudd - 05-22-2010

Issue is persisting.

It may be cooincidence, but my it only happens on larger ships.

My fighters and bombers I dont seem to have the issue, but my spatial or anything bigger, I randomly lagout (although the spatial has nowere near the issue as any cap ships)

random lagouts - Harcourt.Fenton.Mudd - 08-31-2010

Issue still persisting, however now it's moved to snubcraft as well.

Whichever ship is having the bug will randomly DC (oftentimes just after I use a JH/JG) and often I'll DC immeditly upon reconnecting.

I've got -lag in my startup line, and about 30seconds of redlag usualy precede the disconnect.

Anything else I have using the internet when this occurs (skype, IRC) show no sign of disruption, so it isnt my connection itself (or if it is, its ISP based such as the route from my ISP to the servers ISP).

random lagouts - Klerkenen - 08-31-2010

I don't know wich ISP you have, and how helpfull they are.

I had a problem that if i had too many things on my computer connecting to the internet, my internet went poof!.

I called my ISP, and they did some checks and so on, and concluded it had to be my router, so i went out and bought a new one, and never had the issues again.

My ISP was very helpful, they always are, even though the problem wasn't related to them, they helped me solving it.

Would suggest you to try and give them a call, just for the heck of it, and see if they can help you with it. In worse case it's a no.

random lagouts - ArmsAndLegs Guy - 08-31-2010

' Wrote:Issue still persisting, however now it's moved to snubcraft as well.

Whichever ship is having the bug will randomly DC (oftentimes just after I use a JH/JG) and often I'll DC immeditly upon reconnecting.

I've got -lag in my startup line, and about 30seconds of redlag usualy precede the disconnect.

Anything else I have using the internet when this occurs (skype, IRC) show no sign of disruption, so it isnt my connection itself (or if it is, its ISP based such as the route from my ISP to the servers ISP).
Not a server issue. The bug that caused similar issues for ALL players last week has been identified - It was a driver issue on the server box, which left the DirectPlay network server with a zombie process, after each restart, thereby causing a race condition between two processes trying to do the same things at the same time.

That issue has been resolved, and there is no problems for players in general that fits the symptoms reported then, and your symptoms. Ergo logic indicates that there is two possible causes :

A) A corrupted character file on the server. That can be fixed by deleting the character in question. Please advise if that is what you want done, and what character it involves.

B) the issue is local on your box, or between your ISP and the datacenter where the server is located. Neither of those possible problemspots are within the Admins or the Janitors sphere of influence. They are solely within your zone of influence. You need to talk with your ISP and check out all parts of your setup, software and hardware alike.

I doubt it is cause A), since your described symptoms do not in any way fit into the normal symptoms for a corrupted character file, but who knows, it might help. Just remember, there are no refunds.
I am more inclined to believe cause B) is the culprit. But ofcourse I can see your point of view - If you are the only one experiencing it, and the 190+ other players doesn't then it MUST be the server. Oh wait... That would mean that even the serverhardware is out to get you... Tinfoil hat time.

A & L Guy

random lagouts - AeternusDoleo - 08-31-2010

The issue does seem local to you. Another option might be a software glitch on your end. Perhaps one of the files of your Freelancer install or Disco mod got corrupted... a reinstallation might help? Other then that I've had this issue before on other people, it turned out a buggy network driver on the system in question. I could try and help you reconfigure your network driver to work around this if that is the problem, but would need some tech details about your system.

The issue you describe seems to be the server going out of sync with your own system - This is typically caused by a temporary, extreme bandwith shortage. If your system is a singlecore system which relies heavily on the CPU to handle the network card's traffic (usually the case in older cheap network cards, and some integrated ones) that might explain the issue with the jumpholes. The computer is loading the new starsystem you are entering after the jumphole, and while it's doing that, too overloaded to properly process network traffic.
But that's just an educated guess really. More info needed for further analysis and/or fix.

random lagouts - Waratah - 08-31-2010

I bet you have recently updated your video card drivers.
I did this and had the exact same problem, so i uninstalled
video card drivers, and reinstalled original drivers and
my problem was solved. I think i may have updated wrong drivers,
and that caused some weird glitch.

random lagouts - Harcourt.Fenton.Mudd - 08-31-2010

' Wrote:I bet you have recently updated your video card drivers.
I did this and had the exact same problem, so i uninstalled
video card drivers, and reinstalled original drivers and
my problem was solved. I think i may have updated wrong drivers,
and that caused some weird glitch.

Nope, aint updated a thing, I never update drives unless I'm having an actual issue. If it aint broke, dont fix it.

A&L, yes theres a good chance it is the ISP, however thus far my tech support talks have been less than useful, I intend to keep pestering them for fun if nothing else.

I've had suggestions from others to move the ships in question to a new account, as the way it was described to be was that fixes some corruption bugs. Is that true ? if so, we can deffinitly rule that out as Ive tried it. If not, then no clue there but worth a shot.

As for deleting it, Ive occasionly had it with brand new starfleas that I had just created, so I really doubt it's a corruption bug.

Is it possible to access the logs of my disconnects and see if there is anything abnormal there ?

Also, it could be (somehwat) two differnt issues.

The random lagouts at times are likley at least partly caused by issues between my ISP connection to the datacenter, however the issues I've had on my Juggernaught are quite differnt, as if I fire the weapons for more than a few seconds (especily if they hit anyhting) then virtualy always I seem to get disconnected.

As Im having no issue with anything else, I think I'll ahve to assume that it's most likley an issue with my ISP I suppose, assumign a check for irregularties in my DC logs when you get a chacne do not turn up anything odd.