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Tau Conquest - Gallic Invasion - Agmen of Eladesor - 05-22-2010

Rather than continue with the previous thread and make it longer, I've started a new one that has updated information.

(1) - npc's... are set to turn off when the server load is greater than 1 ms. Which means that if you log on and there's only one or two people online at that time, you may still see some npc's. (We can't set them any lower.) Either way - it's not that big of a deal (although those Council bombers in Orkney are nasty).

(2) - /restart commands - are as follows: knf_fighter, knf_bomber, knf_destroyer, knf_battleship, grn_fighter, grn_bomber, grn_cruiser, grn_battleship Yes, they have the underscore in them.

(3) Don't forget that, like regular /restart commands, you will get kicked. Don't panic when that happens.

(4) If you don't like your character, simply delete it from the initial screen, and /restart another character. NOT a big deal, but I point this out because once you have someone created, they'll be available until you delete them.

(5) In the interests of listening to people - we have given each new character a small amount of starting money, just over $1 million for the smaller ships, about $5 million for the bigger ships. If you wish to modify your weapons loadout from what is provided, that is what that money is there for. However - you will have to travel to an appropriate base to get the equipment you wish.

(6) Yes, I know with the /restart command there is absolutely nothing to prevent you from simply selling your ship and using that money to go get something that's not on the list. For those people who want to fly a camera ship, that's probably your best option. However, we will have people reporting on this battle, and there will be Admin ships around that you may or may not know are Admin ships. If a BAF battleship showed up in the middle of this fight, we'd be pretty upset, and you'd probably find yourself banned from playing for a while...

(7) The people that are the leaders on either side will use the designator of (FL) for Fleet Leader after their names. Right now that's Soveriegn, Dab, and Mjolinir. If one of them is one your side, listen to him on whether or not you engage.

(8) You will have to add the following shortcut to your FL start line to access the server:
The server will then show up under the name Discovery KNF-GRN Event Server. The start time will be when I confirm that the server is up, and I add the server shortcut line here.

(9) Once again, your characters will NOT transfer to the main Disco server, nor will you be allowed to keep them, nor can you use the characters you have now. (That's why we have given you some funds for weapons changes or regens if you wish.)

(10) Rule 5.2, (RP prior to engagement), Rule 5.6 (Fleeing counting as PvP death), Rule 5.7 (same system rule) and Rule 5.8 (re-engagement) do NOT apply for this event. Rule 5.4 (ramming) and all other rules, including the OOC as well as the cursing rules do still apply. Make sure that all insults are very clearly within character when you taunt your enemy.

(11) Naming Conventions - For purposes of this combat, we request that all people use either GRN or KNF in making their character names in there somewhere. For purposes of this combat, you actually represent one of the many npc's that we encounter daily in Sirius, especially in the combat zones. Those people that go out, fly bravely, and die in mass quantities.

Tau Conquest - Gallic Invasion - mwerte - 05-22-2010

' Wrote:Those people that go out, fly bravely, and die in mass quantities.

Tau Conquest - Gallic Invasion - Kazinsal - 05-22-2010

If I were to log onto it right now and test a /restart to go kill some NPCs or something, would I get banned?:lol:

Tau Conquest - Gallic Invasion - guitarguy - 05-22-2010

Will there be a limit to the number of caps a certain group can have at once?

For example:

Me: /restart grn_battleship
Console: There are 28 of these ships in the server, please choose another.

I can see pros and cons to doing something like that, so I don't care either way, just curious.

Tau Conquest - Gallic Invasion - sovereign - 05-22-2010

' Wrote:(11) Naming Conventions - For purposes of this combat, we request that all people use either GRN or KNF in making their character names in there somewhere. For purposes of this combat, you actually represent one of the many npc's that we encounter daily in Sirius, especially in the combat zones. Those people that go out, fly bravely, and die in mass quantities.

I would request that only members of the player factions use the player faction tags, GRN| and [KNF] respectively. Other than that, GRN- and KNF- would make a nice standard for everyone.

As a side note, the prefix for Gallic capital ships is RNS, Royal Navy Ship. (I should know, I picked it in the first place.) I'm not familiar with the Kusari prefix, the [KNF] don't really use them that much.

About capspam, I poked Agmen about having the Fleet Leaders being able to enforce their decisions somewhat more decisively. Do what the Fleet Leaders tell you and you'll be fine, even if it means you have to wait your turn to try out the Valor- I'm thinking that we can have people rotate what ship they use to make sure everyone that wants to play with the big stuff gets a chance to while not totally wonking up the fight.


As Lord Marshal Bruce Montague, Margrave Burgundy and commander of our expeditionary forces, I will lead us into battle this glorious day. Look for me commanding any of the following ships:

GRN|RNS-Temeraire(FL), my Valor battleship and flagship of the expeditionary forces
GRN|RNS-Chimere(FL), my Obstinate cruiser
GRN|RNS-Hercule(FL), my Perilous gunboat

I may also lead the charge from the front lines as a fighter or bomber, which shall be marked with my name.

To glory, one and all! For king and country!

Tau Conquest - Gallic Invasion - Govedo13 - 05-22-2010

' Wrote:GRN|RNS-Temeraire(FL), my Valor battleship and flagship of the expeditionary forces
GRN|RNS-Chimere(FL), my Obstinate cruiser
GRN|RNS-Hercule(FL), my Perilous gunboat

To glory, one and all! For king and country!
Mimoto Family bomber wing will send his regards and some anti-meter plasma.We in Kusari heard that gallic people have very special tastes- frogs and other delicious things.I hope that you will like our plasma on your hull.
Kurwar Out

Tau Conquest - Gallic Invasion - MarvinCZ - 05-22-2010

I am 100% satisfied with the change about the loadouts.

I have a host of character names prepared for both sides, ready to die valiantly. This will be fun:)

Tau Conquest - Gallic Invasion - Zeltak - 05-22-2010

Always ready for Kusari.

Tau Conquest - Gallic Invasion - Gemel - 05-22-2010

Eagerly awaiting the start.

Edit: Corrected by the person below me.

Tau Conquest - Gallic Invasion - Alex. - 05-22-2010

Aren't the KNF caps IKN-? Thought I've seen them around before.