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Red Hessian Reporting Facility - Printable Version

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RE: Red Hessian Reporting Facility - Pavel - 03-15-2014

===Incoming Transmission===

Source: Vogtland Base, Dresden system
Comm ID: Károly Roth

Yesterday I and Hauptmann Draay patrolled core Rheinland and Omegas. Encountered Cigars freelance trader without problems agreed to donate 500k Credits to our cause, accounted by Hauptmann.

Later we caught artifact smuggler in Omega-5. After initial order to jettison cargo met with refusal, Hauptmann ordered fireworks. Unfortunately, due to incredibly tough armor Cretard puppet managed to escape to safe perimeter of Corsair base. We will remember his callsign though.


Károly Roth out

===Transmission Terminated===

RE: Red Hessian Reporting Facility - Riess - 03-22-2014

::Incoming Transmission::
ID: Raoulf von Bartels
Rank: Flieger

Salut Comraden!

I was tied to hospital bed for long, and while with time my wounds were healed, my skills have left me.

However, starting from this day I'll be rejoining Armee in our never ending battle for our people!

Grusse, and let us keep our hopes and strenght!

::Transmission terminated::

RE: Red Hessian Reporting Facility - .Gypsy. - 03-22-2014

[Image: vaL5IDl.png]

===Incoming Transmission===

Comm ID: Olof Huber
Location: Omega 54
Rank: Rekrut


As a new recruit, here is my ship, I am currently working on acquiring some guns.


[Image: TXsVUxz.png]

===End Transmission===

RE: Red Hessian Reporting Facility - Riess - 03-22-2014

::Incoming Transmission::
ID: Raoulf von Bartels
Rank: Flieger


Today I have went on patrol with one of our rekruts, Olof Huber.

Together we have patrolled trough Omega 11, Stuggard and Omega 7.

Within Omega 7 we have on few occassions established scanner contact with one of Kruger vessels, but we have decided to play it safe and maintain safe distance.

Upon our return to Vogtland we have found DHC mining ship, paulkoko1s. It's captain ignored our presence and my demands to drop his load of uncut diamonds and depart, pretending we are not here, and only once bothered to respond, to mock me.

Taking my mercyful offer for saving his life and ship for weakness was mistake, and he was quickly destroyed. After his demise, I have ordered rekrut Olof Huber to clean up the rubble, for we had no ability to salvage anything of value for Armee.

After this, we have left for Vogtland.

[ ]
[ ]


::Transmission terminated::

RE: Red Hessian Reporting Facility - .Gypsy. - 03-23-2014

[Image: vaL5IDl.png]

===Incoming Transmission===

Subject: Dresden Patrol
From: Planet Stuttgart, Olof Huber

Greetings, Rekrut Olof Huber reporting in.

I decided to take a patroll of the Dresden system. I spotted a Krugar in the system and decided to have a look. I never found the Krugar.. How ever I did find a Republican ship. But he was hugging a Battle ship and I took heavy damage trying to get close to him:


I then decided to fly by the mining base to see if the Krugar ship was there, which it wasn't. However I grabbed the latest image of the base:


I then saw two RM ships in the system and decided to engage one. This Rekrut still has allot to learn as I was soundly defeated, but I will be back!


This Rekrut will try even harder to do better in the future!

[Image: TXsVUxz.png]

RE: Red Hessian Reporting Facility - .Gypsy. - 03-24-2014

[Image: vaL5IDl.png]

In preparation for the next promotion, donated 10 million to cause.

[Image: VvZ54yR.jpg]

There was a big battle in Omega 11 involving a Barge. The RHA was victorious and I was avenged Shy

Olof here! I made contact with the enemy and reported location to the Red Army.

Me attacking a Big ship:

Me moving away after the assist with big ship death msg:

And the Barge in question:

And the Barge dropped its cargo.


[Image: TXsVUxz.png]

RE: Red Hessian Reporting Facility - Riess - 03-24-2014

::Incoming Transmission::
ID: Raoulf von Bartels
Rank: Flieger


Many events took place that are too much for me to even start covering in detail. Still, I'll try to offer the rundown from my perspective:

My day have started when, we've been notified by our scouting parties in Omega 11 about large mining operation taking place here. RHA quickly assembled raiding party which, to my suprise, Hessianwehr vessels joined. However understanding that there are politics and there are conflicts, I have witheld my comment on situation.

The mining party in question was truly a sight to behold. Rheinland's Carrier appeared as puny satellite to the massive body of the mobile station. Around those two like asteroids floated mining ships and transports.

Our appearance stroke fear into hearts of miners and they have raced to leave the place as Hessian force switfly dealt punishment to the Carrier hull. I have never saw in my life such a big hulk being cut in such a short time.

After that we have witnessed interesting event, for from nowhere a ship appeared that claimed to be one of ours, yet Militar in origin. This ship I have then lost from sight to never see again.

There are wars and there are politics. After Hessianwehr ships parted their paths with us, I, together with Hauptmann, have came to Rheinland Militar piloten. And while such meeting would be violent and deadly for one of sides involved, this one was exception. This time greater battle was to be won, against menace of cancer in Rheinland's ranks.

For this purpose we have staged false engagement and called in Rheinland units from across the system to assit us. Quickly two vessels have arrived, both displaying signs of cancer known as "Wilde". While one has felt in battle, the other eluded us into safety of hostile space.

My day has concluded in practice session with one of our comraden, Lukas Olker, in security of space. For that I am grateful.


::Transmission terminated::

RE: Red Hessian Reporting Facility - .Gypsy. - 03-25-2014

[Image: vaL5IDl.png]

===Incoming Transmission===

Comm ID: Olof Huber
Location: Omega 54
Rank: Flieger

Just finished a training session with Siegfried Draay in Omega 54.

It was very educational! I learned among other things:

1. Never fire missiles when you have no shield.
2. How to make a engine kill turn.
3. How to counter missiles with counter measures.
4. Pay attention to what you have in your weapon groups (so I don't spam mines lol)
5. To use thrusters in combo with strafing while jousting.

Though I was repeatedly killed, it was still a valuable lesson, and hopefully with practice, will make me a better pilot!

Thanks to Siegfried for his time and patience for the training lesson!

[Image: TXsVUxz.png]

===End Transmission===

RE: Red Hessian Reporting Facility - .Gypsy. - 03-26-2014

[Image: vaL5IDl.png]

===Incoming Transmission===

Comm ID: Olof Huber
Location: Omega 11


Olof Huber reporting..
I was patrolling in my pirate transport, it was outfitted with signal boosting equiptment to assist me in spreading the word of the RHA to all non-believers.

So, on this propaganda mission of mine I encountered allot of various enemies. There were 3 RS's, 3 Corsair TBH, a RM Cruiser and lots of miners as well as a Freelancer.

Here is the cruiser I was trying to anger to get him to come after me by the base:
[Image: ilAsfhc.jpg]

more of our little chat:
[Image: QBSpdn1.jpg]

The 3 RS ships I tried to sucker into coming after me by the base:
[Image: 88VhvWM.jpg]

The battle with the 3 Corsairs and a frelancer that joined them (which I took heavy damage and had to land (ie I lost lol)) I was assisted by a bomber and a GB.

And if anyone wants to read everything while I was trying to get Rhineland Civilians to join our cause:

[26.03.2014 11:20:08] Welcome to Discovery Freelancer 24/7 RP server!
[26.03.2014 11:20:08] Type /help for more information
[26.03.2014 11:20:08] Server administrators are: aerelm, Aurigae, Blodo, Cannon, Doc Holliday, Garrett Jax, Hawk, Jansen, Ktayn, Mrs. Altejago, and mwerte.
[26.03.2014 11:20:08] The Angels are here to answer your questions and direct players to official factions that may interest them. Ask players tagged [Angels] for help.
[26.03.2014 11:20:43] Death: Tzeentch was killed by an NPC
[26.03.2014 11:21:19] [RHA]RHT-Olof.Huber: Greetings!
[26.03.2014 11:21:35] Death: BD|Agito.Wanijima committed suicide
[26.03.2014 11:22:16] [RHA]RHT-Olof.Huber: Hi there, have no fear, Im not here to pirate you, just wanna ask you somthing
[26.03.2014 11:22:35] LuckyBucks: be my guest
[26.03.2014 11:22:48] Death: Invoke was killed by RNS-Charlemagne (Gun)
[26.03.2014 11:22:52] [RHA]RHT-Olof.Huber: You know that the RHA is formed from unhappy minors right?
[26.03.2014 11:23:05] LuckyBucks: and?
[26.03.2014 11:23:23] [RHA]RHT-Olof.Huber: I was wondering how you have been treated?
[26.03.2014 11:23:55] [RHA]RHT-Olof.Huber: by the authorities?
[26.03.2014 11:23:56] Death: RNS-Charlemagne was killed by Invoke (Gun)
[26.03.2014 11:24:29] LuckyBucks: not very good sir
[26.03.2014 11:24:39] LuckyBucks: but am not miner sir
[26.03.2014 11:25:41] [RHA]RHT-Olof.Huber: I see, thats ok, the RHA needs support from all people, miners on not
[26.03.2014 11:25:49] Death: Skytech committed suicide
[26.03.2014 11:26:07] LuckyBucks: I see, acctualy I support you sir
[26.03.2014 11:26:22] LuckyBucks: you see am junker
[26.03.2014 11:26:28] [RHA]RHT-Olof.Huber: Thats great news!
[26.03.2014 11:26:39] [RHA]RHT-Olof.Huber: You have a great day!
[26.03.2014 11:26:51] LuckyBucks: not realy, but thanks sir]
[26.03.2014 11:27:15] [RHA]RHT-Olof.Huber: Who is your friend with?
[26.03.2014 11:27:30] LuckyBucks: My friend?
[26.03.2014 11:27:48] [RHA]RHT-Olof.Huber: ahh you are not with Ksardas?
[26.03.2014 11:28:16] LuckyBucks: well sir tehnicly am on his tail
[26.03.2014 11:28:30] LuckyBucks: for past 30min
[26.03.2014 11:29:41] Discovery Freelancer is a role-playing server. All attacks must be the result of some form of role play. Shouting "Engaging" or "Halt" is not sufficient.
[26.03.2014 11:30:02] [RHA]RHT-Olof.Huber: haha I see
[26.03.2014 11:30:16] LuckyBucks: i have to say it is not funny
[26.03.2014 11:30:33] RNC-Ludwigsburg: Hans: All Corsairs must die!
[26.03.2014 11:30:52] Death: 5th|DamianMacMilford was killed by an NPC
[26.03.2014 11:32:00] Death: Skytech was killed by an NPC
[26.03.2014 11:32:53] RNC-Ludwigsburg: Hans: as well as all Hessians...
[26.03.2014 11:33:08] Death: Tozea was killed by an NPC
[26.03.2014 11:33:37] Death: TunaFish committed suicide
[26.03.2014 11:34:22] Death: BDM|Ins-Manfred:Mitter was killed by Hamlet (Gun)
[26.03.2014 11:34:50] [RHA]RHT-Olof.Huber: All Rheinland Military are useless garbage!
[26.03.2014 11:34:57] Death: Jaguar was killed by IMG|Sean.Henderson. (Gun)
[26.03.2014 11:35:49] [RHA]RHT-Olof.Huber: Look theres some garbage now!
[26.03.2014 11:36:00] Death: RNS-Charlemagne was killed by an NPC
[26.03.2014 11:36:20] RNC-Ludwigsburg: Hans: How dare you call the Ludwigsberg garbage...
[26.03.2014 11:36:34] [RHA]RHT-Olof.Huber: you prefer trash?
[26.03.2014 11:37:11] RNC-Ludwigsburg: Hans: does this look like an ALG transport?
[26.03.2014 11:38:30] [RHA]RHT-Olof.Huber: that it, come a little closer
[26.03.2014 11:39:22] Death: [\\SF//]Tom_Becket was killed by an admin
[26.03.2014 11:39:34] Death: Invoke was killed by RNS-Charlemagne (Gun)
[26.03.2014 11:39:48] [RHA]RHT-Olof.Huber: somthing wrong trash man?
[26.03.2014 11:40:27] RNC-Ludwigsburg: Hans: Ja... your rookie friends die too quickly
[26.03.2014 11:41:32] RNC-Ludwigsburg: Hans: Now stop hiding... boy!
[26.03.2014 11:41:40] [RHA]RHT-Olof.Huber: didnt we crush you yesterday?
[26.03.2014 11:41:59] RNC-Ludwigsburg: Hans: not me... nien...
[26.03.2014 11:42:11] Death: <)CsF(>Wessex was killed by USS.Spectrum (Gun)
[26.03.2014 11:42:25] [RHA]RHT-Olof.Huber: must have been one of your useless buddies
[26.03.2014 11:42:55] [RHA]RHT-Olof.Huber: mighty big ship you have there
[26.03.2014 11:43:03] Death: La.Fayette was killed by an NPC
[26.03.2014 11:43:17] RNC-Ludwigsburg: Hans: nice peice of junk you fly...
[26.03.2014 11:43:38] Death: USS.Spectrum was killed by <)CsF(>Wessex (Gun)
[26.03.2014 11:44:03] [RHA]RHT-Olof.Huber: haha, Im honored that you find my little transport so threatning to bring a battleship
[26.03.2014 11:44:21] RNC-Ludwigsburg: Hans: This is not a battleship...
[26.03.2014 11:44:54] Death: [\\SF//]Tom_Becket was killed by an NPC
[26.03.2014 11:44:54] [RHA]RHT-Olof.Huber: What is it, that thing then, cruiser?
[26.03.2014 11:45:02] RNC-Ludwigsburg: Hans: Ja...
[26.03.2014 11:45:29] RNC-Ludwigsburg: Hans: Too scared... little boy...
[26.03.2014 11:45:52] Death: Kaladin was killed by an NPC
[26.03.2014 11:46:10] [RHA]RHT-Olof.Huber: me? Worried that your cruiser cap ship may destroy my little transport?
[26.03.2014 11:46:19] [RHA]RHT-Olof.Huber: You could come and get me
[26.03.2014 11:46:26] [RHA]RHT-Olof.Huber: chicken
[26.03.2014 11:46:34] [RHA]RHT-Olof.Huber: would even the odds
[26.03.2014 11:47:13] RNC-Ludwigsburg: Hans: I am not stupid enough to get shot by the base long as you dock with it...
[26.03.2014 11:47:31] [RHA]RHT-Olof.Huber: Im not docking on anything
[26.03.2014 11:47:39] Death: Order|Lorna.Simms. was killed by Hamlet (Gun)
[26.03.2014 11:47:52] [RHA]RHT-Olof.Huber: I find it funner to antagonize you
[26.03.2014 11:48:30] RNC-Ludwigsburg: Hans: oh look a weapons platform...
[26.03.2014 11:48:33] Death: [\\SF//]Tom_Becket was killed by an admin
[26.03.2014 11:48:43] [RHA]RHT-Olof.Huber: Or I could be stalling you....
[26.03.2014 11:48:49] RNC-Ludwigsburg: Hans: oops...
[26.03.2014 11:50:44] A player who was killed in a PvP fight is not allowed to re-engage using any of his/her characters within 2 hours.
[26.03.2014 11:50:44] Characters of a player who was killed in a PvP fight must not return into the same system for 2 hours. Check the server rules on the forums for the exceptions to this.
[26.03.2014 11:51:05] [RHA]RHT-Olof.Huber: A little closer please
[26.03.2014 11:51:36] CONSOLE: Possible cheating detected: Morgan
[26.03.2014 11:52:34] Death: Failed.To.Compute was killed by BRF|HMS-Vanguard (Gun)
[26.03.2014 11:53:03] RNC-Ludwigsburg: Hans: I am closer...
[26.03.2014 11:53:14] [RHA]RHT-Olof.Huber: a little more
[26.03.2014 11:54:21] RNC-Ludwigsburg: Hans: I can kill you from here... if I wanted to...
[26.03.2014 11:54:31] [RHA]RHT-Olof.Huber: try
[26.03.2014 11:55:06] RNC-Ludwigsburg: Hans: Maybe I don't want to...
[26.03.2014 11:55:12] [RHA]RHT-Olof.Huber: hahaha
[26.03.2014 11:56:03] RNC-Ludwigsburg: Hans: or I am just toying with you... before I kill you...
[26.03.2014 11:56:21] [RHA]RHT-Olof.Huber: sure you are...
[26.03.2014 11:57:22] Death: <)CsF(>Wessex was killed by BRF|HMS-Vanguard (Gun)
[26.03.2014 11:57:35] RNC-Ludwigsburg: Hans: anyway I have no time for your stupid games... I have other... things to do...
[26.03.2014 11:58:03] [RHA]RHT-Olof.Huber: like what, hassle transports for papers?
[26.03.2014 11:58:27] RNC-Ludwigsburg: Hans: nein... turn Libertonians to antimatter...
[26.03.2014 11:58:47] [RHA]RHT-Olof.Huber: Well, I agree with you there
[26.03.2014 11:59:03] RNC-Ludwigsburg: Hans: As well as Corsairs...
[26.03.2014 11:59:31] [RHA]RHT-Olof.Huber: Agree with that too
[26.03.2014 12:00:17] RNC-Ludwigsburg: Hans: I would change to employment if I was you...
[26.03.2014 12:00:21] Death: Kingzzor was killed by Marok (Gun)
[26.03.2014 12:00:33] [RHA]RHT-Olof.Huber: Your the one on the wrong side
[26.03.2014 12:01:07] RNC-Ludwigsburg: Hans: Maybe... maybe not...
[26.03.2014 12:01:53] [RHA]RHT-Olof.Huber: You would be much more happy if you were on the correct side... with us!
[26.03.2014 12:03:08] Death: [\\SF//]Tom_Becket was killed by an NPC
[26.03.2014 12:04:52] [RHA]RHT-Olof.Huber: Isnt it much better smelling in this system without that trash RM here?
[26.03.2014 12:06:29] [RHA]RHT-Olof.Huber: Greetings all!
[26.03.2014 12:06:49] [RHA]RHT-Olof.Huber: so much better without the garbage cruiser here!
[26.03.2014 12:07:02] CONSOLE: Possible cheating detected: newship8
[26.03.2014 12:07:39] [RHA]RHT-Olof.Huber: The RHA fights the tyranny of the RM!
[26.03.2014 12:07:51] [RHA]RHT-Olof.Huber: We are the good guys!!!
[26.03.2014 12:08:59] [RHA]RHT-Olof.Huber: Whos with me!!!!
[26.03.2014 12:11:42] Don't use F1 or disconnect when interacting with other players.
[26.03.2014 12:12:13] CONSOLE: Possible cheating detected: Skarsi-Bank
[26.03.2014 12:12:32] Death: BRF|HMS-Vanguard was killed by (Gun)
[26.03.2014 12:13:14] Death: Sharksd was killed by Failed.To.Compute (Gun)
[26.03.2014 12:13:40] Death: committed suicide
[26.03.2014 12:13:47] [RHA]RHT-Olof.Huber: 5 million credits to anyone who publicly says in system chat they support the RHA!!!!!
[26.03.2014 12:14:06] [RHA]RHT-Olof.Huber: // use slash s
[26.03.2014 12:14:13] Death: Failed.To.Compute was killed by Salter (Gun)
[26.03.2014 12:14:24] [RHA]RHT-Olof.Huber: use slash s
[26.03.2014 12:14:32] RS|Aaron.Kessler: I support anyone who fights the RHA, Is that close enough?
[26.03.2014 12:14:57] [RHA]RHT-Olof.Huber: Not quite scum
[26.03.2014 12:15:12] RS|Johannes.Shrupp: True,we are not quite scum
[26.03.2014 12:15:15] RS|Johannes.Shrupp: Unlike you
[26.03.2014 12:15:28] [RHA]RHT-Olof.Huber: Who supports the RHA!!!!!!!
[26.03.2014 12:15:42] [RHA]RHT-Olof.Huber: dont listen to that reject
[26.03.2014 12:15:44] Death: Sharksd was killed by Salter (Gun)
[26.03.2014 12:16:02] Death: Samir.Duran was killed by an NPC
[26.03.2014 12:16:02] CONSOLE: Possible cheating detected: [HF]-Astraea
[26.03.2014 12:16:25] Traffic control alert: [RHA]RHT-Olof.Huber has requested to dock
[26.03.2014 12:16:41] [RHA]RHT-Olof.Huber: yikes lol trash inbound
[26.03.2014 12:17:09] [RHA]RHT-Olof.Huber: nice try
[26.03.2014 12:18:20] Death: Minedef was killed by an NPC
[26.03.2014 12:20:37] [RHA]RHT-Olof.Huber: Greetings RS
[26.03.2014 12:21:55] [RHA]RHT-Olof.Huber: so who has the guts to state in puplic chat they support the RHA for $5 mil credits!
[26.03.2014 12:22:44] [RHA]RHT-Olof.Huber: You all know the RHA is against all tyranny!
[26.03.2014 12:22:56] [RHA]RHT-Olof.Huber: From the evil RM
[26.03.2014 12:22:56] RS|Aaron.Kessler: You talk about guts when you sit combertably behind the defenses of your base.
[26.03.2014 12:23:33] [RHA]RHT-Olof.Huber: this is my home, Im simply chilling in my front yard
[26.03.2014 12:25:09] [RHA]RHT-Olof.Huber: 10 million credits to whoever kills one of those loud mouth RS ships!!!!
[26.03.2014 12:25:46] Traffic control alert: [RHA]RHT-Olof.Huber has requested to dock
[26.03.2014 12:25:52] RS|Johannes.Shrupp: Looks like someone has been hitting is head on the console one too many times
[26.03.2014 12:26:37] [RHA]RHT-Olof.Huber: looks like someone has been flying on the wrong side!
[26.03.2014 12:27:07] [RHA]RHT-Olof.Huber: Im simply trying to help you see the error of your ways!
[26.03.2014 12:27:56] Death: Ricoco committed suicide
[26.03.2014 12:28:13] CONSOLE: Possible cheating detected: [HF]-Astraea
[26.03.2014 12:28:15] Ricoco: ahh crap
[26.03.2014 12:29:07] [RHA]RHT-Olof.Huber: Hello there indy minors!!!!!
[26.03.2014 12:29:21] [RHA]RHT-Olof.Huber: *miners
[26.03.2014 12:29:35] RS|Johannes.Shrupp: Uh.... what on zhe ...what do you mean indi
[26.03.2014 12:30:04] Death: Jack.Paramite was killed by IronFist (Mine)
[26.03.2014 12:30:05] [RHA]RHT-Olof.Huber: Im not talking to you
[26.03.2014 12:30:29] [RHA]RHT-Olof.Huber: Im talking to the independent miners out there
[26.03.2014 12:31:24] Death: Santos.Benitez[TBH] committed suicide
[26.03.2014 12:31:50] Quijote[TBH]: Well, Hola... We have an RHA hiding in here...
[26.03.2014 12:32:15] [RHA]RHT-Olof.Huber: are you lost corsair?
[26.03.2014 12:32:21] Death: Marcus.Aemilius was killed by an NPC
[26.03.2014 12:32:29] Guardia[TBH]: No. Are you?
[26.03.2014 12:32:37] Discovery Freelancer is a role-playing server. All attacks must be the result of some form of role play. Shouting "Engaging" or "Halt" is not sufficient.
[26.03.2014 12:32:44] [RHA]RHT-Olof.Huber: nope, this is my front yard
[26.03.2014 12:33:39] Quijote[TBH]: Then can we come through the back door?
[26.03.2014 12:33:45] [RHA]RHT-Olof.Huber: Hi there!
[26.03.2014 12:33:52] Vykromod: Hallo
[26.03.2014 12:33:55] Death: steve- was killed by Marok (Gun)
[26.03.2014 12:34:48] [RHA]RHT-Olof.Huber: Carful RH allot of wannabes around
[26.03.2014 12:35:12] Vykromod: Some popping up on my scopes
[26.03.2014 12:35:24] Guardia[TBH]: Hm. Hessians.
[26.03.2014 12:35:33] Guardia[TBH]: We were actually not looking for you, compadres.
[26.03.2014 12:35:42] Quijote[TBH]: Hessians, hiding by a base, as expected...
[26.03.2014 12:35:42] [RHA]RHT-Olof.Huber: yeah that silly corsair HF is lost
[26.03.2014 12:36:11] Vykromod: Sounds better than hiding by a rock
[26.03.2014 12:36:25] [RHA]RHT-Olof.Huber: Oh look, another lost corsair
[26.03.2014 12:36:30] Vykromod: Indeed
[26.03.2014 12:36:40] Guardia[TBH]: As I said: We are looking for the fat transports.
[26.03.2014 12:36:47] Guardia[TBH]: Tell us where they are and we will move on
[26.03.2014 12:36:55] Vykromod: You will anyway
[26.03.2014 12:36:57] Bloxa: Greetings)
[26.03.2014 12:37:11] [RHA]RHT-Olof.Huber: shouldnt you rejects be on the other side of the galaxy?
[26.03.2014 12:37:11] Kiwi: Need a bomber support, Hessian friend ?
[26.03.2014 12:37:31] [RHA]RHT-Olof.Huber: all the support we can get
[26.03.2014 12:37:34] Quijote[TBH]: Souldn't you grow some balls and not hide?
[26.03.2014 12:37:45] Kiwi: Requesting coordinates!
[26.03.2014 12:37:48] Guardia[TBH]: No? I mean... just tell us where they are and you have us out of here.
[26.03.2014 12:37:57] [RHA]RHT-Olof.Huber: what makes you think Im not stalling you?
[26.03.2014 12:38:05] Guardia[TBH]: I know you are.
[26.03.2014 12:38:08] [RHA]RHT-Olof.Huber: Im in a fat transport
[26.03.2014 12:38:14] [OPG]Isabella,Espinoza: Your head that will soon be resting in my cargo hold.
[26.03.2014 12:38:21] [OPG]Isabella,Espinoza: Told me so.
[26.03.2014 12:38:36] Kiwi: Going to Freital. Are you there ?
[26.03.2014 12:38:45] Santos.Benitez[TBH]: 'Ola Amigos, need some extra guns here?
[26.03.2014 12:38:52] Guardia[TBH]: I guess, we will not be stalled then
[26.03.2014 12:38:59] [RHA]RHT-Olof.Huber: Yes
[26.03.2014 12:39:09] Death: Rista committed suicide
[26.03.2014 12:39:14] Quijote[TBH]: Alright... lets dance... shall we?
[26.03.2014 12:39:16] Kiwi: Are we expecting any reinforcments or is it just you there ?
[26.03.2014 12:39:21] Santos.Benitez[TBH]: Weapons active and hot
[26.03.2014 12:39:24] Santos.Benitez[TBH]: Hessians your going down.
[26.03.2014 12:39:30] Vykromod: Silly choice but well
[26.03.2014 12:39:41] [RHA]RHT-Olof.Huber: me and a GB around here somwhere
[26.03.2014 12:39:56] Kiwi: Alright. 17k to Freital now.
[26.03.2014 12:40:02] Death: Quijote[TBH] was killed by Vykromod (Collision)
[26.03.2014 12:40:13] Vykromod: Well, that was faster than I had expected
[26.03.2014 12:40:14] [RHA]RHT-Olof.Huber: NM GB was just killed
[26.03.2014 12:40:19] Guardia[TBH]: Same here
[26.03.2014 12:40:26] Vykromod: Thought so
[26.03.2014 12:40:42] [RHA]RHT-Olof.Huber: wow looks like you got lucky, good for you!
[26.03.2014 12:40:48] Vykromod: I guess
[26.03.2014 12:40:53] /i kiwi
[26.03.2014 12:40:57] Vykromod: And they keep trying
[26.03.2014 12:41:19] [RHA]RHT-Olof.Huber: Im just antagonizeing them lol
[26.03.2014 12:41:25] Kiwi: I see
[26.03.2014 12:41:31] [RHA]RHT-Olof.Huber: as Im in this thing
[26.03.2014 12:41:43] Kiwi: I can't take on them with a bomber unfortunately
[26.03.2014 12:41:44] [RHA]RHT-Olof.Huber: theres 3 of them
[26.03.2014 12:41:55] [RHA]RHT-Olof.Huber: yeah were out numbered
[26.03.2014 12:43:08] Kiwi: I think I should try helping waiting isn't any better...
[26.03.2014 12:43:08] [RHA]RHT-Olof.Huber: Corsairs are all lugnuts
[26.03.2014 12:43:35] [RHA]RHT-Olof.Huber: we can try
[26.03.2014 12:43:41] RS|Johannes.Shrupp: And ofcource all RHA are well oiled graze machines
[26.03.2014 12:43:44] CONSOLE: Possible cheating detected: SavageFortune
[26.03.2014 12:43:57] Kiwi: I've got nothin to lose. It's been ages since I was in any action.
[26.03.2014 12:44:24] [RHA]RHT-Olof.Huber: engageing silly corsairs
[26.03.2014 12:44:28] Kiwi: Vykromod, you could use any kind of help I can see. Engaging!
[26.03.2014 12:44:59] Vykromod: You're welcome
[26.03.2014 12:46:43] Vykromod: Ouch eh
[26.03.2014 12:47:01] Death: Kiwi was killed by Guardia[TBH] (Gun)
[26.03.2014 12:47:16] Guardia[TBH]: Ouch, Eh?
[26.03.2014 12:47:27] Renee.Thorpe: "Gut entag".
[26.03.2014 12:48:04] Death: Marcus.Aemilius was killed by IronFist (Gun)
[26.03.2014 12:48:42] Renee.Thorpe: Perhaps you could use some help, Corsairs?
[26.03.2014 12:48:46] Death: LN-Hotel.Foxtrot-33 was killed by an NPC
[26.03.2014 12:48:51] Guardia[TBH]: Indeed. 3 million?
[26.03.2014 12:48:55] Renee.Thorpe: Sounds good.
[26.03.2014 12:49:10] Vykromod: Renee...
[26.03.2014 12:49:23] Death: [RHA]RHT-Olof.Huber was killed by Renee.Thorpe (Gun)

Keep in mind that I was not there to fight (though I did) I was there in my P-trans to sway some civilians to join us. If I could have angered a ship or two to come after me by the base to be destroyed, I figured all the better Smile
[Image: UCvvesL.png]

===End Transmission===

RE: Red Hessian Reporting Facility - Praetor - 04-10-2014

Comm ID: Victor Navrosky
Source: Unknown

Greetings,today i flew with Transport Siegrune on a Odin,we were in Omega 3 and I couldnt help taking in its beauty
When flying to the Omega 7 Jump gate an IMG "Thanatos" Class Cruiser IMG.Iohan.Margeli[R] jumped into the system.
Siegrune the senior initialized contact with the cruiser in a Non Hostile manner,
after a few moments we came to the conclusion though inept he wasn't a threat (by his lack of action) so proceeded to go on.
I stayed back at the Jump gate while Siegrune proceeded to Aland,that when the cruiser followed him and killed him without provocation.
Perplexed and surprised i went to the scene and my ship was scattered to pieces by the Cruiser.

I shall remember that name,till we meet again.