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Memoirs of Remus Sius - Printable Version

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Memoirs of Remus Sius - rainth345 - 05-28-2010

OORP- the ones with the (*') are thoughts of the Captain.

March 25th 817 A.S., near Planet Texas, aboard LNS-Manila.Bay

"Captain, long range scanners report of a Rheinland Battleship in Bering Jump. The Captain Ian of the LNS-Champion is among them too."

"Looks like trouble proceed Lieutenant."

"Aye Sir"

*'We are gonna be in trouble'* "Sir jump complete."

"Alright move ahead at impulse speed, proceed with caution."

*Comms can be heard between Captain Ian and the Rheinlander *

"Alright thank you Captain for ending this peacefully."

"Ja, zis was an honour."

"This is Captain Remus is everything alright, Captain Ian?"

"Stand down Captain Remus, the Rheinlanders are not here to attack us."

"How can this be..... I thought we were at war?"

"We are but we decided to have a ceasefire because we are exchanging captives."

*'How could this be...... I was taught Rheinlanders were harsh and had no mercy for Libertonians'*

"And zis friend of yours, is he friendly?"

"Yes, Yes he is."

"Well Auf wiedershen Captain Ian."

"Good day to you too."

*After that Captain Remus and Captain Ian had a talk on the way back*

"What's going on Captain Ian?"

"Well war can be fought peacefully too you know."

"I know but..."

"As a Captain, you have your crew's lives at your hands. You must make decisions everyday that considers every person here. It is not always just to give reckless orders without thought and lose something in the process."

*'So this must be another way to end this war, interesting.'*

"I understand, Captain Ian. Thank you for this time."

Memoirs of Remus Sius - rainth345 - 05-28-2010

March 30th, 817 A.S. Near Planet Texas aboard LNS-Manila.Bay

"Greetings, Captain Ian."

"Come with me, Captain Remus. There's someone will be meeting."

"And who might that be."

"You'll soon find out."

*'Is this another Rheinland encounter??'*

"Ah Miss Eva, its a pleasure to meet you again."

*'That name.....Eva....(flashback of LNS-Douglas back when it was a gunboat)That's the one who destroyed my ship......'*

*At that moment Captain Remus stayed still....... thinking what happened that day*

*'I was patrolling NY when suddenly the Trade Lane dropped..... Two ships were there- LR.Heart.of.Gold and the Maelstorm.'*

"Looky here.... a little one"

"What do you want pirates?"

"Well we are willing to let you go for a price...."

"Pay for my life? Hah! Never!"

"Well then prepare your escape pods."

"Prepare my escape pods???(explosion)"

*'Luckily a Liberty patrol picked us up'*

*The scene returns to the conversation between Captain Ian and Miss Mcdowell.*

"Well it was nice seeing you, Captain Ian."

"You too."

Captain Remus speaks,"Hey isn't she the most wanted person in Liberty."

"And to whom am I speaking to?"

"Captain Remus Sius of the LNS-Douglas, the Gunboat you destroyed twice!"

"LNS-Douglas..... I'm sorry but I've destroyed many ships before it might be hard to remember you. See look at my bow... it has marks to tell how many ships this ship has destroyed... Well I better go now... I've more important things to do."

*'Well that was nice...... I was hoping to take revenge...'*

"Remember Captain, your crew...."

"But Ian....."

"Your ship is not fit to combat that destroyed. It's best to let it go and move forward."

*At that moment, the words stated by the Captain stroke a very meaningful lesson towards Captain Remus. He vowed to never be filled with vengeance again. And to use words as a weapon against enemies.*

Memoirs of Remus Sius - rainth345 - 06-03-2010

June 10th, 817 A.S.

" Tharog, its nice to see you again."

"Ah Captain Remus, good to see you too."

"Well Tharog up for another raid in Hamburg."

"What is it now captain?"

"The Rheinlanders have captured several Cruiser Commanders and now they are being hold up in Vierlande Prison..."

" I'm up for it sir."

*'Phew, I was hoping someone would join.'*

"Well lets get going then. Remember keep your mouth's shut and eyes peeled. We shall move in swift and silent."

*At the Hamburg system*


*'Eva Mcdowell, I knew she was coming here.'*

"Miss Mcdowell, come to catch us."

"No I'm just here to watch the fireworks."

"Well there won't be fireworks we plan on moving in quietly.... This is a covert mission."

*Near Vielande Prison*

"Lets rescue those commanders.... Break Formation! Open Fire!"

"I have you in range mein herr."

"Damm they caught us. Lets get out of here."

*'I knew she was up to something...'*

*In a private transmission to Tharog*

"Tharog, this is only a precaution. I'm transferring myself and most of my crew into your hold to evade the Rheinlanders they seem to want to capture the ship along with me. "

"Roger that Cap'n."

"When the time comes we must escape while the Lieutenant aboard the ship appears to surrender to the Rheinlanders."

At that moment, the unknown Lieutenant was saying his last prayers knowing that he is prepared to die in honour of Freedom and Justice. Captain Remus refused to escape during the moments that the Lieutenant persuaded him but told him, " Son, I am proud of you... you have made me a happy man and now you must live to have a happy life."

Captain Remus was shocked to hear those words... and that voice hidden behind the man who was his subordinate and his father. Without thought the captain along with several crew went to the escape pods and were tractored by Tharog. The Lieutenant spoke.

"I'll make a deal with you... I'll surrender these pilots if you free those Cruiser Commanders."

"Are they under you? Those enlisted men."

"Yes they were my comrades at West Point."

"Nein, you shall follow our orders and proceed to Alster shipyard where the ship will be scrap."

"And what about the crew?"

"I'll give you one chance to guess."


"Perhaps but we need to interrogate them first."

"Probably most of the crew has left,as stated by the code. Only I and a handful are remaining."

The Lieutenant held the picture of his family... His son, who became captain. His wife, who died while working furiously hard to earn a living. He knew that surrendering was not an option, so he chosed to crash dived into Planet Hamburg.

"For Freedom and Justice!!! I shall crash dive into the planet!"

"What?!? Stop him!! Shoot!! Shoot NOW!!"

*And with that the Siege Cruiser fired its Forward Gun while diving into planet.*

Memoirs of Remus Sius - rainth345 - 06-25-2010

<<<<Accessing Memoirs>>>>>
Login: Captain Remus Sius
Password: *****

June 24, 817 A.S.

Dear Memoir,

Times have changed since the last encounter with Rheinland ships. The Texas system seems a bit quiet so I decided to bring the ship to the capital, New York. In this time, I decided to take interest in Nomad research and to learn more about these species as to why they are hostile to us humans. On a patrol to California, I made contact with a friend of my late father who studies Nomads. I asked him if I could help in someway in their research. Their answer, "Please equip this special device, all instructions are inside the manual." I thought it would be hard to find a Nomad but with somekind of luck I manage to test out the device on 3 specimens. I was questioned by the LSF as to why I had this device so I sent them this:
<<<<Attaching 3 files>>>>>
Quote:*************Establishing connection*************
************Securing transmission***********

************Incoming Transmission*************
Source: Planet Houston orbit, LNS-Douglas
Encryption: Maximum

Greetings Directors of the LSF,

I am creating this secure communications channel as per request of Deputy Director Deus. It is about a technology developed by the scientists at Willard, it is device that lets users communicate with the Nomads without affecting nor influencing the user's mind, sort of like a protection.

Now you may question in the first place why I have such a device on me. A some point during a patrol to California. A transmission came from Willard saying, "This is Willard Research Station to LNS-Douglas, we need you here ASAP. We have a special device that we want you to use." They call this device the Telepathic Messaging Receiver, short for TMR

Since New York has been increasingly visited by Nomad Morphs, they gave it to me for the purpose of learning more about the Nomad species' behavior to why they are hostile to us. they believe that these Morphs are in their basic stage that learn and gather as much information as they can.

Subject Experiment #1: Namtar, Nomad Morph

I was at Norfolk shipyard when suddenly the scanners pick up a blue blimp(By the way this device makes a *ping* sound when it detects a Nomad signature) I then found a Nomad at the entrance at Z21 minefield. I know protocol says we have to kills them but I had to take the chance to try the new device out. By using this device, I can easily talk to it like having a conversation to a person. Firstly, I spoke words of peace to it. The Nomad get angry when humans get close it so I back off a little bit. At this time, I tried to learn why they are hostile to us. It's answer was that Sirius Sector is their home and that we invade their home. I tried to befriend the Nomad but it seems his mind was too angry to change. He shortly left afterwards.

There is another encounter with another one but I am awaiting your thoughts about this before transmitting the details. Please tell me what you think.

For Freedom and Justice,
Captain Remus Sius

***************Transmission Terminated****************

Quote:Subject Experiment #2: Su'l Eru'ha, Nomad Morph

Now This one is very promising, I was at Planet Manhattan at that time when I picked it up on scanners about 14k from my position. I ordered the ship to go up and there it was a Nomand Morph. It was bit weird that I chased it all the way around the system. I tried to convinced it that I meant no harm. We were entering the Badlands when I decided to end the chase. I was returning to West Point when it suddenly came back but at a distance of 14k. We exchanged words and it seemed willing to establish friendly relations. The conversation continued for about 10 minutes until I informed Dep. Director Deus about the situation. He decided the put the Nomad to sleep. What happened next is that the Nomad ran away followed by Deus. After that he questioned me about why I was talking to it. And this is how the project came to be.

Quote:Attaching 7 files

Subject Experiment #3: Osilon, Nomad Morph

This one was found near the edges of the helium field in Penn. I secured the area so that nobody would see my experiment. I immediately ask it's location. And I got an answer which I attached to this file. Here are some logs from my experiment:

First Encounter
Info on it

After that scanners showed a Freelancer with an Outcast, he talking about some bounty on me so they went to collect it. I had to interrupt my experiment and leave the area. I was surprised that the Nomad followed me. I realized this and took advantage of taking it to a secure location. I ask some few questions and it eventually left at a surprisingly fast speed I have never seen. Within seconds it was 7k just as I engaged cruise.

Second Encounter
Last words

As far as this goes, I hope I could get some information on their habits. It was interesting to learn their different kinds of attitudes.

<<<<Logging out>>>>

Memoirs of Remus Sius - rainth345 - 06-27-2010

<<<<Accessing Memoirs>>>>>
Login: Captain Remus Sius
Password: *****

June 27, 817 A.S.

Dear Memoir,

Today I ordered the Lieutenant to disengage the Cruiser from the docking port of West Point. I then received orders from the LNS-Indiana, Gunboat to proceed to Manhattan. He told me, "There is an Order ship behind Planet Manhattan. Send backup immediately." It was a fast trip from West Point to Manhattan. We immediately detected a hostile 11k from our position.

I went over the top of the planet and when I got near I saw a Resheph Recon Cruiser. The Indiana told it to leave as I arrived. Scanners showed that the vessel was commanded by an AI named Andrew. There war also an Outcast which was told to leave by the Midway, LABC. It was weird the comms picked up a message from the AI. "Download complete." It was odd that it was download data from Manhattan that close. I asked it what was he doing, he said, "I'm download non-classified data about the Order from Liberty, we are stealing what you stole from us."

We were able to make the ship comply. The Indiana told us to escort it on the way to Norfolk where it was to be boarded by Navy personnel. About half-way through the journey, scanners picked up a hacker GB, The.Spirit.of.Doom. The Indiana left us to deal with it. With only us 3 left, the Resheph engaged cruise and was able to get away. LNS-Indiana called for help as he was engaged by 4 hostiles: the Hacker, one of Joker's thugs, and 2 freelancers. Midway already went to his rescue.

Meanwhile I gave chase to the Recon Cruiser until we got to Z-21 where it performed a maneuver which worked to perfection, for him of course. When I got to the scene, the Midway was taking heavy damage. I joined in to try to keep some of the attackers from Midway. Alas, the hostiles were too fast for my guns.

The Midway was destroyed. The hostiles turned their fire on me and soon I too was destroyed. My crew and I managed to bring the ship close to Fort Bush. I could see from my escape pod, the Indiana outnumbered 4 to 1. He managed to call for reinforcements. Me and my crew were tractored by LPI pilots before joining the battle.

This bounty on Liberty Navy ships has got to stop.

<<<<Logging out>>>>

Memoirs of Remus Sius - rainth345 - 06-30-2010

<<<<Accessing Memoirs>>>>>
Login: Captain Remus Sius
Password: *****

June 30, 817 A.S.

Dear Memoirs,

Well I decided to buy a fighter, a Guardian, since the Douglas hasn't seen any action. Most of the unlawfuls have fighters or bombers. I departed from Virginia to respond to a distress call. "This is LNS-Independence, I'm under attack by Liberty Rogues, bombers mostly." I hooked up with a Siege Cruiser and proceeded to area between Fort Bush and Colorado Jump Gate. The Carrier was under attack by several Rogue ships. I didn't hesitate to open fire on one of the bombers.

A few minutes into the battle. An Ensign's ship was destroyed. The Independence tractored his escape pod in. With more Liberty Navy backup the battle was turning in our favor. The Gunboats managed to destroy 2 bombers and that forced the others to flee. I chased one all the way round to Colorado Jump Gate. There I immediately spotted a trap, several Rogue ships were detected, so I quickly called reinforcements to come to Colorado Jump Gate.

At the start of the engagement there were 2 ships on our side, me and a Gunboat. Theirs was 2 bombers and a fighter. We were able to hold them back for the reinforcements to arrive. Once they arrived, the Rogues had some backup too... First came a Rogue Gunboat, I ordered all ships to target it. Second, I went on a 1 on 1 fight with the bomber I was chasing. I had some time to practice my aim and finally managed to disable his ship. Third, another Rogue Gunboat came, I underestimated it's capability and with 2 Razor shots. He destroyed my ship.

Well it was nice for my first engagement using a fighter. Maybe I need more training.

<<<<Logging out>>>>

Memoirs of Remus Sius - rainth345 - 07-03-2010

<<<<Accessing Memoirs>>>>>
Login: Captain Remus Sius
Password: *****

July 3, 817 A.S.

Dear Memoirs,

A lot of things happened today as I took my Guardian for a spin. I proceeded to New York where I circled the area several times. It seems that today the pirates are sleeping. After awhile, Houston Command reports of a Rheinland Battleship moving to New York. I proceed to Texas and reached Houston. At first I didn't believe it, I went to Beaumont Base to see if it was there. Nothing but luckily the Captain was arrogant enough to state it's location. He said, "I'm at New York Jump Gate." When I went to NY JG and there I saw it. A Rheinland Battleship, it was a first time I saw it from a fighter's view.

I immediately contacted my crew at Houston. The Douglas was ready for action within minutes. The only thing missing is me, Captain Remus Sius. Upon landing at Houston, I hurried to the Douglas and took off without hesitation.

The Battleship was already at New York. It's pace was considerably slow concerning it's size going into the trade lanes. Once the jump was complete, I immediately warned all the civilians inside the system. From the communications I heard it's location was at West Point. The correct decision was to distract the Battleship whilst I called for reinforcements. As I was approaching West Point, I received a connection to the secure com channels from the LNS-Iowa. It was a relief that someone responded to the distress call. Soon we outnumbered the Battleship 5 to 1, our ships were: 2 Cruisers, 2 Gunboats, and a Dreadnought. The battle was started when the ships were in range. Within minutes the Battleship was destroyed by the combined firepower of the Liberty Navy.

After the battle, we regrouped at Norfolk. I planned on a counter attack on Planet Hamburg and managed to rally 3 Siege Cruisers: LNS-Delusion, LNS-Phoenix, LNS-Octicron. I switched to my fighter to provide support to the ships. There was a commotion on who was to command the group. I was sure that I was the most experienced Captain in making raids to Hamburg so I stepped up to the challenged and ordered our group to Houston to perform a standard pre-attack procedure. All systems checked green. We were ready to move.

Upon ending the procedure, I uttered this words of encouragement; "Gentlemen, I welcome you to the Texan Armada. I have only one rule here, we do our job fast and quiet. By quiet I mean that we move in quiet but get out loud." Our passage to Hamburg was not hindered by anyone. We moved in swift and silent.
We initiated the jump to Hamburg.

Upon entering the system, there were no ships in the vicinity. We were able to get in quietly, but suddenly we encountered a Rheinland Cruiser patrol. It was quite odd that we didn't paid any attention on them since we took the trade lane and exited 20 kilometers from Hamburg. I made the diffcult decision to open fire when in range to the cruisers.

In Range of Hamburg
Order to Fire
More Firing

One of the captains refused to fire on the reason that what we where committing was mass murder. I didn't force him to fire. It seems that Captain Normann O'Connor had already witnessed this kind of action. There was also a junker and a pirate with us. The Junker was also firing on the planet. It seems that he wanted revenge on the Rheinlanders for something that they did to him. The pirate was scolding us for killing lots of innocent lives. I don't blame him for that. He ignorantly stated that We were declaring war. I told him that we were already at war. Then Captain Normann fainted, it seems that he had seen enough of this. I ordered the firing to stop. We then left without any Rheinlanders responding to the situation.

Last Look at the burning planet

Upon approaching the Bering Jump Hole, LNS-Octicron's engines hit a mine laid by the annoying Unioners. They seem to be angry that we hit Planet Hamburg. Almost at the same time, several Rheinland ships appeared in the system comms. They wanted revenge. It took us a couple of minutes to get the Octicron's engines to work. We were only able to get it to move at impulse speed. At Bering, we started the slow journey back home. The Rheinlanders were able to catch us at the Texas Jump Gate. We broke formation and headed quickly for the Jump Gate. Most of us were able to get through but the Delusion wasn't lucky enough. We lost contact with him soon after.

Most of our ships were heavily damaged during the escape to Texas. We were prepared for a counter attack but by heaven's fate the Rheinlanders did not pursue us further. I then docked at Batttleship Missouri and proceed to update this Memoir.

Father, I have avenged you but May God have mercy on us, on this day.

<<<<Logging out>>>>

Memoirs of Remus Sius - rainth345 - 07-10-2010

<<<<Accessing Memoirs>>>>>
Login: Captain Remus Sius
Password: *****

July 8, 817 A.S.

Dear Memoir,

I missed commanding the Douglas so I decided to put my Guardian aside and called back the crew from ship leave. When launching from Norfolk, there was a group of ships, mainly Liberty Navy ships, chasing what appears to be a Nova torpedo launched from a Junker's ship. I warned them that someone might get hurt and it turned out that someone did get his ship destroyed. The Junker wasn't aware that the torpedo was actually going to hit a ship. Luckily the pilot ejected just in time. I reprimanded the Junker, "Mr Hatcher, you are in violation of destroying a Liberty Navy ship. You must pay for the destroyed Guardian." He eventually paid for it.

After awhile the navy men got bored, I called for another raid into Hamburg. This time we are going to disrupt the flow of their goods. The navy men immediately agreed to the raid. We proceeded to Houston afterward to form the fleet. A Gunboat, LNS-Lincoln, responded to the call. We took the trade lane to Bering. As with the previous raid, I said the same thing to these men. Once into Bering, we performed a standby operation around Hamburg Jump Gate. There we were ambushed by a group of Republican and Unioner ships, both where immediately taken care of. I took first jump into Hamburg.

At once, a Rheinland Cruiser patrol picked us up. They knew we where coming. Without question I ordered weapons free on them. Within minutes, the patrol was no more. We captured a Cruiser Commander, 2 Gunboat Captains, and several pilots. They were later dropped off at Battleship Missouri for questioning. We explored further into Hamburg. Within 20 kilometers of Hamburg, we dropped lane. There we saw the |Bismarck|, a Rheinland Battleship, it seems that the Cruiser we encountered earlier sent off a transmission before exploding. Without hesitation, I ordered the fleet to head to Bering Jump Hole. The Bismarck alerted the whole system. We had withdrawn without any casualties.

Cruiser patrol

As always we expected a counter attack, we rallied several more ships: a bomber, Kiss;a dreadnought, LNS-Oblivion; a siege cruiser, LNS-Octicron.. I asked the fleet if they wanted to strike the enemy first before they do. They agreed but I had to make a perfect plan. I sent 2 scouts, Deciple and Williams, to spy on the enemy's movements. After a while, I formed a defensive formation about 6 kilometers from Freeport 2. The scouts reported the Bismarck blocking the jump gate accompanied by a Gunboat and 2 cruisers. They insisted that we strike from the Jump Gate. I told them to wait at the asteroid field. We would strike from it.

It was a daring maneuver but we had to stop them from gaining the first strike. With the fleet ready, we proceed to the Bering Jump Hole. There was a lot of confusion from the start. The LNS-Oblivion had trouble going through the asteroid fields. Then the 2 scouts were under attack by a Rheinland Gunboat. It was weird that the Gunboat was identified by the ID scanners as Spa and Cruise. It fled towards the direction of the Jump Gate as soon as he saw the fleet. We chased it to the Jump Gate and found an astonishing site. There was not one but two Rheinland Battleships now, aside from the |Bismarck| there was the RNC-Munster. Two other Rheinland Cruisers appeared, one particularly familiar, RNC-Nassau. The Nassau provided us a easy target. It was positioned far from the 2 Battleship. The Oblivion would get the attention of the 2 Battleships and we would singled the Nassau out.

Before Battle

The battle went smoothly although the LNS-Octicron was destroyed immediately, it had not been equipped with a specialized armor. The Oblivion did her job well. She led the 2 Battleships into the field followed by the 2 other cruisers. The Nassau was hard to shoot. It dodged our fire extremely well but I managed to hit it near the engines with the Forward Gun, I practiced a lot during my free time. As soon as the Nassau went down, I ordered a General Retreat from the system. We retreated without further casualties but the battle would go on later.

As the retreat progressed, the Rheinlanders tried to block us at the Freeport. Luckily they were moving at impulse speed. We regrouped at Planet Houston. On the way, the fighters cut the trade lanes in the hopes of stalling the advance of the Rheinland Fleet. It ironic that they consisted of mostly capital ships while we were mostly fighters and bombers. We rallied all available ships of any size to Texas. The LNS-Tumwater and LNS-Providence responded, 2 dreadnoughts. We cheered as we had even the match. The Tumwater defended our rear, Captain Micheal stationed it near the New York jump gate. The Providence was added to our fleet at Houston. A Bounty Hunter named BadWolf offered his assistance, he was a capable fighter pilot. I decided to give him the command of the fighter squadron. Although it was not fit for a Bounty Hunter to command the squadron, there was no capable leader among the Navy fighter pilots.

We awaited the Rheinlander's assault. It took us some time to figure out that they too adopted my previous plan. They evaded our strong defense at Houston and assaulted our rearguard, the LNS-Tumwater. Captain Micheal called for help but it was too late. We responded as soon as we can but when we tried to counter-attack, our ships were already scattered. The Rheinlanders picked us off one by one. The Douglas was heavily damaged during the battle, I engaged cruise to escape but as I look backed the 2 dreadnoughts, LNS-Oblivion and LNS-Providence, fell. I thought it was foolish of me to just run like that. Before the crew and I ejected, I made a command to the computer inside the ship. "<<<<<< Automatic fire on the Foward Gun, Dive into RNC-Munster>>>>>>" With that, I ordered another General Retreat and asked a fighter pilot to pick us up. The computer took a last image before it doved into the Battleship.

Battle commences
Forward View of the Battle
Computer's Last Image

Thou shall not do unto others what you don't others to do to you. A lesson I learned that day.

<<<<Logging out>>>>

Memoirs of Remus Sius - rainth345 - 08-04-2010

<<<<Accessing Memoirs>>>>>
Login: Captain Remus Sius
Password: *****

July 31, 817 A.S.

Dear Memoir,

Since the Guardian was not working well, I contacted my father's old friend, who was an Liberty Navy engineer, to construct a special Avenger-class fighter. This fighter was one of a kind. It had 2 missile pods in which to fire 2 missiles simultaneously. Although I have little experience in fighter combat, it seemed that handling a fighter is much to harder than commanding a cruiser. So I left my cruiser, LNS-Douglas, to my newly appointed lieutenant. Ever since that day when my father died-Bah past is past, I should look forward to the future. However........ I should not forgot his sacrifice.

After a few weeks the fighter was finished. It looked beautiful with all the new guns and lights. I plan on using this ship to combat small fighters not handled by the LNS-Douglas. After its launch, I immediately encountered a Liberty Rogue and challenged it. To my amazement, the pilot was also a rookie. We danced for hours until I ran out of missiles. It was my greatest weakness after which I surrendered. He gladly accepted and we parted ways. It was nice of him. I returned to Norfolk to repair the damages caused by the fight and then took the rest of day studying techniques in dogfighting.

That was my first dogfighting experience.

August 1, 817 A.S.

Today I got excited to test out these new techniques but as soon as I prepared to undock. My lieutenant contacted me. I was to spend at least 4 hours on my cruiser before taking the Avenger out. Since I was at Norfolk, I took a shuttle to New York where the Douglas was. The crew where happy to see me. They were eager to kick some Rheinland butt. I immediately took off from Manhattan.

There was a commotion around Newark, some civilians were shooting at each other. I immediately stop them, they were eager to shoot at each other again. To help settle things down, I carefully ask the two of them to explain why this all started. One guy, named Sam.Roberts, claimed that the other two, Valefor and Chrome, started the fight while the other two claimed that he was Lane Hacker spy. I took a look at his ship. He had a nice ship although the weapons where mostly of Lane Hacker. I immediately questioned the legality of his weapons. He replied that he was given permission to have those weapons since he is known to have helped the Liberty Navy several times. This was quite unbelievable but he clearly explained everything. I'm assuming something odd about him, better keep an eye out. The civilians dispersed after I cleared things up.

Over the system comms, I heard an LPI officer wanting to know what was happening. I would have let him have the job but he was in a transport ship. Then I had an idea, I sent a private transmission to him saying, "Do you require an escort?" To which he replied, "In a cruiser?!" Of course I told him I would change into the Avenger. His supply run was to Fort Severn, Ontario and told me that I can leave him until Ontario Jump Gate. I assured him that it was necessary to complete the escort duty until the last stop. Pirate activity was increasing around Ontario. Everything went well and the supplies were delivered to the Fort.

I returned to New York to hear that along the Trade Lane from Norfolk to West Point, there was a fight with another LPI and two pirates. The fight was over when I came, the LPI lost his ship. I tractored him in. It was two women who I was facing. Alexis.Glover, a Liberty Rogue in a Barghest. Catalina.Hamilton , an Outcast in a never-before who the scanners identified as a Golden Chrysanthemum fighter. Ms. Hamilton said that she was not a pirate. I strongly argued that she was but I clearly understood once she explained things. She was having trouble with her life so she needed to shoot someone. I first had trouble in confronting them since I am not comfortable in dealing with women but I was forced to shoot nonetheless.

Both of them engaged me until the fight was stopped by the appearance of an A.D.M.I.N. It was the first time I saw one. He teleported in using an unknown device and flew a strange looking ship. After the strange visit, I challenged only Ms Hamilton. I assumed that she was low on bots and bats but as soon as I scanned her. She was full of them. We resumed the fight. After many countless shooting, I managed to nearly destroy her ship using the Mini Razor but alas she was quick on her nanobot repair button. We danced until I got bored and gave up. I decided to try my luck with my mines but to no effect. I took my hand of the handle and the ship stopped but then a mine from Ms Hamilton struck and destroyed my ship. Luckily the engineer put automated eject system in my ship.

I sent a transmission to my lieutenant. He immediately went to my rescue. Ms Hamilton complained of the damages I did to her ship. It was surely my fault and although it was out of the ordinary to pay for it. I gladly showed her that not all Navy officers are selfish and arrogant. I hope it would occur to other pirates that Justice can be served without the use of bloodshed and accompanied by good manners.

It was sad that Eva didn't recognize me in my fighter. I don't blame her for that, she is after all in a web of trouble-regarding this story, it is a very interesting one. I've known that she was already engaged in a relationship with the Admiral of Rheinland but not with the Admiral of Liberty. I suppose she wants to sit on the fence. Helping both sides of war. The interesting part was that she was "seduced" into making a non-aggression pact with the Liberty Navy and with that little baby inside of her means that she is to stay out of trouble.

I've got to practice more in dogfighting. I know now the weakness of my skills. It was nice of Ms Hamilton to appreciate my duty and service.

<<<<Logging out>>>>

Memoirs of Remus Sius - rainth345 - 08-21-2010

<<<<Accessing Memoirs>>>>>
Login: Captain Remus Sius
Password: *****

August 21, 817 A.S.

Dear Memoir,

I spend most of my time in my Avenger, practicing in the space of Ontario near Fort Severn. I have yet to learn the techniques of dog-fighting but I get the hang of it. After that I went to New York to find someone who I can duel with.

No one...Nobody was present to meet my challenge. It was a quiet day, so quiet that you could call it deafening. Several LNS ships were present. They presented me with another idea to raid Hamburg.

I decided not to include the Douglas on this one. It was for the benefit of my crew that I would not in anyway drag them to the strings of war today. Two ships were willing to raid Hamburg: LNS-Wolfcrest, LNS-Oppressor. The Wolfcrest was a Gunboat while the Oppressor was a dreadnought. It's been awhile seen I saw one of these. I fear that the Battleships of the Rheinland are outnumbering and outgunning our own; however, I must see to it that no matter what the cost we shall do as much damage as possible to their ranks. On the other hand,it is better to end this war peacefully than suffering the expense of lives.

We headed for the Bering system and encountered several Unioners at the Hamburg JG. They were dispatched quickly thanks to my improved skills. At the other side, we made contact with several patrols. Over the comms came RNC ship claiming to respond to the situation, she was called the Alsatia . I'm sure I've heard or seen this ship before, around New York to be exact, but I can't quite put finger on it. It was strange though to find it wandering around- Ah yes I've seen this ship. She was always watching every engagement between lawfuls and pirates. Every time after this ship disappears, the Maelstorm appears with Miss Eva on board. It could be that the Alsatia is Eva's personal transport. *pauses for awhile*

Cruiser destroyed
Gunboat trying to escape
Police assisting Military ships

*Back to the raid*
Anyways 3 real RM ships responded, mainly 2 cruisers: RNC-Pieris (I"m not sure if this is correct) and RNC-Jaeger and one fighter: Hans.Wierhoff . He was a very skilled fighter. Almost got my ship destroyed but I held on. There was another one in a fighter named Hans-something. I'm speculating that they are brothers. The second Hans was a bit easier to target than Hans.Wierhoff. It was good practice for me.

Duel with Hans.Wierhoff

Sadly though during the retreat phase, the Wolfcrest made a sacrifice to lead the main Rheinland ships away for the Oppressor to escape.

I pray for their souls. May God let them rest in peace. We will not let their sacrifice be in vain.

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