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Fhloston Paradise - Printable Version

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Fhloston Paradise - Fhloston Paradise - 05-29-2010

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Captain Ozymandias Welsh, Liner Log 01:

What an interesting past few days the ship has had. After negotiations with the Kusari Government
we were finally able to secure passage through their space, and to conduct trade. It's been rather
enjoyable visiting New Tokyo again, but I do suspect we'll run into trouble here, being a Bretonian Company,
I've heard that another company ship has been refused access, solely based on the
design class of vessel (Bretonian Royal Liner). I must say it's rather distressing that governments,
and by proxy their agencies feel it is justifiable to stop passenger ships from conducting
their business. Afterall, we're not a smuggling company, and regardless of your political affiliations
families transcend all houses.

Thankfully their is no such 'restriction' between the houses of Liberty and Rhineland. One can only
hope that the Kusari government will reconsider their position on the transport of innocent civilians
caught up in the conflict.

In other news, Fhloston Paradise has begun a brand new route, which has turned out to be rather
profitable, and decreases our chances of being pirated. The only downside seemingly, is that the
route is awfully devoid of individuals or significant celestial phenomenon, which may displease VIP's.

The ship has also been exceedingly lucky the past week to avoid being pirated much. We've had three
escapes from The Joker and his thugs in Liberty, which I'm very grateful for, all things considered.

There was also an incident but yesterday, where three pirate vessels attempted to accost the ship at
the NY trade gate, in Texas. Thankfully our Helmsman exited the tradelane and rapidly returned to
Houston at full cruise, many of the passengers certainly felt the ship tightly swing to escape. Of course,
one of the three ships attempted pursuit demanding we cut our engines!

As Captain I have to weigh all options, the safety of the passengers and the crew and the company's
profit margin. In this instance, I had the upper-hand and skilfully rapidly docked to a trade lane. Once
at Houston, it was my moral duty to let every trader and navy vessel know exactly where the pirates
were. The Pirates were not happy, but frankly, they deserved it.

The LNS Fearless, heroically answered the call and cornered them, while giving us the momentum to
leave via NY.

It was an exciting day.

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