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CD Tracking - Weird - Printable Version

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CD Tracking - Weird - mang109 - 05-30-2010

My CDs will not track onto players. Not even slightly, they just fly in a straight line from where they were fired- almost as if I had no target selected.

However- no problem CDing NPCs at all. Tracks fine.

Also- Other some players seem to have no difficulty CDing me, or Cding the same target ive been trying to CD.

This is not just "Q_Q RAEGG life is so unfair". I spent some time testing it, and am wondering why it appears to be affecting some players but not others ?

NB: Im sure I saw a thread about this before, saying it may have been fixed, but no I cant find that thread. Sorry if this is well known issue now.

CD Tracking - Weird - Prysin - 05-30-2010

i have this problem too, but for me its even funnier

ONLY players, no npcs - CD works
Players and just ONE npc - CD fails
one player and many many npcs - i can CD npcs, not player

CD Tracking - Weird - Anonymous User - 05-30-2010

' Wrote:My CDs will not track onto players. Not even slightly, they just fly in a straight line from where they were fired- almost as if I had no target selected.

However- no problem CDing NPCs at all. Tracks fine.

Also- Other some players seem to have no difficulty CDing me, or Cding the same target ive been trying to CD.

same here

CD Tracking - Weird - Hidamari - 05-30-2010

yea i get this too, its pretty annoying:(

does it do it with all CD's? ive only tried with Train CD's

maybe its just this type ?

CD Tracking - Weird - mjolnir - 05-30-2010

if cds/missiles don't track a player, re-set the targeting by first using the clear target button (default for this is shift+t I think) and then target him again with t

CD Tracking - Weird - Rudo - 05-31-2010

I've had some success with subtargeting, but it's not 100% and frequently re-fails before you can even shoot. In a pitched fighter battle this has gotten me killed. When you shoot the CD or missile you have to know it's going to work or else you're probably not dodging, turning or shooting while trying to see the smoke trail and if you have to retarget again.

CD Tracking - Weird - Harcourt.Fenton.Mudd - 05-31-2010

Aye, this often happens with GB missles as well, especily in larger fights.

Simply put, they stop tracking.

In a 1on1, if used right a GB missle can be snaped off and tag the target at insane angles (depending on the firing arc of the hardpoint, Ive made 90degree hits before)

But soon as there is more than a few people fighting, they dont track anywere near as good if at all.

CD Tracking - Weird - mang109 - 05-31-2010

' Wrote:if cds/missiles don't track a player, re-set the targeting by first using the clear target button (default for this is shift+t I think) and then target him again with t

Sadly by then its too late usually to cd them. I tried this with GB missiles and it had no effect

I dont like to whine , but this issue is only recent , i.e something has been changed, and has totally screwed my game.

I can't pirate (Cds dont track, target gets away)
I can't police (Smugglers cant be Cd'd)
I can't fight (Missiles dont track at all)

Id just like to know if its client side or server side

If it client side I'll do a full wipe and install

If it's server side, I only wish to highlight the issue - not Q_Q, I know that Cannon et al work dammned hard to make this server good, and I simply want to help with that.

CD Tracking - Weird - Cannon - 05-31-2010

It is server side related to a bug that causes the server to forget which target is selected and so your missile misses....

At the time of posting this message, I've fixed the bug (possibly). I'm interested in feedback here if people think it is fixed or not.

CD Tracking - Weird - Anonymous User - 05-31-2010

' Wrote:It is server side related to a bug that causes the server to forget which target is selected and so your missile misses....

At the time of posting this message, I've fixed the bug (possibly). I'm interested in feedback here if people think it is fixed or not.

CD vs NPC ... works

CD vs Player ... works

Missle vs NPC ... works

Missle vs Player ... works

<3 Cannon:D