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Bretonian News Service - Channel 98 - Printable Version

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Bretonian News Service - Channel 98 - Wolfs Ghost - 06-01-2010

[Image: Jeffdixon.jpg]

"Good evening people of Bretonia, I'm Jeffery Dixon bringing you the latest in news from around Bretonia."

"Today, the Bretonian Armed Forces arrested the fugitive Commander, Austin Rodney Goodman, after he reportedly sent a communications directly to the Bretonian Armed Forces telling them his exact heading. Commercial trade ship Captains in the area also reported some conversation between the Commander Goodman, and one of the arresting officers, Lieutenant Commander Amadeus Blair. Other officers were on the scene moments after Lieutenant Commander Blair spotted Austin Goodman's ship in orbit of Cambridge."

Dixon paused for a moment to catch his breath.

"It is said that the former commander was charged with an assortment amount of crimes, including desertion. However, it is unknown at this time what his charges are currently."

Dixon looked down for a minute and shuffled through some papers he had laying in front of him. "Tune in later for updates."

"I'm Jeffery Dixon, of the Bretonian News Service, bringing you news from around the realm. Signing off."

Bretonian News Service - Channel 98 - Wolfs Ghost - 06-18-2010

[Image: Jeffdixon.jpg]

"Good Morning people of Bretonia! I'm Jeffery Dixon bringing you the latest in news from around the Kingdom."

The camera pans, and he shifts slightly

"Recent developments into the former Commander Austin Rodney Goodman, have been made to the public, and we are the first to bring them to you. The official word has been said that Commander Austin Goodman is enroute as we speak to planet New London, where he will stay in the infamous Tower of London until the time of his court martial."

"As of yet we do not have any detail as to when his trial will be schedule. But rest assured, citizens and people of Bretonia, we will bring it to you live when his trial does start! Stay tuned for more information. I'm Jeffery Dixon, bringing you the latest news from the Kingdom! Signing off."