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.86 mineral rush? - Printable Version

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.86 mineral rush? - Corsair - 06-06-2010

This was going to be a reply to "Are pirates getting dumber?" but it became too long and thread-worthy.

Pirates, like traders, maintain a constant shift of equilibrium. We hear a lot about the really bad parts of each side- unrealistic pirates, silent / 'kill me just a game' traders, and every variation in between. But you don't hear about the good pirates and cooperative traders nearly as much. It creates an image that the game is worse than it really is.

I can record times that both pirates and traders exploded in both activity and intelligence AND prime stupidity. I outright abused the system during the Pennsylvania Silver Rush. I had a Hogosha ganksquad full of Rabas just waiting for those silver ore transports. We demanded that each Raba (usually 2 or three at a time) were paid two million. Of course, we had those that could count, "Durr, fifty million minus six million leaves fourty-four million for me, hurr durr." and those that ended up filling our holds and giving the leftovers to local farmers for whatever they use silver for in the future.

And then you had the traders who came in freakin' fearsome convoys. Three or four Hegemons flanked by transports accompanied by fighters and bombers. Our Raba squad hit what we could and bugged out. Often times those convoys filled our holds, but we usually lost a member due to the sheer amount of gank they put on us. Outgank the gankers.

The point is, you need Stimuli to encourage development. This stimulus often also brings about a degeneration, bringing out the best and worst in people. My suggestion to the devs is that in the beginning of .86, make another massive mineral rush. Make it so insanely lucrative that we get the Pennsylvania experience again. But put a time limit on it this time. Less experimentation, more actual freeform style. But it needs to be in a place where you can't abuse the system like the Hogosha could. I'd say somewhere in the Taus/Omegas, where you have to dodge not only rival criminals, but now the Gallic forces and possibly military patrols.

.86 mineral rush? - Dusty Lens - 06-06-2010

So you say stimulus encourages growth eh?

*waggles eyebrows*

.86 mineral rush? - Lancelot9 - 06-06-2010

Yes I think this is a great idea. Not too disimilar to a long term event.

' Wrote:So you say stimulus encourages growth eh?

*waggles eyebrows*


.86 mineral rush? - dodike - 06-06-2010

The mining rush in Penny brought Q_Q but it also brought some fantastic things like Tremont, Aughust family, busy Kusari, huge convoys and so on

One of the best times I had on the server

.86 mineral rush? - Corsair - 06-06-2010

Dusty, Dusty, Dusty. Your attempts to bring sexual innuendo into my srsbsns dev thread have brought great lulz. Unfortunately, your wording now makes me imagine you as having a monobrow that can perform flawless wave-like movement. You could balance a marble on that ridge.

.86 mineral rush? - bobby - 06-06-2010

' Wrote:One of the best times I had on the server


.86 mineral rush? - Sprolf - 06-06-2010

I had my right-hand DSE member suffer a fairly severe heart attack from the amount of bull**** that went down in Pennsylvania. He doesn't play on GC anymore.

Corsair, you really don't know what you're talking about when say you want another one of these situations.

.86 mineral rush? - Sturmwind - 06-06-2010

' Wrote:I had my right-hand DSE member suffer a fairly severe heart attack from the amount of bull**** that went down in Pennsylvania. He doesn't play on GC anymore.

Corsair, you really don't know what you're talking about when say you want another one of these situations.

Actually, the exact same scenario is going on in Omega-7 currently, with probably even more drama attached.

I seriously wouldn't like another of these problems to occur somewhere else as well... although it may get some of the drama off our hands.

.86 mineral rush? - Sprolf - 06-06-2010

The drama going on in Omega-7 is of a slightly different nature, actually.
It's still quite unpleasant, however.

.86 mineral rush? - corvious - 06-06-2010

To put it up in the taus...

Well a large wave of defenseless miners should make certain elements up there lots of quick credits.