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Operation Duck Hunt - Printable Version

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Operation Duck Hunt - atlantis2112 - 06-07-2010

// Work in progress. Will be updated from both the [LN] and VR's members.

The majority of the pilots in the Vagrant Raiders were gathered on the briefing deck, on board the VCS-Metropolis. All were standing in circular pews around a central holographic image of the Raiders' attack plan. High Overlord John Petrucci stood in the middle, hands clasped behind his back.

"Raiders. As I am sure you are aware, we've been doing well lately. Our cardamine smuggling efforts have been redoubled, more and more fresh slaves are getting to the Maltese fields, and more and more orange is getting into the Libertonian population. We also have been striking many victories against Liberty: the destruction of several carriers and battlecruisers, winning fighter battles against the LPI to allow our transports to escape - all these things have pushed me to make a decision to take things to the next step. "

James LaBrie, Lower Overlord and assistant to John Petrucci, strolled out from the conference room.

"Mmmkay lackies. This is what's happening. We're going to take over a freakin' dreadnought. Why? Because it's a freakin' dreadnought - it has guns, documents, and we get to say 'We just took over a freakin' dreadnought!' Enough of this 'Hellfire's B-team'! We're gonna kick some butt on our own!

Operation Duck Hunt - Xavier.Fierceshot - 06-08-2010

Xavier Fierceshot stood in the back of the conference room, taking in James LaBrie's rant with little interest. His eyes darted along the holographic image of the attack plans, studying every detail he possibly could. Concealed behind his great mask, Fierceshot turned his head in the direction of the anxious bandits of whom he noticed were staring at him silently. Keeping his primary focus on the dreadnought's bridge, he couldn't help but grin as the bandits shifted around uneasily under the gaze of the mask.

He whispered to the bandits coarsely,

"Get your fear-filled eyes off of me... show some respect. The Lower Overlord is talking. If you find you're having a hard time paying attention, I can always gouge your eyes out."

The bandits let out a faint squeal, and quickly turned back to the debriefing. Xavier kept his eyes on them for a few brief moments to make sure they did as they were told. He caught one of them slowly turning their heads towards him, and with a gesture of his knife, stopped all desires of curiosity in its tracks.

Xavier glimpsed around the room without turning his head off of LaBrie. He noted John Petrucci staring outside into space as if he were looking for something... At that moment, Fierceshot felt a rare strike of sorrow as he was reminded the Novak twins were no longer with them. As quickly as the feeling had come, it was gone, and he turned back to the mission at hand.

Operation Duck Hunt - Charo - 06-08-2010

Barry walks into the room, surveying it with blank eyes. He decides on a seat in the back row, behind the Bandits. Barry falls into the chair, putting his feet up on the Bandit's head in the row before him, and leaning back in the chair,
vaguely listening to LaBrie. He looks into the row in front of him, and noticing Lina talking and giggling to Kane, he kicks her in the back of the head.

"Shut the hell up! You'll get your butt blown up out there if ya don't listen, and then you'll have Kane there all sad!"
Noting how she had a tear in her eye as she turned around, he looks back up to Petrucci as he stands up to continue his speech.

Operation Duck Hunt - Kazinsal - 06-08-2010

Kane looked behind him and glared at Barry for a second before making a slitting motion with his forefingers against his throat and pointing at Barry. Screw this up for anyone, Deviant, and I will make sure your life is a living hell, he thought to himself, conveying the thoughts with his eyes. He turned back around and sighed, then looked at Lina, whose eye appeared to be a little teary.

He put a hand on Lina's shoulder and began talking to her quietly again, while listening to Petrucci at the front of the room. He thought of Alexa and Dwight Novak, two great members of the Vagrant Raiders, and noticed a small tear roll down his eye. He wiped it off, quickly, regained his composure, and looked back at Petrucci, who began elaborating on the concept of "taking over a freakin' dreadnought", as LaBrie had so clearly and wonderfully put it.

Operation Duck Hunt - Xavier.Fierceshot - 06-09-2010

Xavier Fierceshot stood silently in the back of the room watching LaBrie. He heard a slam, and without moving his head caught Warlord Jada Zachary stroll into the room, fashionably-late of course. LaBrie's rant stopped briefly for a moment as he looked over at the source of the interruption. Jada walked directly up the steps to the center of the room without looking at LaBrie's rage-filled face.

Xavier thought to himself with a mild amusement,

"Hmph... that's my little queen b**** of the universe. Showing up late to a meeting, but taking no attitude from anyone. I like that..."

Xavier watched as Jada took her place next to Warlord Mike Portnoy. LaBrie cursed and muttered to himself silently, giving Jada the finger while her back was turned. Xavier caught her eye and nodded to her silently as LaBrie struggled to remember where he was...

After composing himself again, LaBrie started off where he was before the interruption...

Operation Duck Hunt - EviilScotsman - 06-09-2010

Paddy stumbles in late, smacking his head off the door. He is hardly dressed and is only wearing a pair of boots and shorts. He stumbles over to Barry clutching a crate of whiskey and trying to drink out of a already empty bottle. He reaches down and pats a Bandit across the face, giggling. He then stands up to his full height and looks around, noticing Labrie taking a rager. Paddy waves and shouts out,

"Mornin' La...*Hiccups*Brie! Did a' miss sumthin'?

Paddy reaches Barry and reaches down and headbutts him. He turns around and waves at Lina and Kane then slumps down in the seat next to him and rests his head on Barry's shoulder and drifts off to sleep.

Operation Duck Hunt - Aphil - 06-11-2010

Suddenly, the door opens violently and there stands a 7 Foot Tall Power Armoured Behemoth. Tango slowly walks into the room wearing his standard T-51B Power Armour. His T-51b sports fresh blood stains and his weapons appear to of been used recently.

"I had to deal with some problems."

Tango notices Paddy sleeping and he picks Paddy up by the neck and shakes him.

"Wake up!"

Tango then throws Paddy to the floor and proceeds to stand beside Xavier. He then shouts to LaBrie

"The hell did I miss?"

Operation Duck Hunt - Inquisitor Gaunt - 06-12-2010

Dwight entered the briefing room with nothing more than a grin, a J, and a boom-box playing Reggae. He took a draw, letting the smoke pour from his mouth before piping up.

"Sup, crackas?" he asked, without sting in his words, "I heard we was doin' somethin' and er- I had no idea what it was I am to learn!"

Operation Duck Hunt - atlantis2112 - 06-12-2010

James LaBrie's face was the perfect shade of beet-red. He pulled out his itinerary from his pocket and began to stomp up and down on it. He looked exasperatingly over at the Overlord,

"D'you see what I have to put UP WITH?!"

Petrucci continued to stare distantly out the window, only vaguely aware of LaBrie's ranting and rambling. Struggling to maintain some degree of sanity, James LaBrie picked up a datapad from the table. In just the right light, the reflection on the glass was not an image of James LaBrie's scarlet face, but of Alexa Novak's. LaBrie let out an almightly yell and threw the datapad straight up into the air. The audience hushed and watched it smash on the ground. Ashenfaced, LaBrie struggled to find a seat.

Petrucci rose to his feet, and moved towards the holographic display. A wireframe diagram of a standard Liberty Dreadnought apppeared.

"I believe you all have seen this ship, ladies and gentlemen. This is the LNS-Maryland. And we're going to take it over."

Operation Duck Hunt - Kazinsal - 06-12-2010

Kane's jaw dropped. He had heard of insane plans, such as the recent one that involved getting the Warlady piss drunk, but this one was certainly in the list of most insane.

"We're stealing... a frakking dreadnought..." he said, staring at Petrucci like the Overlord had put something in his morning cereal, and whatever it was, it wasn't cardamine. "The damn thing is fighter-proof, and we're going in there with a handful of Sabres and Bayonets to take the entire starship over? That's... that's..."

Kane thought for a moment before finding the correct word.
