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Junkers Agency - Sandero - 06-07-2010

[Image: junkeragency.png]

The Agency its a shady organization from Gallia. While they are sometimes called junkers because of the ships that look like made of scrap and their other occupation (gathering scrap metals), the agents are a well used spying tool. They sell information gathered from Sirius to the Gallic Royal Navy. They also act like a gallic bounty hunter group, fulfilling contracts given by gallic corporations and gallic lawful forces.

The leadership
Every year, they elect "democratically" a new leader. Well, he must be the highest ranked member of a Caste to be able to participate in the elections. The leader has full power in the Agency but he can be helped by a council made by all his Local Leaders. Those local leaders are the ones that can become leader each year. They have their position for life and and only the King can change them. There are currently three LLs, one for each system from the gallic Border Worlds where exists a junker base.

The headquarters
The largest Junker installation in Gallia, Bourg-en-Bresse is often considered the center of their operations in Gallia and even in all known space of Sirius. It's only partially true, since Junker leaders prefer to stay on Planet New Paris in luxury and safety.

The space port is the headquarters for the Border Worlds and recently, the Leader decided to leave New Paris and move here.

Tactics and ocupations
Infiltration is the most used tactic in the Agency. The agents managed to infiltrate in the Gallic Council, Zoners, Colonial Republic and more

Another tactic used by them is assassination. Targets given by the King or Gallic Corporations are usually killed in space.

Gathering scrap from debris fields is a well known occupation of the Agents but sometimes, they attack trade ships belonging to Maquis, Brigands, Union Corse or unlucky outsiders.

Support the King with information about the enemies of Gallia
Financial independence
Infiltrate as many groups and governments as possible
Regain control of Bourbon

Zone of Influence
The Tau Systems
Omicron 80
Omicron Alpha


Gallic Royal Navy (GRN|, +LE+)
Gallic Royal Police (GRP|)
Gallic Corporations (EFL-, IDF|, GMS-)


Everyone else

Maquis (Maquis|)
Gallic Brigands (FBG~)
Union Corse ([UC])

Used ships
Light Fighters:
UX-256 "Moonbeam" Gallic Civilian Light Fighter
[Image: 254px-Moonbeam-s.png]
"Gitano" Junker Light Fighter
[Image: 254px-Gitano-s.png]

Heavy Fighters:
UY -258 "Sunbeam" Gallic Civilian Heavy Fighter
[Image: 254px-Sunbeam-s.png]
"Bull Dog" Junker Heavy Fighter
[Image: 254px-BullDog-s.png]

Very Heavy Fighters:
"Collector" Junker Very Heavy Fighter
[Image: 254px-Collector-s.png]

Super Heavy Fighters:
"Recycler" Junker Super Heavy Fighter
[Image: 254px-Recycler-s.png]

Combat Service Vehicle (CSV)
[Image: 254px-CSV-s.png]
Junker Combat Service Freighter
[Image: 254px-CSF-s.png]

Junker Salvage Frigate (Salvager)
[Image: 254px-JunkerSalvageFrigate-s.png]
ME-UH "Vache" Gallic Train
[Image: 254px-Vache-s.png]

Used weapons
Junker technology
Gallic Civilian Technology (must remain in Gallia)
Codename technology
Civilian technology

Tag: )@(
ID/IFF: Junkers Guard
Naming convention: )@(First name.Second name (Caste initials);
Mine Runer: (MR)
Spies: (Sp)
Assassins: (A)
Infiltrators: (I)
Scrappers: (Sc)
Thiefs: (T)
e.g. )@(Maurice.Berne(A)

Junkers Agency - Sandero - 06-07-2010


Bourg-en-Bresse Space Port
[Image: 244px-Bourg-en-Bresse_Space_Port.jpg]
The largest Junker installation in Gallia, Bourg-en-Bresse is often considered the center of their operations in Gallia and even in all known space of Sirius. It's only partially true, since Junker leaders prefer to stay on Planet New Paris in luxury and safety. However, this space port is the largest Junker installation currently in existence, and certainly serves as the headquarters for all their activities in the Gallic Border Worlds. Built in 688-690 A.S,. after their previous base in Burgundy, Bourbon, was overtaken by Unione Corse, Bourg-en-Bresse has tough armor and advanced weapon systems, but enjoy relative safety since all factions in Gallia, lawful and unlawful, prefer to maintain neutral relations with the Junkers. Only exception are the Maquis, who were most probably encouraged to start a war against Junkers by the Council after the High Command became aware of the Junkers' espionage network established in Liberty, Bretonia, and Rheinland.

Mining Machinery

Consumer Goods
Platinum Ore
Scrap Metal

Lixheim Base
[Image: 244px-Lixheim.JPG]
Covert network of the Junkers exists not only in the Houses of Sirius. Once Gallic top officials received information about the Corsairs and the Outcasts, they wanted to learn more of the two groups. Narrow paths between mines were created that no stock ship could use, and special mine runners piloted by the most experienced Junkers were dispatched to transfer agents to Malta and information they collect back to Gallia. Lixheim, along with Lodeve, are the two stations where those mine runners are stationed.


Consumer Goods
Food Rations
Gate/Lane Parts
Mining Machinery
Platinum Ore
Ship Hull Panels

Lodeve Space Port
[Image: LodeveSpacePort.png]
A small installation of Junkers in the Languedoc system. Seemingly insignificant, this place is an importaint point of transit for information and materials that Junker agents from the Four Houses collect and send back to their homeland of Gallia.


Consumer Goods
Food Rations
Robotic Components
Ship Hull Panels


The Agency is devided into several Castes. Each Caste is lead by a Caste Senior and members of that Caste have the obligation to teach the youngsters.

Caste of the Mine Runners
[Image: 60px-Necromancer-tango-icon-200.png]
This one is formed of Junkers that bring back informations from Sirius. They are elite pilots and posses incredible fighting skills. If they get caught, they activate a device which makes their body to explode, takeing with them everything on a ten meters radius.

Caste of the Infiltrators
[Image: 60px-Ranger-tango-icon-200.png]
The Infiltrator is a tech-savvy warrior, able to win battles by quickly disabling and killing enemies. These soldiers focus on unlocking alternate routes, gaining access to good equipment, and obtaining an advantageous position over enemies in combat.

Caste of the Spies
[Image: 60px-Mesmer-tango-icon-200.png]
Espionage or spying involves an individual obtaining information that is considered secret or confidential without the permission of the holder of the information. Espionage is inherently clandestine, lest the legitimate holder of the information change plans or take other countermeasures once it is known that the information is in unauthorized hands.

Caste of the Assassins
[Image: 60px-Assassin-tango-icon-200.png]
The Assassin walks the shadows, a deadly viper ready to strike at the heart when the enemy least expects it, nowhere and everywhere all at once. Assassins are masters of their chosen weapon, the dagger, and are expert at inflicting Critical Strikes that cause massive damage. The Assassin is trained to efficiently link attacks together in a chain that does not give the enemy a chance to hit back. They have mastered the ability to move as shadows. A swift, silent master of shadows, daggers, and death. The Assassin can chain together increasingly deadly strikes that target a foe's critical areas, killing quickly and efficiently.

Caste of the Hunters
[Image: 60px-Warrior-tango-icon-200.png]
A hunter captures fugitives for a monetary reward (bounty). This cast is very important for the Agency, especially because sometimes deserters try to run to the enemy and deliver importnat information. The Hunters are here to prevent things like that.

Caste of the Scrappers
[Image: 60px-Elementalist-tango-icon-200.png]
The scrappers are the ones that search for scrap metals in the debris fields. Also, they can be seen searching the wrecks after battles.

Caste of the Thiefs
[Image: 60px-Ritualist-tango-icon-200.png]
The thiefs are no more than common pirates but they don't touch the Gallic corporations. A trader that met a thief can consider himself lucky since the thiefs are the only ones that let targets go if they pay.

Junkers Agency - bobby - 06-07-2010

Sounds cool, I was wondering when a Gallic Junker faction would pop up.
How much are you gonna move around in Sirius?
ID allows Kusari and Bretonia, are you going to utilise that regularly or just on special occasion?

Junkers Agency - Marcus Lindberg - 06-07-2010

I think Tenacity's already laid claim to a Gallic Junker faction, but I could be wrong.

Junkers Agency - Sandero - 06-07-2010

' Wrote:Sounds cool, I was wondering when a Gallic Junker faction would pop up.
How much are you gonna move around in Sirius?
ID allows Kusari and Bretonia, are you going to utilise that regularly or just on special occasion?

Gallia is in Sirius:P
I was thinking to send untagged ships in Bretonia/Kusari/Taus and gather intel. So, yes, I will spend some time in there too.

' Wrote:I think Tenacity's already laid claim to a Gallic Junker faction, but I could be wrong.

This is the first time I hear something about this. If Tena sees this, please PM me so we can discuss on the matter.

Junkers Agency - Serpentis - 06-07-2010

' Wrote:I think Tenacity's already laid claim to a Gallic Junker faction, but I could be wrong.

That was a good one!


No seriously..

Real funny..

Tena's group never was active and it was only him as far as I know.

So go for it!

Awesome idea Sandero! I think it will go great for you, but I think you need some.. Goals, so that you dont just sit around in Space going "Dooooh.."

Good luck!

Junkers Agency - Marcus Lindberg - 06-07-2010

' Wrote:That was a good one!

No seriously..

Real funny..
Tena's group never was active and it was only him as far as I know.
So go for it!

Well I never mentioned anything about his group being active, I just said he'd already presented a gallic junker faction before...

Anyways, on a more topic related note, whats your position with normal Sirius Junkers (like the Junker Congress), do you plan on exploiting and using them or just ignoring them?

Other than thats its pretty decent

Junkers Agency - Captain - 06-07-2010

' Wrote:Gallia is in Sirius:P

correction, Gallia is outside Sirius, if they would be sirrians they would hate themselfes, would be odd right?
it has been said somewhere before, Gallia is as far from sirius as sirius is from sol

Junkers Agency - Mao - 06-07-2010

Actually, Gallia really is in the Sirius Sector. Just look at the map... And the idea is... you can read thoughts or what?! I was thinking of this too...

Junkers Agency - Sandero - 06-07-2010

' Wrote:That was a good one!

No seriously..

Real funny..
Tena's group never was active and it was only him as far as I know.
So go for it!

Awesome idea Sandero! I think it will go great for you, but I think you need some.. Goals, so that you dont just sit around in Space going "Dooooh.."

Good luck!

Support the King with information about the enemies of Gallia
Financial independence
Infiltrate as many groups and governments as possible

' Wrote:Well I never mentioned anything about his group being active, I just said he'd already presented a gallic junker faction before...

Anyways, on a more topic related note, whats your position with normal Sirius Junkers (like the Junker Congress), do you plan on exploiting and using them or just ignoring them?

Other than thats its pretty decent

We will initiate diplomacy with the Congress. This is a grey area for me and I would like some help here. I don't know what's the "Sirian" junkers stance with the gauls in general... Anyway, we will want many things from the Congress.