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Ladies' Night Out, - Printable Version

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Ladies' Night Out, - Ophiuchi - 10-08-2007

The small, civilian-built Stinger locked onto Holman Control's signal, and slowly floated into Docking Bay 3.

Moira Kentigearna exited the cockpit and freed her long reddish tresses from the confines of her flight helmet.

She quickly proceeded to the Station bar, and looked about for the person she had come to meet. She immediately spied a young woman sitting in a booth in the corner, looking out-of-place and pensive.

The young woman rose as Moira approached her. Moira smiled and hugged the young girl to her breast. "Clover, lass! We finally meet in the flesh! We have a lot to discuss, dearie."

The two women sat at the booth again. Moira looked about to make sure there was no one close to overhear their conversation. She leaned towards Clover. "Have you heard anything from the fookin' KNF yet, lass?

Ladies' Night Out, - Jinx - 10-09-2007

Clover nipped her drink ( some colourful something with a lot of alcohol ), and produced a message with a broken seal that had once been a Kusari Naval Forces seal. In a conspirational tone, she whispered:

"its just a few days ago that i received this little baby here ( pointing at the letter ). It is a secret answer from the naval forces." eager to gather more information about that Moira leaned closer... "... so it appears that the KNF approves my request, but is yet unsure about the details. I guess they are going to demand quite a few things as conditions of trade, possibly an extra bribe and such. But i am certain that they are aware of the friendly terms we Gaians had with the Kusari ever since Bretonia initiated that war."

With glittering eyes she passed Moira the letter so she could read it herself. "However, lets not brag about it too much, once the Queen and her stooges are no more, we can parade it, but untill then, we ll lay low about that matter."

And so the night went on, with a few more drinks, a marvelous view outside of the bar window into the Tau-31 icefield with its shining ice fragments and a lot of talk about how the goverment would have to pay for their crimes they did to nature and after all, to their citizens aswell.

Ladies' Night Out, - Ophiuchi - 10-09-2007

Moira awoke to the throbbing of a mild hangover, and peered groggily at her small wrist implant.

"Damn and blast! I'm late!" She hurriedly showered and donned a clean flight suit. Her long hair still damp and dripping, she jogged to the docking bays, and found Clover already completing her pre-flights on the Civilian Eagle she flew.

Moira gave Clover a sisterly peck, and they both walked towards Moira's Stinger, beginning a once-over on it as well. "So, how do you suggest we proceed, Moira?" asked Clover.

"Well, here's the truth of it, Clover. Most men are contrary beasts. For some odd reason, "Western" men seem to prefer those tiny, doll-faced Kusaran women; while Kusaran men get all mushy over us "gaijin" women, due to our larger stature and.. well.. bosoms, to put it nicely.

"I brought a couple of bottles of potent gin I bought down on Canaria. I think we'll just walk by the guard shack at the Honshu Shipyard, all smiley and friendly, and chat up the guards a bit. We'll have no trouble convincin' them to have a wee drink with us, and we'll just keep pourin' and flirtin' until we get the desired results.. them bein' unconscious, and us havin' the run of the place."

"Ooh, I like it!" opined Clover. So we'll just steal our new ships, then?"

"No, Sis. I arranged to get some untraceable Credit Cards, which we'll leave in an envelope somewhere nice and visible. We don't want ol' Admiral Sulu to think we're petty thieves, now, do we? Shall we, then?"

Clover smiled and nodded, and trotted towards her Eagle as Moira climbed into the Stinger's cockpit.

Within minutes the two Gaian VHFs had lifted, and were streaking towards Tau 29, and Honshu.

Ladies' Night Out, - Jinx - 10-10-2007

With fiery engine trails the two small fighters headed towards the heart of Kusari. Not in a rush or anything, rather at travelling speed, one might say relaxed.
A small group of Outcasts that hacked the lane in Tau-31 were surprised when the two gaian ships took them out easily allthough they were outnumbered by 2. One of them got away, but there was no need to chase, more important matters would happen tonight than a few petty criminals that are looking for victims. And so the two fighters resumed the flight towards Tau-23.

Not a single ship was spotted all through Tau-23 as the women passed the freeport and then into Kusari space at nago station. Finally the jump into Kyushu.

The black sky expanded and made the planet kyushu stand out like a gleaming jewel on a velvet black cushion, clear space, - oh, the kusari must know how lucky they are. The two ships passed the first stationary military defenses of Kusari, flew past Kyushu, with its cobalt blue seas and green continents. "I will have to land there some day" thought Clover, "this is just so much more beautiful than any place in Bretonia"

stunned by the marvelous view the two ships proceeded to the jumphole to New Tokyo, the very core of all Kusari and so the last thing to be seen by the two gaian ships was the vanishing trail of the two little ships as the jumpgate worked its magic tonight... .

Ladies' Night Out, - Ophiuchi - 10-10-2007

Moira had become increasingly nervous as they approached the Planet Honshu docking ring.

Was this a trap? They had encountered only one KNF vessel during their flight, in New Tokyo. They had both hailed him, but had received no response.

They grounded their fighters at the far edge of the Honshu Spaceport, and Moira chose a run-down nondescript storage facility to house them in. The seedy-looking Kusari man had seemed very surprised when they paid him for six months' storage fees in advance. So surprised in fact, that he forgot to ask for their ID. As the man walked away to his office, Moira turned to Clover.

"Place those thermite charges as we discussed, lass. Make sure the black box and cockpit are nothin' but slag when they go off. I've set the timers for six hours, which should give us plenty o' time to charm the boys at the Naval Facility. We leave no traces for anyone of who we be, eh?"

The charges were placed, and the ladies set off towards the nearest gate to the Naval Yards. Soon they'd see just how awake the guards would be after a long and boring shift of watching their charges, a row of delicate but deadly new Kusari gunboats.

Ladies' Night Out, - Jinx - 10-12-2007

Clover war surprised when they strolled through the corridors towards the yards where the gunboats were parked. She had expected the typical guards and maybe some long and dark corridors - well the sort you get in leeds - where everything is rather dark.

but the Kusari facility was floated with light, and they did not encounter any more people on the way. It appeared that the workers down here were convinced that anyone that made it past the entrance just had a reason to be here. and its unwise to question people that look determined and important.

"i love the kusari attitude towards authority" said Clover to Moira. "not like Bretonia where even everyone feels the need to question your existance everywhere". But since chatting appeared not to be too popular here in that Kusari complex the two women remained quite not to attract too much attention.

finally they spotted the Gunboats. Perfectly fresh from the shipyard they were ready to be flown out into the vast space.

Initiating the thrusters the two ships ascended into the sky of Honshu. And again, there was no Navy around on all the way back to the secret Jumphole in Tau-31. "i don t think it was a trap" Clover said to Moira. "the KNF must have known we were coming, so they arranged it that way. And its pretty clever, cause we got the ships as it was promised and the KNF doesn t loose face for selling to Gaians"

appears the KNF are pretty smart. "Two Gunboats gone from the yards in Honshu, stolen as it seems. but the Kusari statute of secrecy will not make this incident public. Since they arranged no one to be around at that time, there is no evidence of that theft also." clover said as the two gaians jumped into the neutral space of Tau-31.

Ladies' Night Out, - Ophiuchi - 10-12-2007

"Neutral, my Tooshy!" screamed Moira, as multiple alarms jangled on the bridge of the Kusari gunboat.

Moira was jogging back and forth in haste. A gunboat was not meant to be crewed by a single person, let alone by one who had only set foot aboard a few hours ago. The long-range HUD was indicating not only Bretonian Templars near the Leeds Jump Gate, but also a squadron of Planetform ships inbound from Planet Harris.

"Break from the lane, Clover. We'll evade these cookies by takin' a wee shortcut through Dundee!"

Moira watched on short-range as Clover's ship broke slightly late, and came about to follow her through the thick field of ice shards. She dead-reckoned the location of the Dundee hole, and brought the bucking gunboat up to cruise speed.

"I don't think they're following, Moira!" Clover's voice sounded as frazzled as Moira felt. If they could just get through Dundee without encountering any of those nasty Bret patrols, they'd be home safe in Edinburgh once again, and could hire some decent tars to help fly these new ships.

"Hang on, girl! There's the hole, and we're goin' in Hell-bent fer breakfast!"